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Indian Media Frustrated Over Pakistan's New Manless Drone "Buraq"

Okay but what's that got to do with this video?

media of both nation cry over each other when one achieve something. so before starting such kind of thread at least make sure that your side is perfect.
Common, its hilarious, the commentary, the accent, special effects, propaganda

every channel have their own style of reporting. you won't stop laughing if you watch fox news channel reporting anything about russia. and i have seen many pakistan channels reporting like this..
every country have good and worse channels. "india TV" is not top rated channel in india.
because pakistan is not ammerica, you don't have finantial capacity to do a R&D like US does, you don't have the basic technology to develop something like avencher drones.

some of your media is no better.

at least better than this crap dramatized media ...
So when are we bombing BSF through that drone?

Ridiculous thread,
First drone is always unmanned , thats the reason its called a drone. Any idea why the title is "manless drone"?

Drones are only one on of the surveillance techniques, India has spy satellites keeping an eye on the border. Sending drones across each others border is normal stuff. Both the sides know that very well, they dont make big issue out of it.

Remember india had jets like MIG25 which could fly over pakistan and return back. They all have been retired in favor of satellite's.
That mig 25 happened after talibans had blown up awacs p3s.
Do not be mistaken this time around.

oh wow now its time for drone's Mauka mauka

inferior hindus are just mad that Pakistan acquired the operational capability of armed UAVs before bhart...and even have demonstrated pinpoint targeting capability of Burraq drone of Pakistan! :D

Mass production is under way and within years, all major units of Pakistan will have sophisticated UCAVs with them armed with lethal laser guided missiles that will vastly improve the tactical capability of Pakistan Military.
As long as the drone is on Pakistan's side of the border, the Indians don't really have a right to complain. Also, why are they showing an avenger drone?
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