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Indian Foreign Policy: Paradigm Shift

I don't think Modi is trying to pick a side. I believe Modi is trying to create his own block of countries in South Asia which will be economically interconnected connected and maybe later militarily... There will be dealings with both the West and Russia/China but as Independent entities rather than joining any particular side. Modi will be around for 10 years without a doubt like it or not, there is no national opposition. Bihar Election victory will most probably IMO seal the deal for 2019.
I don't think Modi is trying to pick a side. I believe Modi is trying to create his own block of countries in South Asia which will be economically interconnected connected and maybe later militarily... There will be dealing with both the West and Russia/China but as Independent entities rather than joining any particular side. Modi will be around for 10 years without a doubt like it or not, there is no national opposition. Bihar Election victory will most probably IMO seal the deal for 2019.

Yes highly probable. Though we must keep it in mind Picking a side is often same as not picking a side but leaning on one side.

For argument's sake let's say India joins NATO or if that is not technically possible then becomes something like Japan/S.Korea/Australia. What are our losses - Russia, Maybe. We can act like a bridge b/w Russia and NATO. China - Sure but we will continue or trade with them like any other country and it is not like China is some kind of an ally or anything.
Very well said. China is the real issue, Pakistan despite hogging all media attention is just a side show, wish we would quickly disengage from Pakistan. No more foolish statements from Ministers and war mongering. We need space and an hostile Pakistan is a perception problem in global community as it hyphenates India along with it.

Yes; China needs to be handled more gingerly.... esp when China has some internal issues, like now.
As for Pakistan; better to leave it alone to its own devices and treat it like the naughty boy made to sit in a corner till he begins to behave differently;mind you I'm saying that in the diplomatic context,. Other measures can continue.
Yes; China needs to be handled more gingerly.... esp when China has some internal issues, like now.
As for Pakistan; better to leave it alone to its own devices and treat it like the naughty boy made to sit in a corner till he begins to behave differently;mind you I'm saying that in the diplomatic context,. Other measures can continue.

Yes that is why I don't like so much importance being given to Pakistan. There should be a gag order.

We are not some insecure kids who need to brag this or that, we should be self -assured enough. Verbal battles at highest level of government is not needed. If things get too much then let our guns and artillery answer - they would get the message soon enough.
I agree, am no Modi Bhakt myself but I am observing a major shift in Indian policy. My objective was that discussion in this thread would extrapolate his actions in foreign policy and see how he deals with present and future challenges. How it heralds India's entry into game of Real Politiks. We have certainly stopped being naive little idiots believing in fairy tales of Panchheel and Non Alignment but would we take a step further and enter into some kind of alliance with west? Intervention in Afganishtan?

Does his economy driven foreign policy all that is or there is a driving goal behind it to bind certain countries closer to India who would be compelled to support India in order to protect their interests in case of sanctions/wars.

His Make in India is also not so single dimension as it suggests, does it harken sanction mitigation measures in face another nuclear test coming to reaffirm our thermo nuclear capability and establish a true deterrent against China.

Conspiracy theories or not, but never hurts to dig a little deeper.

@levina @Star Wars @magudi

Any and all realistic criticisms of Modi are most welcome.

You forgot to mention Modi's push in ASEAN countries, Buddhism and Hinduism connection is being flirted around a lot lately.

A real good attempt. :tup:
You forgot to mention Modi's push in ASEAN countries, Buddhism and Hinduism connection is being flirted around a lot lately.

A real good attempt. :tup:

Yeah, second track of diplomacy involving cultural aspects like Yoga, Buddhism etc were not covered by me primarily for two reasons: their impacts are impossible to quantify and mostly they serve as an appetizer to the main course which are defense, economy and tech collaboration
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Yes highly probable. Though we must keep it in mind Picking a side is often same as not picking a side but leaning on one side.

For argument's sake let's say India joins NATO or if that is not technically possible then becomes something like Japan/S.Korea/Australia. What are our losses - Russia, Maybe. We can act like a bridge b/w Russia and NATO. China - Sure but we will continue or trade with them like any other country and it is not like China is some kind of an ally or anything.

I believe the current use of the military in Yemen, Nepal, ..operations in Myanmar is a signal to South Asian Nations that India has immense influence in Indian Ocean. Without a doubt i believe India is trying to assert itself in South Asia..
I believe the current use of the military in Yemen, Nepal, ..operations in Myanmar is a signal to South Asian Nations that India has immense influence in Indian Ocean. Without a doubt i believe India is trying to assert itself in South Asia..

Yes true, though I am doubtful it they were meant as such. Myanmar sure but for others it was playing to the gallery.

Signal which can't be missed is supplying weapons and training personel to Afganishtan

your views @Capt.Popeye
India should pick a side, which side to pick is pretty obvious if you see current geo-strategic equation.

I don't believe Modi in his first term would go so far but in 2nd term we might see a concrete alliance depending on how much China's obstructionist attitude in UN, UNSC, NSG, MTCR etc

US and West's main reluctance behind throwing their full support behind India is that they cannot rely on India if things get tough. If India demonstrates willingness to be active on behalf of their interest we can see defense goodies like engine and drone tech, AC designs, nuclear reactors for sub, EMALS etc coming our way in addition to full NSG membership and good chance of UNSC membership.

Russia can be placated by giving them few major defense deals and keep their mothballing MIC surviving for another decade so that they remain relevant atleast militarily.

stay neutral in their affairs and use our leverage to soften both US and Russian stances when it comes to their dealings with us, there is nothing to be gained by playing east block-west block again.

stay neutral in their affairs and use our leverage to soften both US and Russian stances when it comes to their dealings with us, there is nothing to be gained by playing east block-west block again.

Advantages of staying neutral - No NSG, No UNSC, No MTCR, No Nuke Deal, No support on Kashmir issue, China continues with it's tricks, Pakistan continues with Kashmir and infiltration

We have stayed neutral for decades and this is what we got.

Just my humble opinion Sir.
IF you remember during the Nuke testing era and during the Kargil wars it was the Indian lobby which was used to pressure US to act on Pakistan which Modi himself was a part of and Indian lobby was also used to reduce the burden of Sanctions on India after testing of nukes. I can't help but notice this "rock star reception" he has been having in other countries is probably an attempt to rile up NRI patriotism, make them feel at home and create a very powerful Indian lobby in these countries...
Nop....its just that South Asians are so used to being on the receiving end of bad news that bad news was the new normal. When something good happens, people often can't believe it..
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