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Indian Mujahideen chief Yaseen Bhatkal arrested

Raz pak is the biggest burger khor,my good friend and ex paf pilot,malik awan from pindi told me that again just bark,I told that here and raz pak was so pissed he made three posts about it.


Yo! How did you end up befriending a PAF pilot? Ask him whether their pilots really shoot down Israelis with just their looks please? :ashamed:

Oooh Razzi, don't insult him, he's touchy..and how would your Awan Sir know him anyway?:what:
While I agree that Abu and Razpak are probably two of the biggest braggarts and macho-men of this forum but it's unfair to pick on him for growing up in Islamabad or being an MBA. Growing up is generally not one's choice and MBA is an honorable profession. Let's not get personal here. :)

Yo! How did you end up befriending a PAF pilot? Ask him whether their pilots really shoot down Israelis with just their looks please? :ashamed:

Oooh Razzi, don't insult him, he's touchy..and how would your Awan Sir know him anyway?:what:

You can befriend one too, right here on PDF. Pakistanisage claims to be an ex PAF pilot along with many other things such as a double masters degree holder, a professor etc. :D
:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:


Zama "burger" khorak sta talebano ghwakhay na razi lekin agha "burger" dumra bad maza wo che ma agha sta ustaad ta wapas ko che kam 'bacha bazi' kayi 24 ghantay.

Ustaad "burger" khwakh sho.

Ma ghulail khwakh wi lekin sta pashan khalako ta 2 laasona aur da lohay chapal pa ghakhoonay banday warki nu sai ba wi. Khula da khulaas ka che sam da kom. Zama mazgha ma khora peera. Ta ma na pejande.

DA PAKISTANI JANDA cha kam ta laga woli da, agha da mulk de che kam sta so afghanio bach kari ye marg na aur sta agha ustaad na che kam st taleem banday pabandi laga woli da aur sirf zanana behurmati aur masjid bande dhamakay dar banday zda kari di

dala dawoosa :coffee:

Why you are calling me names in broken pashto heavily mixed with urdu? If i start correcting your pashto then it would become a pashto learning class. For the start stop using urdu "lekin", its "kho" in pashto. Also learn pashto vocuablry e.g you are using urdu word loha for iron while the pashto word for it is "ospina".
Your bravodo, the pretense of bravery on internet wont work on mature members here......you are more amusing than zaid hamid.....how many taliban you have killed in the darkness of night? 17?.....were they standing in the straight line for you to be shot by you? Were you equipped with night vision goggles to kill 17 taliban with no one able to escape...papa must be proud of you that you are more efficient than pak army.
Attention-seeking bravado are best !
Army guys are known to boast, don't take it seriously.

If you want a REAL perspective from the Turi shias of parachinar, on your next visit to Dubai speak to one Turi taxi driver and you will know how they really feel, Abu only repeats army propaganda including offering apologies of indian mujahidin terrorists. He has been conditioned and now even fails to empathize with the suffering of his own people at the hands of similar ideology terrorists. Cut him some slack, its not for every educated person to rise above their childhood indoctrination.

What's even hilarious is that some hindustani here is trying to educate others (even me!) about my own ancestral village

Any bozo with a keyboard can learn about the agency, they don't have to talk to taxi drivers. Same way I don't have to learn about the struggles of Assamese or Bodos when I go to Kuwait and ask the janitors and rubbish collectors

On a serious note - yeah Kurrams been a scene for bloodshed but then again so has Karachi. Kurram has the misfortune of being surrounded by Afghanistan on three sides so a lot of undesirable elements will slip in to cause a ruckus. Sectarianism has been a problem time to time mostly stemming from what are just tribal disputes (over water) but then things escalated. In terms of numbers no more frequent than the outbreaks of violence against Christians or dalits in bharatistan

But hey - those are you affairs. Stick to them don't worry about Turris. Every time people came to trouble central or upper kurram they repelled them. Born to fight.
Why you are calling me names in broken pashto heavily mixed with urdu? If i start correcting your pashto then it would become a pashto learning class. For the start stop using urdu "lekin", its "kho" in pashto. Also learn pashto vocuablry e.g you are using urdu word loha for iron while the pashto word for it is "ospina".
Your bravodo, the pretense of bravery on internet wont work on mature members here......you are more amusing than zaid hamid.....how many taliban you have killed in the darkness of night? 17?.....were they standing in the straight line for you to be shot by you? Were you equipped with night vision goggles to kill 17 taliban with no one able to escape...papa must be proud of you that you are more efficient than pak army.
Attention-seeking bravado are best !

Now you want to be my grammar teacher. Pursue your dreams then. Because you're living in a dream.

No we didn't have NVGs, patriotic Pashtun Kurramwals and militia led us to the prize and your taleban buddies died with screams before becoming food for insects and baggage for double double cabins

Come to The tribal areas sometime we want you to show us how to be tough, we need lesson from you kunawaz
Still remembers his boasting about going to kill some Afghanistanis with his bare hands in the border areas after he completed his MBA from US :lol: I fell off the chair laughing :angel:

Life catches up. He's in Lahore working and earning his keep like a good boy now. Its difficult to take up arms when you have a full stomach.

I predict cyber hard man Raz Pak is next.
Yo! How did you end up befriending a PAF pilot? Ask him whether their pilots really shoot down Israelis with just their looks please? :ashamed:

Oooh Razzi, don't insult him, he's touchy..and how would your Awan Sir know him anyway?:what:

Well,his wife was with me at school,she is polish.

we are family friends.

He is a cool guy and unlike the stereotypes,he is like a beeba munda,good characterd chap.

Infact my first cousin,Indian IAF officer came over and these two met and were joking about how they were on opposite sides during the post 2001 build up on the LOC.

He doesn't know Raz Pak,he was saying Arain just bark,auto correct made it again.
I am disappointed that none of our Pakistani brothers or sisters have come to these happy threads to congratulate us and share in our happiness. Islamic terrorism is a global scourge, and as the self-claimed biggest victims of it, Pakistanis are remarkably prominent in their absence.

Its india's internal matter .. But mind set in muslim world is that they dont comment against anyone who is linked with mujahidin ./..
Its india's internal matter .. But mind set in muslim world is that they dont comment against anyone who is linked with mujahidin ./..

Which implies that there is tacit if not overt support in the Muslim world for this? What about this sort of thing when it affects you in the Muslim world? Would you still support it? Do bombs in marketplaces and cafes choose who they kill? There were three Muslim kids killed in the German Bakery bomb incidentally. Would their parents be applauding the mujahidin as part of this broader Muslim world?
While I agree that Abu and Razpak are probably two of the biggest braggarts and macho-men of this forum but it's unfair to pick on him for growing up in Islamabad or being an MBA. Growing up is generally not one's choice and MBA is an honorable profession. Let's not get personal here. :)

Razpak's talks are identical to a village dude.
locate the post where i said that :laugh:

Ignoring the usual whining of your's, @Pak-one's signature was your comment for a long time.. He can verify it for me.. May be you completed your MBA by begging in the street of US , but not every one is living on a charity like you!! Now go and spread more of your Think Tank wisdom's..
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He pretends to be tough but he is burger-warrior whose weapon of choice is water gun :) (just joking, dont flare up zolfiqar baba)

He comments many times contains insults towards Pashtun people as if he belongs to some other race.
This guy was an Engineering graduate!

And they say: "Terrorists are become terrorists because they are illiterate, uneducated and poor".

Well, there are plenty of poor/illiterate people in the world and they don't become terrorists.

Whereas you have highly educated and very wealthy people (like Bin Laden) becoming terrorists.

After not being able to clear his 10th grade examination he left for Dubai in November, 2005.

Yasin Bhatkal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is he the same person ?? :undecided:
Now you want to be my grammar teacher. Pursue your dreams then. Because you're living in a dream.

No we didn't have NVGs, patriotic Pashtun Kurramwals and militia led us to the prize and your taleban buddies died with screams before becoming food for insects and baggage for double double cabins

Come to The tribal areas sometime we want you to show us how to be tough, we need lesson from you kunawaz

Why should i visit parachinar to meet you? You are an islamabdadi burger. Burgers are cute though, you cant kill some one with water gun. I know exactly what happened at the park (which was percieved pak-afghan border by your cute brain). Your papa gave ten ten rupees to 17 pashtun labourers and lined them for you. Then you came charging with water gun, soaking each one with water...all of them pretended to be shot and faked their death. Then your father picked you up, kissed you on cheek and congragulated you on killing 17 bad pathans.
While I agree that Abu and Razpak are probably two of the biggest braggarts and macho-men of this forum but it's unfair to pick on him for growing up in Islamabad or being an MBA. Growing up is generally not one's choice and MBA is an honorable profession. Let's not get personal here. :)

You can befriend one too, right here on PDF. Pakistanisage claims to be an ex PAF pilot along with many other things such as a double masters degree holder, a professor etc. :D

LOLLL. There is plenty of them "gasbags" on this board, these are just a few of them. There is also that "a-musing" guy who peddles his blog here while fancying himself to be an expert on everything from 'toilet sanitation' to 'coal petroleum extraction'.
But finally there is the one and only "windy joe", who comes blowing and blustering off and on.

All the 'dicey-spicy dudes' of "apro PDF". :rofl:
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