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Indian Muslims Under Attack


Nov 9, 2016
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This is what happened in Assam today. Shall we see UNHRC raising voice against such violence?


Indian police are prosecuting Muslim's in Assam, the government has demolished the houses 800 Muslim people with no place to live, police opened fire today killing 3 people and injuring dozens of Muslim.


There are growing concerns that marginalisation of the Muslim community in India would give rise to an Intifada.

Every major metropolis in the world is full with talks of how to resist such barbaric violence against the faithful community.
This is what happened in Assam today. Shall we see UNHRC raising voice against such violence?

View attachment 779745

Indian police are prosecuting Muslim's in Assam, the government has demolished the houses 800 Muslim people with no place to live, police opened fire today killing 3 people and injuring dozens of Muslim.

View attachment 779744

Uncivilized rats. Hopefully Corona makes shot work on these rodents.
here comes a typical RSS apologist. instead of condemning the act u just started comparison
it's not a tit-for-tat issue. we can see the similarities in the atrocities and can condemn them both. Its very important that we all do this, otherwise we will have revenge attacks till infinitum. It's better to make peace and trade.
I don't think you have to be Muslim or Hindu to know that this is wrong. I'm Hindu and I'm seeing no difference between what is happening here and what the Talibs are doing to the Hazaras right now. I might be Nominally Hindu, but we are all Human Beings first and we all know that this is wrong.
a typical modi bhakt with pea brain. mate u just compared ur supa powa worlds largest democracy with taliban who u dont even consider humans. just condemn the act and move on.
it's not a tit-for-tat issue. we can see the similarities in the atrocities and can condemn them both. Its very important that we all do this, otherwise we will have revenge attacks till infinitum. It's better to make peace and trade.
u urself just turned this thread into a tit-for-tat issue. do u even think before u speak??????
a typical modi bhakt with pea brain. mate u just compared ur supa powa worlds largest democracy with taliban who u dont even consider humans. just condemn the act and move on.
^ This is the kind of attitude that keeps us at each other's throats, spiraling into revenge killings on revenge attacks. be careful what you wish for, you might just get it. I want the world to be a better place. War only brings destruction, peace, and reconciliation is the only path to prosperity.
Sectarian violence. Just as bad as the Taliban.
When was the last time you saw Taliban slaughtering people in streets less being Hindus, Hazaras or even their political opponents in Tajik community?
I don't think you have to be Muslim or Hindu to know that this is wrong. I'm Hindu and I'm seeing no difference between what is happening here and what the Talibs are doing to the Hazaras right now. I might be Nominally Hindu, but we are all Human Beings first and we all know that this is wrong.
When was the last time you saw Taliban slaughtering people in streets less being Hindus, Hazaras or even their political opponents in Tajik community?
Pakistan should extend a law similar to CAA and ask Muslims to come to your country. Then show us the deluge of muslims applying for asylum to show to the world how bad it is for muslims in India. Please walk the talk.

Otherwise, India always had communal violence at some part of the country or the other but majority of people from both communities live peacefully and coexist. I think those who think their religion comes before their country should emigrate as India of the present and future will not accommodate such ideologies.
When was the last time you saw Taliban slaughtering people in streets less being Hindus, Hazaras or even their political opponents in Tajik community?
I think those who think their religion comes before their country should emigrate as India of the present and future will not accommodate such ideologies.
And which country are you suggesting for Modi and RSS goons to migrate?
I don't think you have to be Muslim or Hindu to know that this is wrong. I'm Hindu and I'm seeing no difference between what is happening here and what the Talibs are doing to the Hazaras right now. I might be Nominally Hindu, but we are all Human Beings first and we all know that this is wrong.

Taliban isn't doing anything to Hazaras right now tho
Pakistan should extend a law similar to CAA and ask Muslims to come to your country. Then show us the deluge of muslims applying for asylum to show to the world how bad it is for muslims in India. Please walk the talk.

Otherwise, India always had communal violence at some part of the country or the other but majority of people from both communities live peacefully and coexist. I think those who think their religion comes before their country should emigrate as India of the present and future will not accommodate such ideologies.

Pakistan was made for Muslims under British Raj rule, India never made it explicit that it was a "Hindu country". But, how did this thread turn into CAA laws and Taliban 😂 😂
So after manufacturing fake news/spreading misinformation the Hindutva media/cameramen are involved in pogroms too?
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