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Indian govt secretly monitoring Internet traffic without ISP knowledge

:omghaha: Really?

Do u even know? the nation who has killed 600,000 Kashmiris and i havnt counted the deaths of this year.

God knows how much died in mass graves and r torched beyond identification. Same thing happened to Muslims in yr country thrice in 92/94,2002, 2006 in just yr one state. and Babri Masjid that is inside yr financial Capital. and u even Arrest a 21 Years old girl just because she had expressed her frustration on internet abt shutter down curfew in the eve of death of hindu terrorist Bal Thakary and even arrested her non Muslim Friend who just like her comment.:omghaha: and this dude is talking abt Human rights with us. even the suicide bomb was also invented by u as u r such a great nation to have blow off yr own PM long before anyone knew abt this technique here and atleast we havnt blown off any of our head of state ever.

and i havt talked abt what yr army has done in yr NE in places like Nagalands,Assam,Orissa,Sikkam, AP, Manipur etc etc.

Live in yr delusion kid.
mate you look so cool in the above picture:woot:!btw aren't you the one who claimed that the 1st human on earth was Adam:omghaha:!then if you can know the identity of the 1st man pray tell me who was the 2nd one(pleaswe don't say that it was O.B.L.:laughcry::rofl:)
I have no problem if the govt. is monitoring . I have nothing to hide ..... :yay:
A good move.

Those who have nothing to hide ought not to worry.

A good move.

Those who have nothing to hide ought not to worry.
@Umair Nawaz So what are you gonna do about it? Why dont you join the "freedom fighters" and do something about us evil Yindoos or is only talk all you can do?
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mate you look so cool in the above picture:woot:!btw aren't you the one who claimed that the 1st human on earth was Adam:omghaha:!then if you can know the identity of the 1st man pray tell me who was the 2nd one(pleaswe don't say that it was O.B.L.:laughcry::rofl:)

The First man to have set foot in the World was Prophet Adam then his Wife Eve. Its mentioned in all the faiths who hold the most number of followers in world Like Islam, Christianity. Its also mentioned in Judaism but its not the biggest faith.

What u hindus think is only yr isolated opinion.

Educate him.
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mate you look so cool in the above picture:woot:!btw aren't you the one who claimed that the 1st human on earth was Adam:omghaha:!then if you can know the identity of the 1st man pray tell me who was the 2nd one(pleaswe don't say that it was O.B.L.:laughcry::rofl:)

The First man to have set foot in the World was Prophet Adam then his Wife Eve. Its mentioned in all the faiths who hold the most number of followers in world Like Islam, Christianity. Its also mentioned in Judaism but its not the biggest faith.

What u hindus think is only yr isolated opinion.


Educate him.
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mate you look so cool in the above picture:woot:!btw aren't you the one who claimed that the 1st human on earth was Adam:omghaha:!then if you can know the identity of the 1st man pray tell me who was the 2nd one(pleaswe don't say that it was O.B.L.:laughcry::rofl:)

The First man to have set foot in the World was Prophet Adam then his Wife Eve. Its mentioned in all the faiths who hold the most number of followers in world Like Islam, Christianity. Its also mentioned in Judaism but its not the biggest faith.

What u hindus think is only yr isolated opinion.


Educate him.
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No dumbo its in june 2014.

will you lay some eggs in june 2014?

The First man to have set foot in the World was Prophet Adam then his Wife Eve. Its mentioned in all the faiths who hold the most number of followers in world Like Islam, Christianity. Its also mentioned in Judaism but its not the biggest faith.

What u hindus think is only yr isolated opinion.


Educate him.

who is prophet adam and prophet eve..i heard something else..hmmmm
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Who cares if they monitor how much **** i surf. If it makes it easier to catch terrorists i am game. :)

From what i hear, for the government porno surfing isn't an issue at all. What they're worried about is accessing sites promoting religious extremism.
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