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Indian navy, one of the strongest in the world: Navy chief.

LOL India can't even make one single modern warship on its own without Russian or other foreign help.

LOL the whole Chineese military hardware is either a copy or modification of other Russian weapons . WHATS YOUR POINT GENIUS have you done any mental work B4 posting or just thought B4 signing In thats lets bash India 2day?

On topic I didn't even read the whole thing as I know we are a capable navy but surely not one of the strongest.
LOL India can't even make one single modern warship on its own without Russian or other foreign help.
hello !!!I was wondering when you would show up!! yessir you are very right... we did not build shivalik class frigates... we don't even know who gave the absurd idea that IAC was ours... Arihant is stolen martian tech.... WE apologize... stealing is a crime!! not my mistake if you din't catch the sarcasm :)
on a serious note : yes we do have consultancy but it's not like their tech is given to us .....
have a nice day:)
Please correct me if i am wrong but i think aircraft carriers are not the true strength of a navy , It is the nuke submaries with ICBMs that is most potent ! Isn't Aircraft carriers sitting ducks for supersonic or hyper sonic cruise missiles and submarine attacks !

How does Aircraft carriers stand in todays scenario where missiles are so potent and advanced !advise ?
^^^^you are correct to an extent but an aircraft carrier never ventures out alone it goes with CBG which have frigates/destroyers equipped with AA defences..... and corvettes (sub hunting) .... sometimes they are also escorted by subs (all of USN's acc are escorted by boomers). In a war nukes are never the first option.... sometimes it's not an option at all!! it is just for deterrance.... any one in their right mind would not use it ....triggering a nuke war with deadly results for all the neighbourhood....

ACC are for portraying/projecting power..... ACC's can be very lethal ... they can deploy a/c to bring down ports... or CATOBAR ACCs can be used to deploy AWACS or other recon a/cs .... they have their pros and cons
lol china cant even make a motor bike of its own without copying it from our Bajaj pulsar :)
Even my iPhone crapped up in less than a week! Why? Because it was made in China!! Jeeez! :cheesy:

Ok, on topic. The Indian Navy is the 4th most powerful in the world and currently has around 170 major vessels in commission, including the aircraft carrier INS Viraat, along with operational jet fighters. However, the word 'powerful' has different connotations. It's all about Quality Vs Quantity.
not now.... but may be in futur india can... why naval chief is giving such type of idiotic statements?
Why??Just read up the question he was asked-where does IN stand in regard to PN?What else he should have answered??Would you been happy if he had told something like 'PN is nothing against us and we can blow them out any time any where'??Huh?
Even my iPhone crapped up in less than a week! Why? Because it was made in China!! Jeeez! :cheesy:

Ok, on topic. The Indian Navy is the 4th most powerful in the world and currently has around 170 major vessels in commission, including the aircraft carrier INS Viraat, along with operational jet fighters.

With 40 or so warships under various stages of completion and 80-90 more ships on order.It's high time that the capability of private majors like ABG ship builders,L&T etc being utilysed.But biggest problem here is that of their inexperience in warship building.
And China cant make a weapon with out copying;)
we made a nuke sub and making aircraft carrier and still u r in dreams :P

what are you for real? your nuke sub is a rip-off soviet 1950s standard one but without engine``lol, you show it just to make your face look better, and you have zero experience of building mega ton cargo ships let alone more complicated AC, no wonder your sorry country has to buy blueprint, materials, tools and equipments DIRECTLY from foreign countries, and due to the nature of indian business and working ethics you wanted to copy them but failed as usual`sad.

lets take a look at your sorry defence industry

INSAS assault rifle, a failed copy of AK-47, FN FAL and HK G3

LCA, a failed copy of Mirage-2000 and Saab SA-37

Arjun tank, a failed copy of Lepord II

these are the only things that you labled as 'indigenious' and the rest of your sorry defense kits are the direct import from western countries and russia including from as small as ammunitions to ships.

so the only thing india can brag about is the low tech reqirement of call-centers which are called the 'incredible' IT power house by your media and government
Even my iPhone crapped up in less than a week! Why? Because it was made in China!! Jeeez! :cheesy:

Ok, on topic. The Indian Navy is the 4th most powerful in the world and currently has around 170 major vessels in commission, including the aircraft carrier INS Viraat, along with operational jet fighters.

With 40 or so warships under various stages of completion and 80-90 more ships on order.It's high time that the capability of private majors like ABG ship builders,L&T etc being utilysed.But biggest problem here is that of their inexperience in warship building.

on that front Pipavav one of the largest Indian private shipbuilding yard is working with UK based company to get some expertise in building warships. They have got a license for building 4-5 warships a year.
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