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Indian minister threatens Pakistan with 'bigger blow'

I don't know if I understood your "post" completely, but with the width that I see from the map, any half way competent war-planner will take out Pakistan's air bases with few well placed cruise missiles. Given --from what I read from this forum-- a lack of substantial air-defence, it won't be harder than starting the war itself.

Lastly, as I have mentioned elsewhere, I don't think India is going to attack Pakistan if there are no terrorist attacks there from Pakistan. On that front India is using economic sanctions and diplomacy to keep Pakistan in check. I mean, read your own politicians.

Its an ALCM. Naval attack will come later in the game -- if it at all happens. I believe, India will first disable all your airbases before venturing anywhere near your coasts.
Dreams dear. You will be bombing our bases and we will be sitting ducks? . Nah that ain't happening !
This is a forum, not an English school, you need to get into elementary school dear
If I don't understand a post, there is little I can do to reply to it. And as you have rightly said, this is not an English school; it is expected that the membership should be able to write -- at the very least-- understandable English.
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Legitimacy according to P5-1. According to UN. According to their trading partners. I am sorry, but International forums are least interested in human rights. We have seen it time and again. The only nations who do not agree upon this legitimacy are China, Pakistan and Turkey.

Go do your research, Kashmirs disputed status has not changed at all, and no other country has supported Indias actions. Infact the United states demanded India to rapidly deescelate the situation.
I cannt understand most of your post because of slangs/local language you use are foreign to me.

As far as definitions go, missiles are actually a part of long range artillery.

From the looks of it, right now they are executing their plan of annexing Kashmir in Mainland freely. As I said before and elsewhere I neither agree nor support their plan. I just look and analyse it for what it is.
Means you saying if war starts, Pakistan is a walkover, Nah already told us ain't happening
Do missiles include in artillery?
They do. The very basic article is on wikipedia.

Means you saying if war starts, Pakistan is a walkover, Nah already told us ain't happening
Nope. I said a specific thing: India will most likely demolish Pakistan's airbases before they attack you on naval front. Hence ALCM based deterrence is not a good option as by then PAF's air support in sea theater will not be possible. I never said anything about cakewalk or land warfare. Please don't put words in my mouth.

Go do your research, Kashmirs disputed status has not changed at all, and no other country has supported Indias actions. Infact the United states demanded India to rapidly deescelate the situation.
No one gives legitimacy to anything. Its the other way round. That is, if some international forum questions legitimacy. That did not happen. At least in any meaningful manner. That is the basic legitimacy; no one questioning your action. India did annexation and political control and it was not opposed in any meaningful manner by the world forums or powers.
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They do. The very basic article is on wikipedia.

Nope. I said a specific thing: India will most likely demolish Pakistan's airbases before they attack you on naval front. Hence ALCM based deterrence is not a good option as by then PAF's air support in sea theater will not be possible. I never said anything about cakewalk or land warfare. Please don't put words in my mouth.

No one gives legitimacy to anything. Its the other way round. That is, if some international forum questions legitimacy. That did not happen. At least in any meaningful manner. That is the basic legitimacy; no one questioning your action. India did annexation and political control and it was not opposed in any meaningful manner by the world forums or powers.

Okay so when hitler annexed Czechslovakia that was legitimate since it was not opposed in any meaningful manner or when the Turks genocided the armenians that was legitimate since it was not opposed in any meaningful manner or when the Soviets invaded Afghanistan that was legitimate since it was not opposed in any meaningful manner


Legitimacy comes from support and acknowledgement, India has not recieved any support for its actions in fact many nations have condemned or demanded a return of what they did, the opposite of legitimacy
Okay so when hitler annexed Czechslovakia that was legitimate
Good point! If Nazi Germany had not invaded Poland and had remained content with territory it had acquired during policy of appeasement, Germany might have been much bigger now and yes, it would have been considered legitimate by then powers.

Difference between India and Nazi Germany is that unlike Nazi Germany, India seems to have neither any power nor any intention of world conquest. Their goals are much more modest.

This is the reason why I usually ask folks to not confuse current Indian activities with Nazi. It essentially stops your from understanding their plans. Its stupid and simple to call something Nazi or Hitler. But then, you fail to look into it any further.

Legitimacy comes from support and acknowledgement, India has not recieved any support for its actions in fact many nations have condemned or demanded a return of what they did, the opposite of legitimacy
Okay tell me then, did Israel get any support for annexation of Palestine territories? Did China get any support for annexation of Tibet? Did China get any support for demographic change of Uyghurs in their native land?

BTW, all of the world now treats most of these actions legitimate. Despite all the public protests, at political level, they have succeeded in annexing these territories or changing the demographics.

This is more comparable to current Indian goals. From the looks of it, they are well on their way to achieve it.
Just a small correction, with the distances like India and Pakistan, you will see Pakistan's airbases taken out first by Indian long range artillery before any naval action happens. Meaning, you won't have anywhere to fly your planes from. Its simple geography.

Lol wet dreams next time drink less cow colas
It means they accepted PA and PAF are more powerful then them and now they want to test their navy... Come on what u are waiting for hindutva terrorist state of endia..
If I don't understand a post, there is little I can do to reply to it. And as you have rightly said, this is not an English school; it is expected that the membership should be able to write -- at the very least-- understandable English.
Or maybe you need to lower your standards of Oxford and Cambridge.
They do. The very basic article is on wikipedia.

Nope. I said a specific thing: India will most likely demolish Pakistan's airbases before they attack you on naval front. Hence ALCM based deterrence is not a good option as by then PAF's air support in sea theater will not be possible. I never said anything about cakewalk or land warfare. Please don't put words in my mouth.

No one gives legitimacy to anything. Its the other way round. That is, if some international forum questions legitimacy. That did not happen. At least in any meaningful manner. That is the basic legitimacy; no one questioning your action. India did annexation and political control and it was not opposed in any meaningful manner by the world forums or powers.
Well this airbase getting destroyed a one sided theory. It can't be true from all perspectives , as I mentioned earlier that , Pakistani's aren't sitting ducks!!! . So you might as well not argue on it, if something is not totally proved, better not argue over it. However it's totally okay to present your point of view from your glasses of sheer patriotism.
Or maybe you need to lower your standards of Oxford and Cambridge.
I am not even saying “proper English”. I am saying understandable english. When one mixes slangs from local language, how am I supposed to make sense if it? Tell me what does this word “poophe” supposed to mean? Is it related to poop or something? Am I supposed to take offence to it? I once started a thread on documenting these words, mods closed it. This is why I asked people to write understandable English.

Honestly, if you look hard enough, you will find many grammatical mistakes in my post. I only ask for understandable writing.

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