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@abuzulfiquar I thought was a Pashtun and a Sunni like all Pashtuns.

@Abu Zolfiqar is a shia pashtun from turi tribe. Half of bangash and portion of orakzai tribe are also shias.
The best shia pashtuns that i have interacted with, are orakzais. Orakzais take pride in being pashtuns and wont hesitate in having social interactions with sunni pashtuns.
Turis on the other hand are too much into shiaism and are resentful of sunnis , keep distance from them and care less about pashtuniyat. If you study their history, you will find out that they were turkic people who migrated from iran, settled as vassal tribe of pashtuns and then claimed the area by conquest. They affiliate themeselves with iran rather than afghanistan.
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That isn't entirely inaccurate actually. If you're talking about the older generations.

The whole "don't interact with them" rhetoric coming from people with ideals such as yours however were more reserved for the talebanic shmucks who came about in 1990s generation. Mostly young confused kids who didn't even secure even a matric education and were taught to cling onto backards tribalism and sectarianisms.

By the way - Bangash and Turri tribes share a great deal in common; share the same villages and they intermarry. I think you forgot that Bangash are of mixed sect - so automatically that puts your brilliant "theory" down the gutter along with the other xenophobic trash coming from your keyboard.

Good luck and may God be with you young lad.
That isn't entirely inaccurate actually. If you're talking about the older generations.

The whole "don't interact with them" rhetoric coming from people with ideals such as yours however were more reserved for the talebanic shmucks who came about in 1990s generation. Mostly young confused kids who didn't even secure even a matric education and were taught to cling onto backards tribalism and sectarianisms.

By the way - Bangash and Turri tribes share a great deal in common; share the same villages and they intermarry. I think you forgot that Bangash are of mixed sect - so automatically that puts your brilliant "theory" down the gutter along with the other xenophobic trash coming from your keyboard.

Good luck and may God be with you young lad.

You should read posts with attention and concentration, i already said half of the bangash are shias. Your own turis claim to be turkic shias from iran, so dont curse me. Bangash are karlanris and intermarraige with them has nothing to do with common ancestry. Shias tend to marry within their own shia community. Your turis not only marry with bangash but also with shias of punjab, sindh and with hazara community. Obviously you dont know about these things because you are a city boy of burger class who has baray-e-naam connection with tribal areas and pashtun roots.
You should read posts with attention and concentration, i already said half of the bangash are shias. Your own turis claim to be turkic shias from iran, so dont curse me. Bangash are karlanris and intermarraige with them has nothing to do with common ancestry. Shias tend to marry within their own shia community. Your turis not only marry with bangash but also with shias of punjab, sindh and with hazara community. Obviously you dont know about these things because you are a city boy of burger class who has baray-e-naam connection with tribal areas and pashtun roots.

I love the term burger khor,we have similar names in India for the fast food junkies,cultural ones too.
He pretends to be tough but he is burger-warrior whose weapon of choice is water gun :) (just joking, dont flare up zolfiqar baba)

Still remembers his boasting about going to kill some Afghanistanis with his bare hands in the border areas after he completed his MBA from US :lol: I fell off the chair laughing :angel:
He pretends to be tough but he is burger-warrior whose weapon of choice is water gun :) (just joking, dont flare up zolfiqar baba)

Raz pak is the biggest burger khor,my good friend and ex paf pilot,malik awan from pindi told me that again just bark,I told that here and raz pak was so pissed he made three posts about it.

Still remembers his boasting about going to kill some Afghanistanis with his bare hands in the border areas after he completed his MBA from US :lol: I fell off the chair laughing :angel:

He is MBA student yet he prentends to be a big shot in army and claims that he has survived an IED blast from taliban when he was riding in army jeep....it seems he is too much into world of video games.
He is from burger family of islamabad, they are cute and softies. He has no idea about physical strength of a common Afghan which he often mocks for point scoring in this forum. By mentioning again and again that he is from tribal areas , he is trying to convince us that he is a tough guy while the reality is tribal people are not supermen. They are tough because they live in tough , harsh and violent enviroment while our zolfiqar baba grew up in islamabad. Tribal kid play with slingshot and indulge in physical fights for fun while our zolfiqar was playing with toy cars and water gun and he was very cute and disciplined kid.
You should read posts with attention and concentration, i already said half of the bangash are shias. Your own turis claim to be turkic shias from iran, so dont curse me. Bangash are karlanris and intermarraige with them has nothing to do with common ancestry. Shias tend to marry within their own shia community. Your turis not only marry with bangash but also with shias of punjab, sindh and with hazara community. Obviously you dont know about these things because you are a city boy of burger class who has baray-e-naam connection with tribal areas and pashtun roots.

more banter coming from a cancerous member of this forum

it is your right though to post your views, i cant stop you kid.

now excuse me, all this talk of burgers has me wanting to cook one up for some late night dinner

p.s. have you ever been to the tribal areas?

i'm glad PDF has afforded you a place to rant and ramble like a kid without a mother

Still remembers his boasting about going to kill some Afghanistanis with his bare hands in the border areas after he completed his MBA from US :lol: I fell off the chair laughing :angel:

locate the post where i said that :laugh:

what i did say was that we DID engage with afghans and 3 arab-speaking jeehadis during a prison break in which they crossed over across pewar valley.

and we DID kill them. (17 in all)

your way of attacking me is saying "he is MBA student" as if this means I've broken a law or something. Sorry I'm educated and work for a living and I'm sorry you still sleep on a chaar pai and live off refugee money provided to you. So much for "honour" :laugh:
He is from burger family of islamabad, they are cute and softies. He has no idea about physical strength of a common Afghan which he often mocks for point scoring in this forum.

Tribal kid play with slingshot and indulge in physical fights for fun while our zolfiqar was playing with toy cars and water gun and he was very cute and disciplined kid.

:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:


Zama "burger" khorak sta talebano ghwakhay na razi lekin agha "burger" dumra bad maza wo che ma agha sta ustaad ta wapas ko che kam 'bacha bazi' kayi 24 ghantay.

Ustaad "burger" khwakh sho.

Ma ghulail khwakh wi lekin sta pashan khalako ta 2 laasona aur da lohay chapal pa ghakhoonay banday warki nu sai ba wi. Khula da khulaas ka che sam da kom. Zama mazgha ma khora peera. Ta ma na pejande.

DA PAKISTANI JANDA cha kam ta laga woli da, agha da mulk de che kam sta so afghanio bach kari ye marg na aur sta agha ustaad na che kam st taleem banday pabandi laga woli da aur sirf zanana behurmati aur masjid bande dhamakay dar banday zda kari di

dala dawoosa :coffee:
:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:


Zama "burger" khorak sta talebano ghwakhay na razi lekin agha "burger" dumra bad maza wo che ma agha sta ustaad ta wapas ko che kam 'bacha bazi' kayi 24 ghantay.

Ustaad "burger" khwakh sho.

Ma ghulail khwakh wi lekin sta pashan khalako ta 2 laasona aur da lohay chapal pa ghakhoonay banday warki nu sai ba wi. Khula da khulaas ka che sam da kom. Zama mazgha ma khora peera. Ta ma na pejande.

DA PAKISTANI JANDA cha kam ta laga woli da, agha da mulk de che kam sta so afghanio bach kari ye marg na aur sta agha ustaad na che kam st taleem banday pabandi laga woli da aur sirf zanana behurmati aur masjid bande dhamakay dar banday zda kari di

dala dawoosa :coffee:

hahaha...Zulfiqar lala da saray pata no lagee che kum Afghani saatulay day che da plaar zera(kanzul) manee kho pa Afganaino zere no manee...der marwat me leeduly dee kho da do pa shaante daoos saray me no day leedulay...
Still remembers his boasting about going to kill some Afghanistanis with his bare hands in the border areas after he completed his MBA from US :lol: I fell off the chair laughing :angel:

Army guys are known to boast, don't take it seriously.

If you want a REAL perspective from the Turi shias of parachinar, on your next visit to Dubai speak to one Turi taxi driver and you will know how they really feel, Abu only repeats army propaganda including offering apologies of indian mujahidin terrorists. He has been conditioned and now even fails to empathize with the suffering of his own people at the hands of similar ideology terrorists. Cut him some slack, its not for every educated person to rise above their childhood indoctrination.
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