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Indian Muslim women can travel for Hajj without ‘mahram’: PM Modi

I don't get what the fuss is all about.

The democratically elected supreme leader of a sovereign nation makes a statement and a policy impacting his own people and making life easier for them.

What has religion to do with it? In the setting of a secular nation state?

Islam or any other religion can and will have their own rules I'm sure.

But within the boundaries of India, the Indian writ shall be supreme. Over all.

Just recently the SC overturned the religious rules of us Parsis.

Did anyone see us beating our collective bossoms in lament?

Get a life some of you ... !

Cheers, Doc

One cannot do Hajj in India so this Indian law is not only meaningless but illegal too. Indian government does not have jurisdiction. This is for Muslims to decide.
One cannot do Hajj in India so this Indian law is not only meaningless but illegal too. Indian government does not have jurisdiction. This is for Muslims to decide.

Maybe you've not understood the PM's statement and are reacting at the perceived slight to Islam and Muslims in general.

Mr Modi was speaking about Indian women traveling to the Haj from India.

That is something ONLY India decides.

Not any Arab.

Cheers, Doc
Maybe you've not understood the PM's statement and are reacting at the perceived slight to Islam and Muslims in general.

Mr Modi was speaking about Indian women traveling to the Haj from India.

That is something ONLY India decides.

Not any Arab.

Cheers, Doc


This akin to saying India would allow people to travel to US. Guess what you cannot board the flight without having a US visa. Having Indian passport has no value.

In this case it is Muslims and Saudi Arabia which has to make a decision. Not Modi.

This akin to saying India would allow people to travel to US. Guess what you cannot board the flight without having a US visa. Having Indian passport has no value.

In this case it is Muslims and Saudi Arabia which has to make a decision. Not Modi.


You cannot get a Visa without a Passport.

See which came first? The chicken or the egg.

Cheers, Doc

You cannot get a Visa without a Passport.

See which came first? The chicken or the egg.

Cheers, Doc

I expected you would come up with such nonsense. And you didn't disappoint.

Yes. You need a passport. That passport would be given by male member of her family in the form of an affidavit not by government of India. Modi cannot sign affidavits for these women.
I expected you would come up with such nonsense. And you didn't disappoint.

Yes. You need a passport. That passport would be given by male member of her family in the form of an affidavit not by government of India. Modi cannot sign affidavits for these women.


Indian Passports are issued by male Indian Muslims.

I just killed a few hundred brain cells there.

Cheers, Doc

Indian Passports are issued by male Indian Muslims.

I just killed a few hundred brain cells there.

Cheers, Doc

This law is not about issuing Indian passports you idiot. First learn and understand the topic at hand before jumping in.
This law is not about issuing Indian passports you idiot. First learn and understand the topic at hand before jumping in.

Please use that sort of language with your pop.

He'd be used to it. I'm not.

I'm Parsi. And Indian.

Cheers, Doc
there is no hujj and umrah without muhram and KSA did not issue a visa to single women . its clear cut islamic rule .
You guys don't get the game plan. We will permit any number of women but it is for the Islamic world to accept them or not.

The more they reject the more dissatisfaction with Islam in India. Two Birds in One Stone :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:
so many hindu terrorists on this thread

PS Modi the chai wala will get a nice slap on his face when he finds out KSA will be deporting all these women on the next flight back to India from the Airport after turning up for Hajj without a mahram.

Islamic rules >>>>> Modi the dumbo
Who is Dumbo here. LOL!!!

You guys don't get the game plan. We will permit any number of women but it is for the Islamic world to accept them or not.

The more they reject the more dissatisfaction with Islam in India. Two Birds in One Stone :azn::azn::azn::azn::azn:

LOL don’t convince us rapist. You gotta deal with Saudi Arabia.

We know you voted for the Palestinians and backstabbed Israel. That doesn’t give you the license to change rules of Hajj.
I am replying the same for the nth time.

You guys don't get the game plan. We want this to happen. LOL!!!!
LOL mufti Modi now bending Islamic rules. What is this world coming to... I wonder if Saudi Arabia is going to make an exception to mufti Modi’s new rules LOL
Saudi Arabia already changed so called rule... Every religious laws will change on course of time...
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