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Indian mangoes losing American market to Pakistan

Ok, I learned something new today, there may well be a bit Pakistani cotton in my clothes. But almost none of my clothes are manufactured here in Denmark, Danish clothes that are too expensive for a simple man like me. But you are right, sir.

I think you dont know that most products of Nike are made in Bangladesh, Pakistan, sri lanka , india, china etc

Next time when you buy any Nike product..try to have a look where it was made :P

Well yes it is misleading but when Pakistan acquried the rights to assemble the Agosta Submarines DCN also provided an export license too

Realizing the potential revenue from submarine sales and the need for such profits to maintain its submarine construction capability, Pakistan's deal with France included an export license agreement for the construction of the Agosta 90B. As a result of this agreement, Pakistan is now in a position to sell its vessels in certain regional markets, including the Middle East and Southeast Asia, with France's approval. But in spite of this capability there have been no reports to date of any pending submarine exports. It was rumored that Saudi Arabia and Malaysia had shown some interest, but both countries eventually chose to procure vessels from DCNS instead.

Oh my Bad! We are eating Mexican and Australian mangoes, 3 dollar (AUD) per mango :( , summers are on here in southern hemisphere.

Let me know when you are in India, I ll get you a pellet of mango sent from my orchard back in India.
^^ Are they good ?

Not like Indian or Pakistani just time pass...Maxiacans are like ''Totapuri'' (i dono what you guys call it in Pakistan) and Australians are like Alphonso type. Both lack intensity of the aroma and typical sweetness of Indian mangoes.
Go to any Arab/Turkish store. 2 for $3.

I always do whenever I got chance but now where I live the only nearest store is Woolworths/countdown.

In Sydney I used to go to Bankstown there was one Arab store and many Chinese/Vietnamese stores with very good prices fruits. Been to to Saturday market in Flemigton twice :P
Pakistani Mangoes are getting good.. although I still cant find the elusive "collector" Mango.. apparently only found in India.
Its not only huge.. often as big as a papaya.. its also very sweet.
Still.. Go Pak mangoes.. just dont explode unless it involves killing a dictator.:cheesy:
I think you dont know that most products of Nike are made in Bangladesh, Pakistan, sri lanka , india, china etc

Next time when you buy any Nike product..try to have a look where it was made :P

Most Nike products, well almost all that i have bought are Made In Thailand.
Though they are very choosy and nosy freaks when it comes to standards for buying and selling fruit harvest, I hope someone from India or Pakistan will clinch a deal with countries in Oceania for mangoes.

Eating mangoes chilled in big water tub with family and drinking 'Sweet Kachi lassi' (milk water sugar mix) with them is one of the common Indo-Pak culture.
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