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Indian INSAS get jammed multiple times while LOC firefight

The luck of the Hindu Banya has been jammed right from the first day. They can only weep and cry for centuries and that's all.

They can only eat bananas and roam here and there chirping...
you forgot one thing more , hindu banya also let many other soulless baniyas to convert and search their identity for perhaps till eternity .
you forgot one thing more , hindu banya also let many other soulless baniyas to convert and search their identity for perhaps till eternity .
Hindu Banyas let or the Muslim let the hindu banya who ruled you over 1000 years or 10 centuries. Do your math properly kid.
Beautiful quote...their ego and self obsessive behaviour deters them from ever admiting fault. Penny wise pound foolish bunch of people. They will never ever do a self reflection on their weaknesses, the delusion is pretty high.

It's bad to be backward; it's worse to be incompetent; it's hopeless to be unable to introspect; and may god help them if they are delusional and boastful at the same time.
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It's bad to be backward; it's worse to be incompetent; and it's hopeless to be unable to introspect.
India just self brag and self declared victory and that is enough. But u fortunately India is not the the only country in this world. :enjoy:
I do not think the way he was firing hit anybody and did achieve nothing but waste the bullets. targeted aiming and firing blindly are different things. Rather than going full out, he should have fired three bullets every 5-7 seconds. His firing seems ineffective. But this is only my opinion.
TBH scrappy rifle jam again and again if i was there i trow it and take other
The soldier is basically providing suppression of enemy defenses for whatever reason. It may also be to just being an irritant, which soldiers across the LOC do. For that he doesn't need to aim and shoot at anyone, just spray a few clips in the general direction of the enemy. Now he changes mags very quickly and checks the chambers before loading another mag. Std procedure. With such rapid firing and emptying the clips, there is bound to be a jam or two, as with any other automatic firearm.
All those gloating on finding this video of the gun apparently getting jammed, pat yourselves on your backs!!
The soldier is basically providing suppression of enemy defenses for whatever reason. It may also be to just being an irritant, which soldiers across the LOC do. For that he doesn't need to aim and shoot at anyone, just spray a few clips in the general direction of the enemy. Now he changes mags very quickly and checks the chambers before loading another mag. Std procedure. With such rapid firing and emptying the clips, there is bound to be a jam or two, as with any other automatic firearm.
All those gloating on finding this video of the gun apparently getting jammed, pat yourselves on your backs!!
I bet none of this circle jerk gang members have fired a rifle on full automatic, poor ignorant folks, what can one say...pakistanis and Chinese make a funny combo..:lol:
minority sikh soldier used as cannon fodder
They can only depend on Sikhs and Gorkhas to defend them, if a Hindu sees the Chinese military, they shiver and run for cover.
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