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Indian media--Hurriyat chief Mirwaiz Umar Farooq invited to China


why dont some Indian Journalist Visits Azad kashmir & ask people from there ?

how much peace & azadi they have .....

& Plus its not a Part of India also :pakistan:

Azad People - Let see how azad is Kashmir.

Tight controls on freedom of expression have been a hallmark of government policy in Azad Kashmir. Pakistan has prevented the creation of independent media in the territory through bureaucratic restrictions and coercion. Publications and literature favoring independence is banned. While militant organizations promoting the incorporation of Indian-administered Jammu and Kashmir state into Pakistan have had free rein to propagate their views, groups promoting an independent Kashmir find their speech sharply, sometimes violently curtailed.

Under Azad Kashmir’s constitution, which Pakistan imposed in 1974, election candidates are prescreened to ensure that only those who support Kashmir’s union with Pakistan can contest elections. Anyone who wants to take part in public life in Azad Kashmir has to sign a pledge of loyalty to Pakistan, while anyone who publicly supports or peacefully works for an independent Kashmir faces persecution.

Pakistan: ?Free Kashmir? Far From Free | Human Rights Watch

You can download 71 page report here - http://www.hrw.org/sites/default/files/reports/pakistan0906webwcover_0.pdf

Article is not by me or Indian Media. It's World Human Rights Watch.

Thanks Indian Part will have to be confirm by us and not you.

Again let me tell you. You are stopping candidate who believe either Indian Integration or Independence, so how azad they are. Time will come when Kashmiris gone understand how they have been made fool.
Again let me tell you. You are stopping candidate who believe either Indian Integration or Independence, so how azad they are. Time will come when Kashmiris gone understand how they have been made fool.

Only possible if they gain independence from you first. Limited freedom or completed oppression, hmm, I wonder if there are any rocket scientists in Kashmir that could figure this out?

Who are you trying to fool with such propaganda, us or yourself? But you are right, we should learn human rights from you:

"I have not seen any official being punished. And quite frankly, I don't even try to get them prosecuted. My priority is to get my clients released while they are still alive."

India's Secret Army in Kashmir: New Patterns of Abuse Emerge in the Conflict

Documentary film made by an Indian:

See, anybody can turn up with links. What is funny about this is that you deny your own actions, and then blow ours out of proportion. I have never met a Pakistani Kashmiri who wasn't pro-Pakistan, but I have met Indian Kashmiris who would kick my behind for calling them "Indian" Kashmiris. This is not a lie, neither is it a biased description of facts, it is the truth, whether you choose to believe it or not is entirely up to you. So F* what others have to say, stop hiding behind your own propaganda and just visit the damn place for once, and you might awaken to the truths you so conveniently deny.
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I say that this Chinese "NGO" should award Mr. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq
Human Right Medal for livetime achievement !

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