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indian Muslim Have No Representation In indian Parliament BJP LEADER SAID

So its not true that Indian muslims are deprived off their rights...well hindus which are not giving even equal rights to their own lower caste hindus Caste-related violence in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia how can you expect them to give rights to muslims....

All this proves not only two nation theory also the dirty minds of hindus elite...which are inreality miles away from any transparency and democracy of any kind but likes to boast so in world forums....

People from Islamic Republic of Pakistan should not talk about communalization. As communalism is embedded in their very country's name ..everything from their constitution to their national flag reeks of communal inequality and segregation based on ones religion.

Pakistan is country which was created on bases communal hate and not secular ideals. So please save your lectures for us until you have the civility to declare your nation a constitutionally secular nation.

India has miserably failed in giving its minorities equal rights. India must take some action in this regard and try and change things. The representation of Muslims in governance and in the lok sabha has always been a matter of grave concern.

Despite being 14% of the population Muslims in India do not even make 10% of the parliament. Clearly a great amount of discrimination exists. Plus the number of Muslims in jails are in higher proportion to their population.

Another thing taking place against Muslims is the illegal arrests of Muslims:

Group Supports Muslims in Indian Parliament

By the way I have personally seen/known about the arrests of innocent Muslims in Hyderabad. The POTA have become a tool for the arrest and torture of innocent Muslims in Indian jails.

People from Islamic Republic of Pakistan should not talk about communalization. As communalism is embedded in their very country's name ..everything from their constitution to their national flag reeks of communal inequality and segregation based on ones religion.

Pakistan is country which was created on bases communal hate and not secular ideals. So please save your lectures for us until you have the civility to declare your nation a constitutionally secular nation.
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