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Indian Military Picture Thread




one thing we have remember it is always difficult to do first time. First fighter, first helicopter etc. LCH followed Dhruv and MCA will follow LCA. We have a bright future. Hooray
Great Job. Pakistan needs to start manufacturing its combat helicopters or atleast needs to buy more.
agreed as long as it works but what ever india has made till know own its own never worked history says it my friend and reality is something we cant ignore arjun, indian missile system ,LCA before but know with french help it is back on track welll as enemies i dont want to see indians get better but as a lover of war machines love to see thatr india LCH on track smoothly yet it has to proove it self in extreme cool and hot conditions

I totally dis agree with You, Non of our projects have achieved a Status of so called failed... LCA, Arjun and I do not know why You said Indian Missiles but I will Include that too....

LCA french Help? May I know what Technical help are they giving us? Almost 80% of LCA parts are Indian, and 100% technology and Cost is Indian....

LCH is in the Lines of Dhruv, so there is No Question Which can doubt its creditability....

And More over Indias R&D sector Is still in the learning process, We are Improving day by day... agreed we have foreign components but We are also making those components...

Tell me one such component which India is Not researching upon... ranging from Jet engines to HUD or HMD's , India's research is in every field....

When It comes to tank we have research going on from Active protection system to Engines....

The next project we take up and the considerable foreign Parts would be Less....
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