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Indian named DEEPAK caught on tape sexually harassing a Korean tourist

Bruh are these Indians retarded? Y'all really think that if you whip out your little weiner, girls would just go crazy?

Lmfao 🤣
Bruh are these Indians retarded? Y'all really think that if you whip out your little weiner, girls would just go crazy?

Lmfao 🤣

I am pretty certain there is some jail time reserved in Indian penal code for "Indecent Exposure" or "Lewd Exposure".

In the US - it is a felony in most states and punishable by at least six months in jail.

Indian cops are like neutered people, they are too lazy to apply the law written in the books to protect innocent victims of indecent exposure, even if you do a GD at the local police station.

OTOH, try to eat some beef in your home, and see what happens.....cow vigilantes and police will arrive together in no time flat.
What the f is going on India?!

Ok,first things first: Countries should strongly issue travel warnings to anyone travelling there.

Second,simply don't be a bimbo who thinks it's a "romantic place" like they show in Bollywood movies or old Victorian era stories about the Indian subcontinent.

Third,don't be an idiot who thinks she knows better and tries to prove she is not racist....and go alone without at least one or two males or travel without a group and a guide.

And in conclusion..........why would you wanna go to India? Can't you type on google "India visit dangers" ?
What the f is going on India?!

Ok,first things first: Countries should strongly issue travel warnings to anyone travelling there.

Second,simply don't be a bimbo who thinks it's a "romantic place" like they show in Bollywood movies or old Victorian era stories about the Indian subcontinent.

Third,don't be an idiot who thinks she knows better and tries to prove she is not racist....and go alone without at least one or two males or travel without a group and a guide.

And in conclusion..........why would you wanna go to India? Can't you type on google "India visit dangers" ?

I have been following the rape surge in India. I don't understand who is willing to let their citizens into India they need wake up call. They see all of this Yoga commercials..

I have heard about a British guy getting overpowered to take his girl and then proceeded to gangbang her in a popular tourist destination.

They are raping dogs man and I kid you not because the dog raping is also trending side by side with the rape surge
Last time, Indians were quick to single out those Indian Muslims who harassed a Korean girl, yet now I am not seeing them saying anything about this guy's religion on the same sites.
This is an Indian problem.
Even their Hindu women are involved. Did u see the 12 year old Muslim girl who was stripped naked and told to chant ram ram. It was women doing the bidding.

Malaka what the f? These people are like horny dogs who hump every lamp post and chair they find.
It's totally unaacepble behaviour. People know about India not being safe for women to travel alone. It beggers belief they still do it. One has to question the tourist as well
I know rape happens in every country but there is something about repressed and frustrated like-minded men especially indian men hanging around in packs looking for victims that makes me especially sick- its like the news stories give more of them ideas because it is happening more often now.What I dont get is why westerners keep going there especially lone women- dont they watch the news or read the papers? a woman has been attacked even when her husband is there- one man cant protect you against 6-
Is this the same Korean Lady Vlogger who was saved in Mumbai recently?

I believe she wandered into a disrepute area by mistake.
The woman is also an idiot for traveling alone in a country known to be unsafe.
I know rape happens in every country but there is something about repressed and frustrated like-minded men especially indian men hanging around in packs looking for victims that makes me especially sick- its like the news stories give more of them ideas because it is happening more often now.What I dont get is why westerners keep going there especially lone women- dont they watch the news or read the papers? a woman has been attacked even when her husband is there- one man cant protect you against 6-
The male to female ratio was very skewed in India when female fetus were terminated in preference to boys. I am not sure if this is still the case. I remember one school in Rajestan had a 1000 pupils but only one girl. So you can imagine the frustration.
When Indian can gang rape this creature, they can harass or rape any thing

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