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Indian journo dares to call Bangladesh a ''buffer state''-Local newsmen taken aback

Where are all these pro-Indian Bangladeshis coming from? Do they not realize the greatest threat to Bangladesh comes from India?
You sure know very little about Bangladesh yet harping away with load of BS. Besides, being trained by Army officers, BDR do train with army on regular basis.

Beyond that, this thread is about how Indian journalist, part of Indian foreign minister visit called Bangladesh "buffer state". Do you have anything new to add on be half of india?? If not there is not anything meaningful you are saying.

Where did you see BS? you must be reading your own posts dear. I know many army officers in Bangladesh and none of them considers BDR in the same category as military soldiers. If you can't contribute to the thread constructively, then don't but I do not see the point of your making up foul language to address my factual analysis of someone else's post.
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:woot: ISI is not as cool as MOSSAD my friend...don't listen to INDIAN MEDIA....they just like to scare themselves...for TRP ratings....

:rofl::rofl: their was no ISI in 1947 and there was no bangladesh in 1947....what are you talking about.....maybe you meant INDIA trying to destablize your country...

Yes you are right. There was no ISI in 1947, but it was established in 1948. I am off by 4 months and 2 weeks. I apologize for that. Surely ISI is not as cool as MOSSAD. If it were then it could have saved Pakistan in Kashmir conflict, 1971 war, Kargil war and 1965 war. Well Bangladesh was known as Bengal presidency before 1947, 200 years before that it was known as Bangla/Bongo and it has been known as so for thousands of years. Even in 1947 it was officially known as East Bengal. The black history for us was from 1947 to 1971, which we have left in the past, alhamdulillah. Indians dont have to run propaganda here. Bengalis in Bangladesh have experienced enough Pakistani brutality and munafiki for 24 years.
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Yes you are right. There was no ISI in 1947, but it was established in 1948. I am off by 4 months and 2 weeks. I apologize for that. Surely ISI is not as cool as MOSSAD. If it were then it could have saved Pakistan in Kashmir conflict, 1971 war, Kargil war and 1965 war. Well Bangladesh was known as Bengal presidency before 1947, 200 years before that it was known as Bangla/Bongo and it has been known as so for thousands of years. Even in 1947 it was officially known as East Bengal. The black history for us was from 1947 to 1971, which we have left in the past, alhamdulillah. Indians dont have to run propaganda here. Bengalis in Bangladesh have experienced enough Pakistani brutality and munafiki for 24 years.
Absolutely.IF ISI was this strong back then we would have executed all traitors of Bengal and throw their bodies in Bay of Bengal!
I thought you had the minimum knowledge about Bangladesh before posting on Bangladesh! BDR is not military force. It's a border security force. Its soldiers are not military soldiers.
So you admit ISI controls the mighty BDR force trained by your elite Army?
Absolutely.IF ISI was this strong back then we would have executed all traitors of Bengal and throw their bodies in Bay of Bengal!

I don't see where this thread is going:O but well..ISI and Pak army did throw bodies of brave and honest Bengali voices in the rivers of Bengal after killing them. Probably we were just too many for you to finish off everyone of us. If you had to execute your "all traitors of Bengal" you'd have had to execute close to 65 million muslims in 1971. I hail your unfulfilled wish:)
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So you admit ISI controls the mighty BDR force trained by your elite Army?

Who knows?! ISI had built Taliban, who are duly giving back their respect to Pakistan;) They may now also misuse Islamic sentiment(in totally unislamic fashion) to provoke anarchy in Bangladesh.
Who knows?! ISI had built Taliban, who are duly giving back their respect to Pakistan;) They may now also misuse Islamic sentiment(in totally unislamic fashion) to provoke anarchy in Bangladesh.
So in other words you are saying there are many traitors in your Military who are actually controlled by ISI?I do consider Taliban traitors but I am glad though that they are not in Millitary!
Ah Man i am so glad to hear that Bdeshis think ISI control their elite Military :lol:
these country/location flag in the member's profile should be put off......
they are irrelivent....

let us find out by ourself , who belong to which country by the tone of his messages...
Why are you wasting your time with Indians who are pretending to be Bangladeshi?

Yes, a true Bangladeshi would have claimed the entire govt of bangladesh is controlled by RAW.

The other guy only said SOME elements in their controversial paramilitary force are working for ISI - sounds unreasonable eh? :lol:
You are on a loosing argument when you raise the question of my identity. I am a well known person in Dhaka. There is absolutely no doubt where I am and who I am. I doubt those with gremlin like opinions are who they say they are. They certainly do not represent the majority opinion of todays Bangladesh.
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