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Indian Navy inducts nuclear submarine INS Chakra

My friend who go often to India, can't stop talking about it, no I have time off work will be the best time to go, whats the weather like end of the year?
I think all your quiries and questions will be answered in a seperate thread:tup: . Lets keep this thread clean
Arihant class is quite primitive.. it is single hull whereas most countries have long shifted to double hulls... Also, the diving depth of arihant is very poor... armament capability is rudimentary..

Its not a single hulled submarine. There is an Inner pressurized hull which means its duel hulled too and its by far the longest of Submarines in the INS fleet. The test depth of Virginia class Submarine is just 240 meters where as for INS Arihant its 300 (Estimated) . Armament capability is dependent on the Armament not the vessel, the carrying capability is low because of its nano nature.
Arihant class is quite primitive.. it is single hull whereas most countries have long shifted to double hulls... Also, the diving depth of arihant is very poor... armament capability is rudimentary..

Only Russia has Double Hulled. Typhoon and Delta Class AFAIK. That too because the Soviet Doctrine required to retiliate a Nuclear Attack by firing SLBMs submerged under the Arcitic Ice. To survive those conditions, Soviets made them Double Hulled.

Arihant is atleast a Couple of Generations behind Ohio and Borei Class.
Is there a plan to lease one more nuclear sub from Russia, if yes than when can it be expected to join the navy?

actually the plan was to induct 2 akula submarines..but it was dropped later..
few images of INS Chakra.... enjoy guys..





Exactly my point, it's amazing for an outsider like me and the rest of the world to see India rise when they are surrounded by nations that would like nothing but to destroy them. It's a lot like Israel as well, no wonder India and Israel are getting so close they both face similar situations, simply amazing, I am planning to come to India with my wife and kids end of the year. But I can;t start a thread yet, I have so many questions to ask.

Let us know when you plan to visit India. Between all of us Indians here, we can help you to plan and set up your visit. Much to see and do in India.

On-topic: the induction of INS Chakra into the Indian Navy is great step forward for the IN and India. It will help the IN to test and validate their strategic plans in the region apart from gaining hands-on experience of operating Nuclear subs. As far as the lease option on another Akula is concerned, AFAIK it still stands. However it may really get crystallised only around the time INS Arihant is commisioned. And the decision will be taken factoring in the changing scenario in the region (including the change of leadership in Beijing and its consequences), in the meanwhile the work on S-2 and S-3 is moving steadily. Though there is a distinct possibility that those boats may get optimised, depending on the experience with INS Arihant and operations with INS Chakra.
Well done India, really happy from a personal point of view that India is starting to arrive on center stage, we need more peaceful nations like India to lead the world, take your time you will get there, in only 63 years India has risen so much, massive respect to you country. :cheers:

Well done, Russia for making money from the Indians !!!
Or money at the expense of the average poor Indians who are starving.

Why all Pakistani started talking about poor Indians when India buy something which Pakistan cant even dream about.....When you bought F16 ..did you think about your people who are starving.....
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