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Indian INSAS get jammed multiple times while LOC firefight

TBH scrappy rifle jam again and again if i was there i trow it and take other
Thanks for sharing the video!!.

Little to no recoil.. The mag empty rates!!..

You use a assault rifle for hunting?

Please stop ruining the sport for others by saying stuff like this.
May be in India people use to hunt easy targets like birds using ww2 rifle. That too in proximity of city.
We are hunting wild animals . That too in jungle where danger is increased and target is always moving and sometimes stealth. So yes we need assault rifles for hunting and to protect ourselves.
May be in India people use to hunt easy targets like birds using ww2 rifle. That too in proximity of city.
We are hunting wild animals . That too in jungle where danger is increased and target is always moving and sometimes stealth. So yes we need assault rifles for hunting and to protect ourselves.

Dear Sir,
First try to build road in Doklam, we will show you effectiveness of INSAS.
Already done. What do you think those yellow lines are? :rofl::rofl::rofl:. What has INSAS got to do with Doklam? Did I touch a sensitive nerve about Indian competency again?:lol:


AKs are used for counter insurgency.

"The clever learn from their own mistakes. The wise learn from the mistakes of others. However, India is unique – it just refuses to learn." :rofl::rofl::rofl:
Beautiful quote...their ego and self obsessive behaviour deters them from ever admiting fault. Penny wise pound foolish bunch of people. They will never ever do a self reflection on their weaknesses, the delusion is pretty high.
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