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Indian LCA Tejas Or Pakistani JF-17: Who Is Winning The Malaysian Fighter Jet Contract?

The power each TR module consume is very important and its conversion in radar wave. In how many different mode can AESA operate is also very important. Track while search etc. The angle in which the radar can operate is also very important. Chinese radar legs behind in all these areas compared to Uttam.
LOL what mode KLJ-7A doesn't have ,Please explain, there were rumors that's both AESA KLJ-7A and UTTAM are based on ELTA- ELM 2052
This is a very generic statement and doesn't make any sense.
doesn't make any sense or going above your head?? delta wing design is its own advantage and disadvantages like Tejas, and cropped tailed delta wing design has its own advantages and disadvantages, what wrong with this statement??
The MK1A with Indian UTTAM AESA Radar can integrate Meteor as well, and Malaysia already uses some MBDA missiles. Plus we’ve offered BrahMos-NG air-launched supersonic cruise missiles and Astra BVR.
The MK1A with Indian UTTAM AESA Radar can integrate Meteor as well, and Malaysia already uses some MBDA missiles. Plus we’ve offered BrahMos-NG air-launched supersonic cruise missiles and Astra BVR.
Get them in IAF before offering to Malaysia. How many are in service in India?
The MK1A with Indian UTTAM AESA Radar can integrate Meteor as well, and Malaysia already uses some MBDA missiles. Plus we’ve offered BrahMos-NG air-launched supersonic cruise missiles and Astra BVR.

Where were these missile, during feb 27.. go sell this manjaan to someone else
Tejas’ export variant uses Indian made avionics and radar, even our own MK1A will use it too which we’ll export to Malaysia if they select it.
It is not ready for your own airforce and you expect a foreign customer to start using it. Avionics and radar have to fielded in numbers and obtain a good track record in combat exercises for any customer to think of using it in their airforces.
Thats why theytested MK1A avionics on MK1 prototype before being confident for orders.
And that's fine...nothing wrong with that...but I'm just pointing out that all air forces around the world wait for such prototype/testing to be completed and a fighter jet rolling off of production lines before they evaluate it and decide to induct it. It lowers the potential risk of running into some hurdles and cost overruns.
The power each TR module consume is very important and its conversion in radar wave. In how many different mode can AESA operate is also very important. Track while search etc. The angle in which the radar can operate is also very important. Chinese radar legs behind in all these areas compared to Uttam.

This is a very generic statement and doesn't make any sense.
First area will
I think reducing component and subsystems to 2 or 3 suppliers will make Tejas more marketable. Also i believe Malaysia, or any other country for that matter, testing Tejas will be beneficial for India as well.

Tejas Mk1A has 4 primary LRUs that are sourced from Israel.

Elta 2052 AESA radar
Elta 8222-Wide Band Self protection jammer
Litening LDP

One of the primary sensors of the Tejas Mk1A, the Elta 2052 AESA will be replaced by the indigenous LRDE Uttam AESA radar from the 20th or so Tejas Mk1A that is produced.

Apart from that, another Israeli equipment on the type is the SPJ, which is the Elta 8222-WB Wide Band Jammer. There was an indigenous jammer that was displayed at Aero India 2021 but not sure if it's status is such that it can be replaced by an indigenous one anytime soon.

Elta's Litening LDP is used extensively on the Tejas Mk1 and will continue with Mk1A and Mk2 as well..only option will be integrating the French Damocles, but it is an inferior pod. Anyway that will be a Malaysia choice to make.

As far as HMDS is concerned, as of now, the JF-17 Block 3 doesn't even have a known HMDS selected and integrated with the type. Whereas the Israeli DASH / Targo are already being used on the Tejas since years.

If Israeli equipment is to be an issue with the Malays, then they will find the FA-50 is no better than the Tejas. It's radar is the Elta 2032 as well and it doesn't have any plan so far to go with an AESA, although KAI could theoretically integrate the AESA radar developed for the KF-21 Boromae with the FA-50 as well.

FA-50 doesn't have any BVRAAM weapon either. Tejas has the Derby, Derby-ER and Astra Mk1 integration is on-going..Tejas Mk1A will also be integrated with the dual pulse Astra Mk2 once it is ready.
Flanker is basically for air superiority ànd your Tejas have too much avionics ànd radars from Israel, may be Israel Will not allow you to sell Tejas to Malaysia because of Malaysian stand on phalistine issue most chance of induction in Malaysian air Force kai F/A 50

What radar do you think the FA-50 flies with? Elta 2032.
Elta 2052 AESA radar
Elta 8222-Wide Band Self protection jammer
Litening LDP
All of them license produced by HAL.
As far as HMDS is concerned, as of now, the JF-17 Block 3 doesn't even have a known HMDS selected and integrated with the type. Whereas the Israeli DASH / Targo are already being used on the Tejas since years.
We can offer our indigenous TOPSIGHT-1 which Indian Navy uses on MiG-29K operational on our aircraft carriers.
Tejas Mk1A has 4 primary LRUs that are sourced from Israel.

Elta 2052 AESA radar
Elta 8222-Wide Band Self protection jammer
Litening LDP

One of the primary sensors of the Tejas Mk1A, the Elta 2052 AESA will be replaced by the indigenous LRDE Uttam AESA radar from the 20th or so Tejas Mk1A that is produced.

Apart from that, another Israeli equipment on the type is the SPJ, which is the Elta 8222-WB Wide Band Jammer. There was an indigenous jammer that was displayed at Aero India 2021 but not sure if it's status is such that it can be replaced by an indigenous one anytime soon.

Elta's Litening LDP is used extensively on the Tejas Mk1 and will continue with Mk1A and Mk2 as well..only option will be integrating the French Damocles, but it is an inferior pod. Anyway that will be a Malaysia choice to make.

As far as HMDS is concerned, as of now, the JF-17 Block 3 doesn't even have a known HMDS selected and integrated with the type. Whereas the Israeli DASH / Targo are already being used on the Tejas since years.

If Israeli equipment is to be an issue with the Malays, then they will find the FA-50 is no better than the Tejas. It's radar is the Elta 2032 as well and it doesn't have any plan so far to go with an AESA, although KAI could theoretically integrate the AESA radar developed for the KF-21 Boromae with the FA-50 as well.

FA-50 doesn't have any BVRAAM weapon either. Tejas has the Derby, Derby-ER and Astra Mk1 integration is on-going..Tejas Mk1A will also be integrated with the dual pulse Astra Mk2 once it is ready.

What radar do you think the FA-50 flies with? Elta 2032.
Malaysia and China have disputes in South China sea, keep that in mind too.
but I'm just pointing out that all air forces around the world wait for such prototype/testing to be completed and a fighter jet rolling off of production lines before they evaluate it and decide to induct it. It lowers the potential risk of running into some hurdles and cost overruns.

A valid point.

However, not really applicable to MK 1A. MK 1A is an incremental upgrade. It’s not a completely new aircraft where everything has to be tested and validated. All those things are already undergoing rigorous testing.

When JF-17 was inducted even that had many deficiencies. No trainer, night capability, integration of weapons and many more. But inducted it was due to dire necessity of PAF at that time. A lot of testing continued later and validated. When Blk II was inducted, it wasn’t as much a challenge as the Blk I. I am sure same would be the case with Blk III if the airframe and engines are not changed.

In fact here onwards all the new aircraft being developed in India would be a little easier on us. Many technologies being inducted into them would have been tried and tested on the existing platforms.
Where were these missile, during feb 27.. go sell this manjaan to someone else
Those missiles were playing a trick explained very nicely by Ayaz Sadiq.
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There is no official or unofficial information from a Pakistani sources regarding Pakistan pursuing the Malaysian deal. Most of the information is from Indian sources. On this forum suddenly the Indians have become the experts on the Thunder.
123 on order 26 in service.
Mostly hanger queens due to low serviceability.
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