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Indian girl commits suicide over alleged gang rape

How to stop rape?????What do legal, governmental, social, national should do?????

If they can send the victim to Singapore for better treatment, they should also send the accused to Saudi Arabia for better justice.

Thats the better solution.

Just outsource the punishment of rape accused to Saudi in return for barrel of oil. Both parties will be happy.

(PS: Unfolding the hidden jumbles in the above statement would be a tiring process).
More interested in journalistic use of words which can make or break.

the issue is sensitive, the media should take care of all points

Most of Indians are not interested in knowing if a Hindu died or a Muslim died or a Christian died. For us, a poor young Indian girl died and her untimely departure in such a horrible way will keep shaming us until the ones who committed the crime are sent to hell in a much worse way!!
The funny thing is that most Pakistanis (not even the regular trolls) have trolled on this thread. Some have actually said very sane words. I don't understand why the trolls with red flags are allowed this leeway. And some of these are the regular trolls who have not made one constructive post on the forum. A permanent ban is what they should get, if the mods want to make any claim to impartiality. If even Pakistanis can refrain from trolling on this one, is it too much to expect from the 50 centers? I guess the difference is that the Pakistanis don't get paid to troll.

Look, this is my sincere request to all the sino trolls. Leave this thread alone, we Indians will happily criticize and insult our own society much better than you can, and in a much more constructive way than you can. Since the @WebMaster has allowed this topic as a one time thing because he feels that this voice needs to be heard, please let it be us Indians who do that job, since we know our society a lot more than anyone else. Our own criticisms will actually hurt us a lot more than your stupid, brainless potshots at India or Hinduism or whatnot.

Every Indian who first opened this thread did so with the intention of expressing solidarity with the victim, or like me, to criticize and question our society. Since constructive criticism is completely alien to you people, please leave this thread alone. My request is only to those idiots who think that they need to come here and badmouth India to make us feel bad. That will only make Indian posters respond in kind, and get infractions, and lose faith in the forum. Other posters (Pakistani or Indian or Chinese or whoever)who want to contribute their bit constructively may do so, and we welcome that.

janon why you guys are taking it as YOUR issue??????

why not make it OURS issue. its is it is it is.

stopppppp getting frustrated
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janon why you guys are taking it as YOUR issue??????
why not make it OURS issue. its is it is it is.
stopppppp getting frustrated
Because of the great comments made by posters from other countries.
If they can send the victim to Singapore for better treatment, they should also send the accused to Saudi Arabia for better justice.

Thats the better solution.

Just outsource the punishment of rape accused to Saudi in return for barrel of oil. Both parties will be happy.

(PS: Unfolding the hidden jumbles in the above statement would be a tiring process).

Unfortunately all it will do is give us some sort of mental satisfaction that the beasts have got a harsher suffering than her...however will not do anything to make me relax even for a second...when my wife, my sister go out...that is the most unfortunate reality that i as an Indian and especially dehlilite have to live with :(
Exactly. If people would have protested at this scale when previous rape happened, this girl might have been alive.

Did you see interview of President's son. Media is now grilling politicians for more TRP.

Which is not bad considering these guys' (politicians) livelihood is dependent on their ability to continuously appear good to the public. So much of media glare (even if it is the nincompoop media like ours) at least keeps them in some check..
The victim's identity or name or religion or caste cannot be divulged, by law. And Indians don't care about the religion of either the victim or the perpetrators, unless it was a religiously motivated crime, which this wasn't. We are secular in law and spirit.

Death would be too easy for a crime like this. In fact two of the rapists have pleaded for the death penalty in court. Life imprisonment WITH NO POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE is what we should give for this. The USA often gives that penalty. Let them live the rest of their unnatural life contemplating what they did. In solitary confinement, if possible. A life with no hope of human contact or seeing the outside world.
janon why you guys are taking it as YOUR issue??????

why not make it OURS issue. its is it is it is.

stopppppp getting frustrated


Some members just need a POINT to BASH & HUMILIATE INDIA & INDIANS.

OH....NOT JUST THAT THEY EVEN ASK "What is the Religion of the Girl" - If she was Hindu than it's OK, If she was Muslim than again BASH INDIA on how they treat there MINORITIES.
Dont worry they will. They have been arrested

Do you know what the max punishment they can get in Indian judicial system? They will get max life imprisonment of 14 years and during imprisonment, day and night is counted separately so a day becomes 2 days and 14 years becomes 7 years.. So with the current system they will be out on the streets after 7 years to commit more rapes.
Some members just need a POINT to BASH & HUMILIATE INDIA & INDIANS.
OH....NOT JUST THAT THEY EVEN ASK "What is the Religion of the Girl" - If she was Hindu than it's OK, If she was Muslim than again BASH INDIA on how they treat there MINORITIES.
They can still do it. So much hue and cry over Hindu girl, no one raises voice over Dalits and Minority girls.

I have given them a point. See how they jump on it.
now martial arts training for every gal.....
i cant wait for my sis n will send her for sure..

lemme go home..:sniper:

never felt hurted like now ever due to delhi gal
Which is not bad considering these guys' (politicians) livelihood is dependent on their ability to continuously appear good to the public. So much of media glare (even if it is the nincompoop media like ours) at least keeps them in some check..

Won't help Karan...because that scumbag has apologized and no action is going to be initiated against him....Public memory is short and that's it....actually the dirt is deep inside us...this freaking patriarchal society has put it in my genes that i am better than a fellow female...be it my sister, wife, friend, colleague or anything.... and since i am better than i have the right to teach her a lesson if she dare to challenge my superiority...and for that if i have to put a rod in her vagina and tore it apart that is acceptable!!!

This is the mindset and i am afraid the rot is deep inside...No stringent law...no amount of police and no extent of judicial reforms are going to bring in much changes unless and until we start fighting this attitude at home!!!
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