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Indian made weapons recovered from Swat militants

When it comes to reporting on military affairs, South Asian journalism is notorious for grammatical and syntax errors - mostly because the military jargon is not used daily and translation ends up being faulty, not just by the journalists, but sometimes also by people in the defense establishment, and the reporters just type what they hear.

Thats why we call them DDM-Desi Dorky Media.

And there have been many cases of DDM reporting not on facts but on rumours. This news report in particular is very vague. I have no problems in accepting the content of the news, but i'd better take it from some reputed source.
Sir, your point is 100% err more than 100% valid that both countries have to make a resolve of solving the issues and working for betterment of people like us. But unfortunately politics....

But I feel there should be a start the saying goes "Better late then never".

100% with you on that. There is an ugly game being played in the region at the cost of progress in relations.Both the Governments have levelled charges against each other. The main players behind the scene and the party against whom the ultimate action is aimed at, are totallly uninvolved in this. So who's war are we fighting. As a fellow of the same region, I request you all to cast your nationalism aside and think rationally. Once you start thinking rationally and not with your coloured glasses on, the real picture will emerge. It is our opinion that will force the masses and eventually the Government to change their attitudes and starty talking to each other.
this is a great opportunity for Pakistan to expose India fostering militancy in Pakistan.

Pakistan must photograph and publish these weapons and the India tag they found in world-wide media.

Great timing, coming just when ISI was getting pushed into a corner by the US.
I'm shocked....and finding it rather hard to believe this. What could India possibly gain by arming its mortal enemies.

The most likely explanation I can see is a tit-for-tat reaction by Pakistan to counter the accusations against its own agency.

There is an old saying that the enemy of the enemy is the best friend, thats what they are doing.:pakistan:
The fact is we will both come to harm if we dont stop playing these silly games. We need to resolve all issues including Kashmir and move on to developing our economies so that the poor of our nation get some relief.

I agree in totality with your remarks preceeding the above mentioned lines, but with due applogy this ain't going to happen ever that Pakistan and India will resolve their issues entirely.

So it is useless to talk about these things. Yes, the "activities" being done by both the countries are, OK. Let them do it as they are not going to yield any long lasting effects.

As far as the "proof" in shape of serial numbers is concerned, it was not atall expected out of the "rich" minds on this forum and our indian counterparts.

I would suggest that they should focus more the the "points to ponder" highlighted by you rather than just raising "non-issues."
I agree in totality with your remarks preceeding the above mentioned lines, but with due applogy this ain't going to happen ever that Pakistan and India will resolve their issues entirely.

So it is useless to talk about these things. Yes, the "activities" being done by both the countries are, OK. Let them do it as they are not going to yield any long lasting effects.

As far as the "proof" in shape of serial numbers is concerned, it was not atall expected out of the "rich" minds on this forum and our indian counterparts.

I would suggest that they should focus more the the "points to ponder" highlighted by you rather than just raising "non-issues."

Yes your point is correct, we should seriously think about what araz sahab is saying. Araz sahab why don't you please take lead and give us direction.
There is an old saying that the enemy of the enemy is the best friend, thats what they are doing.:pakistan:

Whose enemy friend ?

We are all pawns in a larger game. A game we are playing willingly. Our animosity is paying for so many jobs worldwide depriving our own kin of the same.

In our exuberance to do each other down we are letting our own resources & energies go in the wrong direction. China, USA, France, GB and so many more are reaping the benefits of our intractability.

In effect we ourselves are our worst enemies.
No doubt India is intrested in anti-pak support and pressure on Pak. Isn't the US more intrested in destroying its old friends the Mujhahideen? I agree that all are just minor players but I hardly see the India cannot refrain from Afghanistan. The terror spread by its conslates and the support of anti Pak propaganda hrough Karzai and its bandits is getting boring. Then India should shut up when we send just 800 freedomfighters into India... Just my opinion.
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