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Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan

Back in October:

Pakistan expresses concern over Indian involvement with anti-state elements

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan, expressing concern over Indian involvement with anti-state elements in the country, said Monday that the matter would be raised at the forthcoming meeting of a joint anti-terrorism mechanism.

“We have indications of Indian involvement with anti-state elements in Pakistan and the issue will be taken up in the forthcoming meeting of anti-terrorism mechanism,” Foreign Office spokesperson Ms. Tasnim Aslam told a weekly media briefing.

Pakistan expresses concern over Indian involvement with anti-state elements

The statement issued after the investigation into the murder of three Chinese citizens, and the capture of the terrorists:

PESHAWAR: Police claimed to have busted the gang of alleged hired assassins involved in the murder of three Chinese citizens in Khazana on July 8.....
He said involvement of foreign hands in the tragedy cannot be ruled out adding there were reports that the gang was paid Rs6.5 million by spy agency of a neighbouring country for the purpose....

The CCPO on the occasion declared that foreign elements were involved in almost all the major sabotage incidents taking place in the city. NWFP Governor Ali Muhammad Jan Aurakzai has also hinted at involvement of India in terrorist attacks in the province and tribal areas.

Police claim arresting killers of Chinese nationals

This statement issued today in the aftermath of some of the bloodiest fighting with the militants:
Militants getting help from Afghanistan: Gen Arshad said the militants were well-trained and had links with Afghanistan. “Many of them are getting money and weapons from across the border,” he told AFP, adding that the militants were “in contact with members of a hostile country in Afghanistan,” an apparent reference to India.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Combine this with another recent report:
“They’ve had a chance to regroup and reorganise,” according to an unnamed Western military official in Pakistan. “They’re well equipped. They’re clearly getting training from somewhere. And they’re using more and more advanced tactics.”

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

Some members have argued that the recent US "advice" to India, of "not pursuing Pakistan Centric Policies" was more of a "warning" to "cease support" to destabilizing elements in Pakistan.

Circumstantial evidence at this point, but is the case building?
The US requires India more than India requires the US given the rapid rise of China as superpower capable of challenging the US.

Therefore, US would only advice and not warn.

The Indian market too is required if the US is to decrease it huge deficit. To add to the problems, Iran has increased its share of Euro as the trading currency and Iran is the fourth largest producer of oil and gas!

It is also in the US interest to keep certain areas in turbulence so that there is a permanent presence of western troops in these areas for obvious reasons.
The Indian market too is required if the US is to decrease it huge deficit. To add to the problems, Iran has increased its share of Euro as the trading currency and Iran is the fourth largest producer of oil and gas!

Iran is a net importer of energy. They sell in euros then they have to buy in dollars.
(jana-h balin ealier Adux was jumping over my spell mistakes even he resorted to calling names over accent. They forget that how much pathatic English accent majority of the Indians have over which they lost many jobs at call centers

But anyway i dot mind as by pointing out the spell mistakes i learn not to repeat it again.)
wow first the skin color,race,religion and now the lady sounds just like the a racist Britisher.how much hatred u have lady.OK India is evil,Indian stinks (not Muslim brother),they have darker skin color,kashmir wants to be with holy land pakistan.minority especially the muslim brother are in a great danger from hindu fanatics.i think i have sums up the next post by jana.:taz::taz::
(jana-h balin ealier Adux was jumping over my spell mistakes even he resorted to calling names over accent. They forget that how much pathatic English accent majority of the Indians have over which they lost many jobs at call centers

But anyway i dot mind as by pointing out the spell mistakes i learn not to repeat it again.)
wow first the skin color,race,religion and now the lady sounds just like the a racist Britisher.how much hatred u have lady.OK India is evil,Indian stinks (not Muslim brother),they have darker skin color,kashmir wants to be with holy land pakistan.minority especially the muslim brother are in a great danger from hindu fanatics.i think i have sums up the next post by jana.:taz::taz::

Jana is banned. and you will join her if u post pointless posts like this.
But Pakistan is already doing that! And they started it off with Kashmir. You are saying that as though Pakistan is doing nothing, why do you think there is insurgency in Kashmir!

kashmir is a disputed territory buddy, not frontier or Baluchistan, buddy.

U Indians are so naive that u do not know the difference between disputed territory and internal matter. why are u guys so oblivious to the facts.

Kashmir has never been your part as it is apparent by U.N. resolutions, where as u amalgamated it ignoring all the U.N. resolutions.

And u want to be member of security counsel, what a hypocritical country.
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Both your peoples should learn to get along with one another rather than pointing fingers and apportioning blame. You're going to be neighbors forever, so you might as well live with it.
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