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Indian named DEEPAK caught on tape sexually harassing a Korean tourist

Bro why are governments still allowing their citizens to visit India in 2023 are you kidding me or are they dumb? They putting their citizens at major risk.

You have no idea the amount Europeans, Chinese, Iranians, Singaporeans, Turkish, British, Scandivians, Americans, Japanese, French, Swiss and all other tourist that has been raped only in the last 5 years.

There is a rape pandemic going on in India and in same cases they take the female at gun point from her husband they won't stop at anything.

I have been following the rape phenonemon in India and I can tell that it is pandemic and trending currently.

If that bubbly innocent girl gets abused or raped the blame is solely with the Korean gov't allowing their fellow citizens into a notoriously dangerous territory known for rape
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Pajeet bhi like : Thats how we do it in india babyyyyy
View attachment 925420


They even infected Dalai Lama...
Bro why are governments still allowing their citizens to visit India in 2023 are you kidding me or are they dumb? They putting their citizens at major risk.

You have no idea the amount Europeans, Chinese, Iranians, Singaporeans, Turkish, British, Scandivians, Americans, Japanese, French, Swiss and all other tourist that has been raped only in the last 5 years.

There is a rape pandemic going on in India and in same cases they take the female at gun point from her husband they won't stop at anything.

I have been following the rape phenonemon in India and I can tell that it is pandemic and trending currently.

If that bubbly innocent girl gets abused or raped the blame is solely with the Korean gov't allowing their fellow citizens into a notoriously dangerous territory known for rape

They are intentionally playing India's incredible rape problem down. They have been doing this for many years. It is no secret to many why they do this. India is their supposed saviour against China.
I just don't get what the hell the perverted guy was thinking that he's gonna just take out little lulli and the girl is just gonna get on her knees? Like do these guys even think?

He one had one thing on his mind.....Bobs & Vagene my friend, Bobs & Vagene.
As a tourist destination,all nations should have mandatory caution statements regarding women's safety in india .

India is a primitive society,it's not safe for advanced nation's folks.
His name is Deepak Jalani.

He is a Sindhi Refugee living in Rajasthan.
@El Sidd

Yeah he should take refuge in Somnath Mandir and wait for the rescue attempt by Sindhudeshi Republican Army. In the meantime he can document all the treasures of the temple.
Why people go to India?
right question, i would not blame this pajeet to much, it is his natural habitat and way of behaving, on the other hand this girl was more then couple of days among pajeets so she had enough time to figure out what kind of depraved society she stepped in.
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Last time, Indians were quick to single out those Indian Muslims who harassed a Korean girl, yet now I am not seeing them saying anything about this guy's religion on the same sites.
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