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Indian govt. responsible for 30-year war in Sri Lanka - SL Defence Sec.


Jan 8, 2011
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Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
Had the then Indian government acted with responsibility, Sri Lanka wouldn’t have experienced a 30-year war, Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said yesterday, according to the Government Information Department.

People of all communities would have been still suffering horrors of war, if not for the eradication of terrorism in May 2009, following a three-year combined security forces campaign, the Defence Secretary said, noting that India could never absolve itself of the responsibility for creating terrorism here, though some of those directly involved in subverting Sri Lanka were blaming the Rajapaksa administration for the plight of Tamil speaking people here.

He was responding to former Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri.

Puri had been directly involved in the Indian operation against the then JRJ government in the run-up to the July 1987 Indo-Lanka Accord, Rajapaksa said, alleging that he was one of those aware of the Indian operations here.

The Defence Secretary said that both Hardeep S. Puri and his wife, Lakshmi had been attached to India’s mission in Colombo during the tenure of J. N. Dixit as India’s High Commissioner here.

Puri had now called for an investigation into what he called specific allegations of war crimes during the last 100 days of military operations. Those demanding accountability on Sri Lanka’s part for alleged atrocities committed during the last 100 days of the conflict were silent on the origin of terrorism here, the Defence Secretary said.

Rajapaksa said that Puri should realize that the Indian intervention here had caused a major regional crisis, when Indian trained Sri Lankan terrorists raided the Maldives in early November 1988. The international community should consider a comprehensive investigation into the issue beginning with the Indian intervention, he added.

India’s former Permanent Representative could help the investigation by revealing what was going on at that time.

The defence Secretary pointed out that Dixit, in his memoirs published during his tenure as the Foreign Secretary, had acknowledged that arming Sri Lankan Tamil youth was one of the two major policy blunders of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Commenting on Puri’s allegation that he (Rajapaksa) wanted to do away with the provincial council system and criticism on recent attacks on Muslims in Colombo, the Defence Secretary said that the Indian official couldn’t be unaware of what the Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik had said before he slaughtered 70 men, women and children. Breivik declared that he wanted the drive out Muslims out of Europe the way northern Sri Lanka was cleansed of Muslims during 1990. The Norwegian was referring to massacres carried out by the LTTE during President Premadasa’s administration.

The Defence Secretary said that those critical of the Sri Lankan government should peruse former Indian Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal’s recent piece to India Today.

The LTTE had used children as cannon fodder and Prabhakaran had forced the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to recognize the LTTE as the sole representative of Tamil speaking people. The TNA couldn’t even finalize its candidates’ list for parliamentary polls without Prabhakaran’s approval, the Defence Secretary said, alleging some interested parties were reluctant to acknowledge the fact that Sri Lanka was a much better place today without the LTTE.

He was responding to former Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri.

Puri had been directly involved in the Indian operation against the then JRJ government in the run-up to the July 1987 Indo-Lanka Accord, Rajapaksa said, alleging that he was one of those aware of he Indian operations here.

Indian govt. responsible for 30-year war in Sri Lanka - Gotabaya
Bad move Mr.Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa.

you have opened a pandora box...........now cats are out in wild :bounce:
Yes but that was after Rajiv was blown to bits on Indian soil by the same terror his c'nt of a misery mother Indira funded and breast fed to become a monster that cost devastation and of over 100,000 Lankan and 1000's of Indian lives

Terrorists are snakes...I guess after Rajiv Gandhi's assassination Indian Government understood this.
Had the then Indian government acted with responsibility, Sri Lanka wouldn’t have experienced a 30-year war, Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said yesterday, according to the Government Information Department.

People of all communities would have been still suffering horrors of war, if not for the eradication of terrorism in May 2009, following a three-year combined security forces campaign, the Defence Secretary said, noting that India could never absolve itself of the responsibility for creating terrorism here, though some of those directly involved in subverting Sri Lanka were blaming the Rajapaksa administration for the plight of Tamil speaking people here.

He was responding to former Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri.

Puri had been directly involved in the Indian operation against the then JRJ government in the run-up to the July 1987 Indo-Lanka Accord, Rajapaksa said, alleging that he was one of those aware of the Indian operations here.

The Defence Secretary said that both Hardeep S. Puri and his wife, Lakshmi had been attached to India’s mission in Colombo during the tenure of J. N. Dixit as India’s High Commissioner here.

Puri had now called for an investigation into what he called specific allegations of war crimes during the last 100 days of military operations. Those demanding accountability on Sri Lanka’s part for alleged atrocities committed during the last 100 days of the conflict were silent on the origin of terrorism here, the Defence Secretary said.

Rajapaksa said that Puri should realize that the Indian intervention here had caused a major regional crisis, when Indian trained Sri Lankan terrorists raided the Maldives in early November 1988. The international community should consider a comprehensive investigation into the issue beginning with the Indian intervention, he added.

India’s former Permanent Representative could help the investigation by revealing what was going on at that time.

The defence Secretary pointed out that Dixit, in his memoirs published during his tenure as the Foreign Secretary, had acknowledged that arming Sri Lankan Tamil youth was one of the two major policy blunders of the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi.

Commenting on Puri’s allegation that he (Rajapaksa) wanted to do away with the provincial council system and criticism on recent attacks on Muslims in Colombo, the Defence Secretary said that the Indian official couldn’t be unaware of what the Norwegian mass killer Anders Breivik had said before he slaughtered 70 men, women and children. Breivik declared that he wanted the drive out Muslims out of Europe the way northern Sri Lanka was cleansed of Muslims during 1990. The Norwegian was referring to massacres carried out by the LTTE during President Premadasa’s administration.

The Defence Secretary said that those critical of the Sri Lankan government should peruse former Indian Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal’s recent piece to India Today.

The LTTE had used children as cannon fodder and Prabhakaran had forced the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) to recognize the LTTE as the sole representative of Tamil speaking people. The TNA couldn’t even finalize its candidates’ list for parliamentary polls without Prabhakaran’s approval, the Defence Secretary said, alleging some interested parties were reluctant to acknowledge the fact that Sri Lanka was a much better place today without the LTTE.

He was responding to former Indian Permanent Representative to the United Nations Hardeep Singh Puri.

Puri had been directly involved in the Indian operation against the then JRJ government in the run-up to the July 1987 Indo-Lanka Accord, Rajapaksa said, alleging that he was one of those aware of he Indian operations here.

Indian govt. responsible for 30-year war in Sri Lanka - Gotabaya

had Sri Lanka acted responsibly,there would be no demand for Tamil Eelam.Mr. Defence Secratary,you need little knowledge of history of your own country..

at least now I think India should treat Sri Lanka accordingly..those morons,who think that SL will remain cordial with India must review their views..while we are letting their fishermen go,they are keeping ours in jail for months now..is that how India want to treats their own people for this country who forever supported our enemy??or is it the time to stand firm and do something to teach them a lesson??
had Sri Lanka acted responsibly,there would be no demand for Tamil Eelam.Mr. Defence Secratary,you need little knowledge of history of your own country..

So some internet warrior in India possibly TN knows more about the history of Sri Lanka than one of the countries top most bureaucrats and a decorated soldier ?? Sometimes the dilutions of grandeur among teenage PDF posters here is truly hilarious!!.. :lol:
So some internet warrior in India possibly TN knows more about the history of Sri Lanka than one of the countries top most bureaucrats and a decorated soldier ?? Sometimes the dilutions of grandeur among teenage PDF posters here is truly hilarious!!.. :lol:

The hilarious part is SL members here claiming to be the authoritative source of SL history and blaming everyone from India to TN tamilians to International Human rights organizations not acknowledging their part in the whole mess starting with the disenfranchising of the Indian descent Tamilians immediately after independence thereby reducing the Tamil citizens strength in SL from 33% to 20% so that the Sinhala majority can have the political power - not to mention the 1956 Sinhala only act, not to mention the 1958 riots killing Tamilians, not to mention the Univerisities act, not to mention the burning of Jaffna library and 1983 Black July etc etc.

Stop blaming everyone for your mess and start taking atleast partial responsibility for the chaos SL is in since the independence. LTTE came only in 1970s while you started the mess since 1948. India got involved in 1960s due to you denying the citizenship for Indian descent tamilians who was there for decades since the 19th century.
Yes but that was after Rajiv was blown to bits on Indian soil by the same terror his c'nt of a misery mother Indira funded and breast fed to become a monster that cost devastation and of over 100,000 Lankan and 1000's of Indian lives

That do not mean that Srilankan Govt have not done human rights violations on SL tamils.

If you list out the atrocities of SL Govt from 1948 on wards, it will become a long list. SL Govt. is the real culprit here.
No not really the fault lies on us we should have left Srilanka deal with its problems its a sovereign country.

Sorry, If we have ethnics living in Foreign country then we have to care for their well being. But promoting terrorism is NOT the right approach... Anyways India paid the price!

Yes but that was after Rajiv was blown to bits on Indian soil by the same terror his c'nt of a misery mother Indira funded and breast fed to become a monster that cost devastation and of over 100,000 Lankan and 1000's of Indian lives

Yes you have to agree that before that NO OTHER country had banned the LTTE... You have to accept that fact!

Ok, NO one can change the past, Whether SL now poised to treat it's minority as equals? Or they want to suppress them again?
BS Article... my father a Major at that time went to serve Sri Lanka as IPKF and he told me only one thing that he is there to help the local people and so are his friends. He was in ordinance and he got shot, however it was a ricochet and he was not badly injured. However, many of his friends met a different fate.

Who were they supporting?

The LTTE? No they were supporting sovereign state of Srilanka as ordered by MoD

Let's be respectful to the people who laid their life for other countries interest. Do you even know a naval Sri Lankan commando (tamil origin) tried to kill Rajiv Gandhi during a march???
So some internet warrior in India possibly TN knows more about the history of Sri Lanka than one of the countries top most bureaucrats and a decorated soldier ?? Sometimes the dilutions of grandeur among teenage PDF posters here is truly hilarious!!.. :lol:

For every action there is equal and opposite reaction! Newtons third law of motion is applicable in all walks of life... You mean to say that SL did NOTHING to Tamils for they took arms to avoid boredom?

BS Article... my father a Major at that time went to serve Sri Lanka as IPKF and he told me only one thing that he is there to help the local people and so are his friends. He was in ordinance and he got shot, however it was a ricochet and he was not badly injured. However, many of his friends met a different fate.

Who were they supporting?

The LTTE? No they were supporting sovereign state of Srilanka as ordered by MoD

Let's be respectful to the people who laid their life for other countries interest. Do you even know a naval Sri Lankan commando (tamil origin) tried to kill Rajiv Gandhi during a march???

Between IPKF was in a raping spree in SL and that is the main reason for the LTTE to kill Rajiv Gandhi!

Sending your Army and promoting terrorism was India's mistake... Either India should have done an Bangladesh in SL or should have supported SL government and exerted diplomatic pressure to make them treat the minorities in the correct sense!

Also the SL naval guard did NOT try to kill Rajiv Gandhi... but tried to hit him!

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