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Indian Mujahideen chief Yaseen Bhatkal arrested

This guy was an Engineering graduate!

And they say: "Terrorists are become terrorists because they are illiterate, uneducated and poor".

Well, there are plenty of poor/illiterate people in the world and they don't become terrorists.

Whereas you have highly educated and very wealthy people (like Bin Laden) becoming terrorists.

news reports says he is 10 th dropout and in 2005 fought with his father and left home.
His father on tv was saying he did know his son was alive.and if he has done wrong he should be punished.
I understand in the case of Bhatkal it is more straight forward - however that determination should not be up to me, hence we have not expanded this beyond Kashmiri separatists but the same logic applies.

Indian army has raped, killed people in the name of fake encounters for medals, its people have carried out Hinduism motivated bombings... Do we allow the same tag of "terrorist Indian army" for them?

You want me to list out beautiful things the PA has done?
@Sashan and @doppelganger you are absolutely right. Terrorism is an ideology issue, an issue of means, not an issue of causes and justice. All people have causes they care for and all people seek justice and their place. Some people systematically plan to mass murder people of another religion and try to pass that off as justice, a cause.

Truth is terrorism will only hurt their own co-religionists much more than the non believers they so religiously target. And these same people will happily and with equal conviction and brutality and zeal murder their co-religionists too and will claim a cause, a grievance, a fault with the victim and cry out exactly the same slogans when the perpetrate the acts.

Abu Zulfiqar knows that very well, being a shia from parachinar, target of the same terrorism source for years now. But when it comes to kaffir hindus he typically loses his focus as a human, and wears his religious glasses.

He's a classic case of why Pakistan fails to check terrorism, because of an astounding lack of honesty of thought and letting their over-religious thinking come in the way of doing whats right.
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Bhatkal should not worry.The secular kangorooss will free him on the behalf of the muslim vote bank and the muezzins.

All Hail the Great muslim vote bank...
There are no indian mujhahedeens except in the minds of Hindu terrorists

Yeah and Osama Bin Laden was a Saint. But anyway even if Indian Mujahidin was there, they'll be no more.
Yeah and Osama Bin Laden was a Saint. But anyway even if Indian Mujahidin was there, they'll be no more.

Its foolish to say IM will be no more with arrest of these guy.. There are plenty of them out there.. They will choose another leader and their activities will be going on.. We need to curb their funding, both internal and external..
Its foolish to say IM will be no more with arrest of these guy.. There are plenty of them out there.. They will choose another leader and their activities will be going on.. We need to curb their funding, both internal and external..

I know dude. They will pop up again in new form with new leader but anyway his arrest will give them a big blow for sure. Its time our security forces should interrogate him and know all of their sympathisers inside our country and funding source because this guy is the best man who can tell such infos to our security agencies.
@Sashan and @doppelganger you are absolutely right. Terrorism is an ideology issue, an issue of means, not an issue of causes and justice. All people have causes they care for and all people seek justice and their place. Some people systematically plan to mass murder people of another religion and try to pass that off as justice, a cause.

Truth is terrorism will only hurt their own co-religionists much more than the non believers they so religiously target. And these same people will happily and with equal conviction and brutality and zeal murder their co-religionists too and will claim a cause, a grievance, a fault with the victim and cry out exactly the same slogans when the perpetrate the acts.

Abu Zulfiqar knows that very well, being a shia from parachinar, target of the same terrorism source for years now. But when it comes to kaffir hindus he typically loses his focus as a human, and wears his religious glasses.

He's a classic case of why Pakistan fails to check terrorism, because of an astounding lack of honesty of thought and letting their over-religious thinking come in the way of doing whats right.

@abuzulfiquar I thought was a Pashtun and a Sunni like all Pashtuns.
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hopefully its a sign that hindustan will focus more on homegrown domestic terror outfits as well as tribal/seperatist groups rather than focus on their over-exaggerated "external threat" which exists more in ToI(let)/Times Now tabloids than reality

Because ultimately --- Either you bhartis (especially those in delusion, living overseas and not even being residents of india) could follow the empty meaningless words of that guy "Chidambambaram", who has smugly thrown the responsibility of indian citizens anti-state activities on Pakistan (standard trained reaction of many an indian)


you can ask yourselves WHYYY these young indians -- mostly from poor illiterate districts especially those in Maharashtra -but also well to do people from reasonable and educated backgrounds, come to nurse so much hatred against their "mother country"

U deserve a medal fro being consistently and willingly ignorant.
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