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Indian named DEEPAK caught on tape sexually harassing a Korean tourist

When Indian can gang rape this creature, they can harass or rape any thing

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Dogs are getting raped on daily forget lizards India is one hell'va dangerous place and a major mental institution now
To look at Muslim architecture. Despite all those temples Hs will endlessly list, tourists are still more interested in evil Muslim masjid, Palaces, and forts than pajeet shivling temple No. 2611
Still the Islamic architecture in India is no where close or beautiful as Iran, Turkey, Spain, Morocco, Uzbekistan etc. Even most parts of Pakistan are touristy but our issue is we haven't preserved or marketed all that well.
This is an Indian problem.
Even their Hindu women are involved. Did u see the 12 year old Muslim girl who was stripped naked and told to chant ram ram. It was women doing the bidding.
Their women are just as worse often calling for rapes of Muslim women. Wtf man!

When Indian can gang rape this creature, they can harass or rape any thing

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That lizard got that good wet wet
-Rapey Indians

This is an Indian problem.
Even their Hindu women are involved. Did u see the 12 year old Muslim girl who was stripped naked and told to chant ram ram. It was women doing the bidding.

It's totally unaacepble behaviour. People know about India not being safe for women to travel alone. It beggers belief they still do it. One has to question the tourist as well

"Incredible India" indeed.....langotis galore....

Ask Indian women themselves how safe their cities are for women.

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