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Indian Military Picture Thread


Look at these pics man..Everyone from a Soldier all the way up to Captain,Colonel and General can be seen contributing and not just giving orders.

This is the kind of men who are serving us...Makes me proud.
that is the hallmark of our defence forces our commanders lead from the front...and not by sitting in some high tech bunker and by passing only orders to get the work done by the lower rung, they are always in the thick of the action
that is the hallmark of our defence forces our commanders lead from the front...and not by sitting in some high tech bunker and by passing only orders to get the work done by the lower rung, they are always in the thick of the action

And some people ask me why do we have such a high ratio of officers to soldiers killed in action...and thats precisely the reason why..Our officers lead from the front and thats what they are taught
And some people ask me why do we have such a high ratio of officers to soldiers killed in action...and thats precisely the reason why..Our officers lead from the front and thats what they are taught

Interestingly despite the much touted (in the West anyway) British origins of the Indian army, post independence the IA has somehow instilled this ethos into its soldiers. The UK army, to this day, does not have such an ethos and time and again the doubts are raised on the calibre of the UK army's officers. They are seen as (barring a few exceptions)self-entitled and soft. And the selection process for officers is seen as elitist and ineffective.
Interestingly despite the much touted (in the West anyway) British origins of the Indian army, post independence the IA has somehow instilled this ethos into its soldiers. The UK army, to this day, does not have such an ethos and time and again the doubts are raised on the calibre of the UK army's officers. They are seen as (barring a few exceptions)self-entitled and soft. And the selection process for officers is seen as elitist and ineffective.

In the Indian Army the cadets are told that once you become an officer you have to "outperform" your men in anything you do.Whether its the BPET,firing,LRPs or even sports.Only if you can "outperform" them can you 'earn' their 'respect' and they will follow you orders.

Second most important thing which they are taught is that they need to jell with their troops..only if they can mix up with their troops will the troops respect their officer and obey his command.

The Indian Army is an old school Army based on these values where soldier and officer relation and mere bravery and skill results in victories in day to day battles..We dont have soldiers roaming around in MRAP with highly protected BPs drinking Coke/Mineral water and calling in air strikes....we have foot soldiers doing long route patrols/marches with a 3rd class BPJ and helmet who are half of the time out of contact due to radio sets not being so effective in mountainous terrain and killing terrorists coz of their skill and bravery with the least use of technology and carrying their kill back to their base for 2-3 days due helicopter not being given to them.

Anyways,modernising is taking place and all i hope is that these values dont get left behind.

The first C 130J aircraft landed at Dharasu (a landing ground only 1300 meters long) in the early morning today for the first time despite inclement weather. On landing the aircraft defueled 8000 litres of fuel into an empty bowser which was airlifted yesterday from Sarsawa by a Mi 26 helicopter. With the availability of additional fuel now at Dharasu, the extraction, evacuation and rescue operations have picked up pace and the available helicopters are now able to make more number of trips.

Apart from the carrying fuel to Dharasu, the first C130 J on its return trip carried about 40 and the second about 100 injured and stranded pilgrims to the safer plains of Air Force Station Hindan. An emergency medical centre has been set up at Air Force Station Hindan for the medical check-up of all the arriving tourists for immediate attention.


FACT SHEET: Uttarakhand rescue and relief operations, 22.06.2013

· All agencies of the Government of India and State Government are continuing to work in a coordinated manner for rescue and relief measures.

· Today 10,000 people evacuated by air and road to safer places today. A total of 70,000 evacuated till date.

· Cabinet Secretary held a meeting of the National Crisis Management Committee this evening.

· ITBP evacuated 4,000 persons today. The point of concern is Jungle Chetti where about 400-500 people are still there.

· Army has already reached Jungle Chetti.

· Only 70-80 people are left in Kedarnath. Operations will be over by tomorrow.

· Foot Tracks have been made from Jungle Chetti. Army is helping able bodied to come down on the tracks.

· Gagaria has been evacuated. No one has been left in Gagaria.


· NDRF has rescued 347 persons from Gauri Kund. 149 Sadhus remained there. They do not want to leave.

· Medical camp set up in Gupt Kashi.


· Army rescued 4,000 people today of which 2,000 are from critical areas.

· 390 evacuated by Helicopters.

· Able bodied are being helped to walk down by road where ever possible.

· Hemkund Sahib – 100 people are still there but have enough food and other supplies.

· Badri Nath areas – 8,000 pilgrims still there.

· Army will airlift 2 bridges to Gauchar tomorrw.

· National Institute of Mountaineering also being utilized by army.


· Railways are moving people and relief supplies free of charge. No one is waiting at station at Haridwar.


· Despite weather problems 300 sorties were done till afternoon and 2,000 persons were air lifted today.

· C-130 was utilized to evacuate more than 100 persons.

· Forward air base established at Dharasu.

· Total helicopters – 43 of IAF, 11-army and 7-private. Total 61. 2 more to join tomorrow.


· Focus on providing ATF at Gauchar. IAF needs 55 kilo litre every day which is being arranged.

· So far 110 kilo litres of ATF has been delivered for the helicopter involved in rescue operations. Refueller is also on the way to be positioned at Dharasu.

· Backup supplies for these refuellers have also been arranged and 198 kilo litres of ATF is in transit to various locations.

· LPG – Efforts are being made to supply LPG to the distributors from Haridwar and Haldwani Bottling plants in Uttarakhand. Both the above bottling plants are operating normally and all efforts are being made to dispatch loads to the affected markets through open routes in coordination with State Government.

· MS/HSD/SKO – Adequate stocks are available at retail outlets / SKO agencies and LPG godowns. The situation is being closely monitored and efforts being made to ensure that fuel supplies are available for all rescue and relief operations. 893000 litres of MS, 1578000 litres of HSD and 149000 litres of SKO have been supplied by OMCs yesterday.


· 167 towers out of 287 restored today.

· All will be working by tomorrow.

In all, the IAF towards ‘Op Rahat’, has flown 768 sorties in which 103350 kgs of load has been dropped/landed and 5347 passengers airlifted.
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