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Indian Media Frustrated Over Pakistan's New Manless Drone "Buraq"

So now Pakistan is behaving like it is drone superpower. With this shitty drone they are thinking they are invincible. Poor retards.
When you claim India is jealous of BurrrrrQ then what's in comparison between Rafael and F22 . Actually which is true that Rafale pilot had a lock over F22 during war game. Just Google Bro. Am not lying .

And You my friend sitting in US and takes crappie about India must go back to your country and say the same and look at your difference between us . US is advanced in all aspects no denying it. But Rafale is very advanced as F22 in many aspects which now India get its on to.

And yes we are Super Power wannabes . What's wrong in that ? When we put our hard work to make it happen unlike beg for money just to run their country like others . And US had its own dark days .SO does Russia EU China etc But our intent is to become a super power and many would say It's very possible for India . Will the same can be said to Pakistan ? Even for joke ?
never did rafale got a lock on f22 its a BS. USA never had dark days ever since ww2 God truly blessed us and will keep blessing us till the very last day of this planet. And no one will ever become super power even for next 500 years other than US. We are atleast if not more than 50 years ahead of the next superpower lining up which is China.Even the chinese know it but you indians one decade of prosperity some IT jobs and already thinking you are a step away from being super power. Its funny dude real funny as funny as the commet about rafale a semi stealth aircraft being compared to F22. Wet dreamss but its ok to dream high nothing wrong with that but plz plz dont make stupid comparisons like rafale equal or better than F22. We are not too happy with F35 and even that can take rafale down with one hand tied in the back. Rafale is there for sale f22 is not even to the greatest allies as UK and Isreal there is a reason for that.
Indian Media Frustrated Over Pakistan's New Manless Drone "Buraq"

all drones are manless :lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones, are aircraft either controlled by 'pilots' from the ground or increasingly, autonomously following a pre-programmed mission. :lol:
When you see such threads being opened,you feel that something good has happened in India.
Severe case of heart-burn indeed :lol:
Modi is really a darinda .......for neighbours :rofl:
A person asks a starving Indian, what's two add two, the Indian replies four Chapatis.
I guess the Rapptor of the East has been too long in the tooth, now we can expect the Rafale to be the answer to all the Indian shortcomings. It's another thing that even the Indian flag will be painted in France.
A person asks a starving Indian, what's two add two, the Indian replies four Chapatis.

And Pakistan have even less per capita GDP & HDI than India.

It's another thing that even the Indian flag will be painted in France.

lol..India have manufactured more aircraft than Pakistan-Majority of PAF aircraft is foreign manufactured-F 16,Mirages,That mig 21 copy.The engines for Indigenously manufactured aircraft is also imported...And we've designed fighters,jet trainers,helicopters & general aviation aircraft on our own.

How many iterations of burraq would it take to get to this stage? :lol:
What is the term "Manless"?? Now we will have to produce "Womanless"!!:D

I thought drones means "Humanless"!!
ya, indian army don't have the experience as much as pakistan army have on visual identification of foreign drones over their head. so mistakes happens.
Drone strikes in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This was the most burning statement I ever read on PDF, guess where is the source of fire :)

maybe you forgot the time, Indra Gandhi begging US president to please come and stop Chinese, watched it in a documentary she was begging like ****....or maybe I should remind you how good a picnic host your army is for Chinese

frustrated pak media crying over indian PM's Australia visit.....

lololol Pakistani media is also frustrated with modi's toilet collection trips, did he ask Australian PM for help clean up India?
Come on, its hilarious, the commentary, the accent, special effects, propaganda

not to mention the language they speak, the language a chamar speaks in Pakistan, "Pakistan apni harktoon se baaz nehe aya aur apna jahaj badeshi border se kutch meter tuk ura laya"

lol..Indira was not the Indian pm in 1962...Indians have made several contributions in the field of maths,physics & medicine.Now apply burnol.

you forgot space tech, you must take bernol on your next space trip please it might get hot there
Inferior Hindus..lmao..I am no Hindu,but this video will show what inferior Indian Hindus (&Indian Muslims,Christians,Sikhs & Parsis ) can do in aerospace sector.

Good. Keep progressing in peaceful space programs.

Stop your media from war mongering, "otherizing" and "misrepresenting" Pakistan, and go on your way.

If it wasn't for Indian media, we wouldn't be having this talk, right?

Btw, when are we seeing indian-made UCAVs hitting targets with laser guided missiles with pinpoint accuracy?

Hopefully india catches up fast in this field...unlike in fighter-jet and cruise-missile programs with took india YEARS and still haven't caught up to Pakistan yet. lmao.
you did kashmir infiltration ...in reply we helped Baloch freedom fighters and you started crying
now you are using drone to spy India....wait for reply....ready to cry again

Indian Media Frustrated Over Pakistan's New Manless Drone "Buraq"

all drones are manless :lol: :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Drones: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVS), also known as drones, are aircraft either controlled by 'pilots' from the ground or increasingly, autonomously following a pre-programmed mission. :lol:
He wanted to say mindless :D
This was the most burning statement I ever read on PDF, guess where is the source of fire :)

maybe you forgot the time, Indra Gandhi begging US president to please come and stop Chinese, watched it in a documentary she was begging like ****....or maybe I should remind you how good a picnic host your army is for Chinese
your statements proves you are fool as an @$$. when did Indra Gandhi requested US for assistance?? actually she was a brave women, she show some guts to turn against US in 71 war. not even a single ruler of pakistan never show half the guts she have to stand against your master USA. she even ordered to go to war with pakistan even after US threatened her. she is a brave women she never asked for any help to anyone. it is pakistani military and political leaders always begging for help and run to their masters when war starts. Indra Gandhi is the women who behind your military surrender to indian army.
you know you military ruler Musharraf pissed in his pants when US threaten him that they will send pakistan into stone age if Pakistan didn't cooperate with US on WoT.

lololol Pakistani media is also frustrated with modi's toilet collection trips, did he ask Australian PM for help clean up India?

we don't need to ask to Australian PM, we have pakistani military generals in our neighborhood to do that.

No that's just India I remember when the US was experimenting with X-45s years ago, Indian media was flipping out and claiming those were Pakistani drones.

No that's just India I remember when the US was experimenting with X-45s years ago, Indian media was flipping out and claiming those were Pakistani drones.
show source for you clame.
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