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Indian Foreign Policy: Paradigm Shift

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To quote Yoda "Do. Or do not. There is no try"

We are trying to make peace, trying to make war. One thing I like about Europeans is they they just go crazy and do it. Want Crimea - Just annex it, want to be friends - break the Berlin War, don't like jews - kill them all. We S. Asians keep trying and trying.


Well I suppose the difference between Europeans and South Asians is that we haven't gone through a few hundred years of blood shed to learn the futility of it all and aren't exactly secure in our identities unlike them.

We are very young nations who still don't quite know who they are and because of that we're constantly reinventing or redefining ourselves.

India took the idea of a geographical and historical India - a subcontinent of Nations...not a country - and superimposed it onto the State of India as if to speak of one was to speak of the other....that was a good idea but like all new ideas it came with challenges of its own.

Pakistan took the ideas of the Medinite state from early Islam, the areas that formed present-day Pakistan along with their history, geography and culture and the notion of a Nation State and superimposed it onto each other.

Ours was a more radical experiment so we've got a lot more figuring out to do and we're doing it...in starts and stops.

I think thats where this conflict stems from....whether we like it or not we haven't gone beyond stereotypes and those stereotypes are embedded in our national psyche.

For all the talk of an exotic India....the notion that we're NOT Pakistan hasn't dissipated in India where Pakistan is understood to be a communal land obtained for the wrong reasons and standing for even wronger reasons just waiting to implode on itself.

For all the talk of a Sindhi hum...Balochi hum in Pakistan....the notion that we're NOT India hasn't dissipated in Pakistan where India is defined as the land for casteist Hindus, of casteist Hindus and by casteist Hindus with a carefully constructed facade of equality on display.

So for each other to accept the other's viewpoint is a monumental challenge and peace will only reign when people in India realize that the demand for Pakistan wasn't synonymous with some communal agenda but simply the apprehensions of a minority manifesting themselves in a sub-national entity vs the center vying for their respective view points.

And likewise for the people of Pakistan to realize that the idea of a United India wasn't to convert us into the Hindu Muhammedans of India where a veneer of token equality masks the modern day rendition of a mythical Ram Raj where being Indianized is the same as being Hinduized. It was simply an attempt to explore the possibility of a united South Asia where the synergies of the sum being greater than its part could be realized.

Right now...thats a tall....tall order. And this thread and many others like them where either India or Pakistan is demonized to no end - depending on who's talking - are testament to the difficulty of that.

Well I suppose the difference between Europeans and South Asians is that we haven't gone through a few hundred years of blood shed to learn the futility of it all and aren't exactly secure in our identities unlike them.

We are very young nations who still don't quite know who they are and because of that we're constantly reinventing or redefining ourselves.

India took the idea of a geographical and historical India - a subcontinent of Nations...not a country - and superimposed it onto the State of India as if to speak of one was to speak of the other....that was a good idea but like all new ideas it came with challenges of its own.

Pakistan took the ideas of the Medinite state from early Islam, the areas that formed present-day Pakistan along with their history, geography and culture and the notion of a Nation State and superimposed it onto each other.

Ours was a more radical experiment so we've got a lot more figuring out to do and we're doing it...in starts and stops.

I think thats where this conflict stems from....whether we like it or not we haven't gone beyond stereotypes and those stereotypes are embedded in our national psyche.

For all the talk of an exotic India....the notion that we're NOT Pakistan hasn't dissipated in India where Pakistan is understood to be a communal land obtained for the wrong reasons and standing for even wronger reasons just waiting to implode on itself.

For all the talk of a Sindhi hum...Balochi hum in Pakistan....the notion that we're NOT India hasn't dissipated in Pakistan where India is defined as the land for casteist Hindus, of casteist Hindus and by casteist Hindus with a carefully constructed facade of equality on display.

So for each other to accept the other's viewpoint is a monumental challenge and peace will only reign when people in India realize that the demand for Pakistan wasn't synonymous with some communal agenda but simply the apprehensions of a minority manifesting themselves in a sub-national entity vs the center vying for their respective view points.

And likewise for the people of Pakistan to realize that the idea of a United India wasn't to convert us into the Hindu Muhammedans of India where a veneer of token equality masks the modern day rendition of a mythical Ram Raj where being Indianized is the same as being Hinduized. It was simply an attempt to explore the possibility of a united South Asia where the synergies of the sum being greater than its part could be realized.

Right now...thats a tall....tall order. And this thread and many others like them where either India or Pakistan is demonized to no end - depending on who's talking - are testament to the difficulty of that.

Oh! We have had plenty of wars and bloodshed, may be not in our current incarnations but Ideas of India and Pakistan have been war for centuries. It is just that when we have benevolent tyrants like Mughals or a common master like UK, Hindus were placated in former and in later they both joined to fight the common evil.

The under currents for conflict has always been there, Hindus through their collective memories will never forget early Islamic invaders and their butchery and least of all now days when Hindu right is on ascendance. I haven't been on PDF for long but in most of threads it continues to pop up. It doesn't matter they themselves have been guilty of far worse and systematic subjugation of lower castes which were made to live in sub-human condition like slaves.

The point my friend, the repressed hatred of 1000 years among Hindus and Muslims towards each other can at best be repressed again but never erased. In case of Europe the conflict was all due to politics and greed for more power, religion was not in equation.

Some may understate or pooh pah the importance of religion between India and Pakistan conflict stating Indian Muslims have been leading relatively peaceful lives in India when compared to other their status in war-zones of Syria, Iraq and other countries. They would give countless examples of content and well to do Muslims and they would be right broadly.

What they fail to understand that Muslims in India and Pakistan are two different and distinct entities. Pakistan does not have Muslims, it is Muslim - it's identity is Muslim not some geographical area or arbitrarily laid down boundaries.

An important hypothetical question is what if Pakistan got Kashmir in 1947 - Would that been a necessary and sufficient condition for peace between India and Pakistan? This is a very tough question to answer - in face of absence of any logical grievances in Pakistan regarding India and vice versa would new grievances crop up or we could have been a modern day Western Europe.

My view is no, Pakistan would have been compelled due to it's identity to be in conflict with India whenever and wherever Indian Muslims were in trouble. And let me clarify there would have been plenty of cases - we would have still seen Gujarat, Bombay and many other cases of Hindus slaughtering Muslims and vice versa due to visceral hatred and apathy many Hindus have towards Muslims and vice versa.

IMHO religion based conflicts are impossible to solve, unless one side accepts primacy of other. The other solution would have been De-Islamization of India on such a scale that Muslims become inconsequential like Buddhist, Christians and likes and this is the wet dream many Hindu Extremists have.

Hence my friend we are in this together for a long haul.
Oh! We have had plenty of wars and bloodshed, may be not in our current incarnations but Ideas of India and Pakistan have been war for centuries. It is just that when we have benevolent tyrants like Mughals or a common master like UK, Hindus were placated in former and in later they both joined to fight the common evil.

The under currents for conflict has always been there, Hindus through their collective memories will never forget early Islamic invaders and their butchery and least of all now days when Hindu right is on ascendance. I haven't been on PDF for long but in most of threads it continues to pop up. It doesn't matter they themselves have been guilty of far worse and systematic subjugation of lower castes which were made to live in sub-human condition like slaves.

The point my friend, the repressed hatred of 1000 years among Hindus and Muslims towards each other can at best be repressed again but never erased. In case of Europe the conflict was all due to politics and greed for more power, religion was not in equation.

Some may understate or pooh pah the importance of religion between India and Pakistan conflict stating Indian Muslims have been leading relatively peaceful lives in India when compared to other their status in war-zones of Syria, Iraq and other countries. They would give countless examples of content and well to do Muslims and they would be right broadly.

What they fail to understand that Muslims in India and Pakistan are two different and distinct entities. Pakistan does not have Muslims, it is Muslim - it's identity is Muslim not some geographical area or arbitrarily laid down boundaries.

An important hypothetical question is what if Pakistan got Kashmir in 1947 - Would that been a necessary and sufficient condition for peace between India and Pakistan? This is a very tough question to answer - in face of absence of any logical grievances in Pakistan regarding India and vice versa would new grievances crop up or we could have been a modern day Western Europe.

My view is no, Pakistan would have been compelled due to it's identity to be in conflict with India whenever and wherever Indian Muslims were in trouble. And let me clarify there would have been plenty of cases - we would have still seen Gujarat, Bombay and many other cases of Hindus slaughtering Muslims and vice versa due to visceral hatred and apathy many Hindus have towards Muslims and vice versa.

IMHO religion based conflicts are impossible to solve, unless one side accepts primacy of other. The other solution would have been De-Islamization of India on such a scale that Muslims become inconsequential like Buddhist, Christians and likes and this is the wet dream many Hindu Extremists have.

Hence my friend we are in this together for a long haul.

Good points again but I think the solution to the Kashmir issue would've represented a closure that would've significantly reduced the political significance of those who use passion evoking rhetoric to demonize the other. And no I don't think that Pakistan or India would've found another reason to continue on with this acrimony - the Kashmir has been the key and will continue to remain the key to this....it is the unfinished agenda of the partition....if not politically than definitely psychologically.

For Pakistan, the happenings in Kashmir and the way how everything played out over there, represents a vindication of our stance to go for a separate country.

For India, keeping hold of Kashmir and integrating it into the Indian Union represents the vindication of your stance that we could all exist peacefully with each other and that the demand for Pakistan was just plain wrong.

Until and unless we learn to move beyond such overly simplistic notions of the Kashmir Conflict, of each other and shun our overly hagiographic reading of history, this would indeed be a long haul.

As far as Indian Muslims are concerned; any outpouring of feelings for them is symptomatic of the psyche that was formed because of the lingering acrimony between our two nations at the backdrop of the Kashmir Issue.
Good points again but I think the solution to the Kashmir issue would've represented a closure that would've significantly reduced the political significance of those who use passion evoking rhetoric to demonize the other. And no I don't think that Pakistan or India would've found another reason to continue on with this acrimony - the Kashmir has been the key and will continue to remain the key to this....it is the unfinished agenda of the partition....if not politically than definitely psychologically.

For Pakistan, the happenings in Kashmir and the way how everything played out over there, represents a vindication of our stance to go for a separate country.

For India, keeping hold of Kashmir and integrating it into the Indian Union represents the vindication of your stance that we could all exist peacefully with each other and that the demand for Pakistan was just plain wrong.

Until and unless we learn to move beyond such overly simplistic notions of the Kashmir Conflict, of each other and shun our overly hagiographic reading of history, this would indeed be a long haul.

As far as Indian Muslims are concerned; any outpouring of feelings for them is symptomatic of the psyche that was formed because of the lingering acrimony between our two nations at the backdrop of the Kashmir Issue.

I would defer to your statements regarding Pakistani psyche obviously. Kashmir is indeed the core issue now and I agree with many Pakistanis when they say every problem b/w India and Pakistan has a root cause in Kashmir. I am in no way denying that. Arriving at a closure which can be satisfactory to both sides however is next to impossible.

Any closure would have conversion of LOC to IB as the most likely outcome keeping in mind current ground realities, this however will not be satisfactory to anyone in Pakistan - this is my assumption.

The other issue which plays a key part is Water and rivers. I would like to ask you which is more important for common populace - " Indian presence in Kashmir and it's effect on Kashmiris in form of human right violations and denial of plebiscite or the Hold India has over rivers passing through Kashmir?

Applying cold hard logic - Water should be the issue, and if Pakistan can extract certain hard guarantees from India in this regard or reach an accommodation which gives Pakistan control over these waters via having a presence at the source and egress points militarily(just a wild idea) then a solution might be achieved but how palatable such a solution would be to common Pakistanis is an issue.
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The under currents for conflict has always been there, Hindus through their collective memories will never forget early Islamic invaders and their butchery and least of all now days when Hindu right is on ascendance. I haven't been on PDF for long but in most of threads it continues to pop up. It doesn't matter they themselves have been guilty of far worse and systematic subjugation of lower castes which were made to live in sub-human condition like slaves.

The Caste System of Hindu Society | Pankaj Jain, Ph.D.

According to Bhagavada Gita, varna is conferred on the basis of the intrinsic nature of an individual, which is a combination of three gunas (qualities): sattva, rajas, and tamas. In the Mahabharata SantiParva, Yudhisthira defines a brahmin as one who is truthful, forgiving, and kind. He clearly points out that a brahmin is not a brahmin just because he is born in a brahmin family, nor is a sudra a sudra because his parents are sudras. The same concept is mentioned in Manu Smrti. Another scripture Apastamba Dharmasutra states that by birth every human being is a sudra. It is by education and upbringing that one becomes 'twice born', that is, a dvija.
Varna Vyavastha: Class System of Vedic Society

It is rarely observed that the social hierarchy is not just limited to Hinduism but it stays intact in any Indian religious society; Buddhists, Jainas, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims have their own caste hierarchies and restrictions. Even western societies have their own classes and groups. Thus, it is indeed a social phenomenon, which is not just limited to Hinduism or India. J. Muir has provided numerous passages from ancient Indian texts to demonstrate the equality of varnas.

Essay on Varna System in India (1513 Words)

WTF....Subhuman conditions like slaves ? That is grossly incorrect and highly sensationalized statement... Nehruvian education taught only one side of Caste system while conveniently ignoring what the real system meant and hence demonizing the Varna system..

What they fail to understand that Muslims in India and Pakistan are two different and distinct entities. Pakistan does not have Muslims, it is Muslim - it's identity is Muslim not some geographical area or arbitrarily laid down boundaries.
An important hypothetical question is what if Pakistan got Kashmir in 1947 - Would that been a necessary and sufficient condition for peace between India and Pakistan? This is a very tough question to answer - in face of absence of any logical grievances in Pakistan regarding India and vice versa would new grievances crop up or we could have been a modern day Western Europe.

If it was a problem with Hindus hate for Muslims for some atrocities made against them then the hate would have gone far beyond Pakistan to those in the Middle east. We would also have seen such hatred against the British but yet we see people go in droves to Britain and Middle East. The Hate does not come because of religion. The hate comes due to the Pakistani Establishments policy of "Bleeding India with a thousand cuts". People still have not forgotten the 90s and early 2000s were there were bomb blasts in Indian cities and markets. There is an inbuilt memory for the atrocities Islamic invaders committed in India but that is really not apparent in todays world except in Internet forums where Pakistanis take Pride in it.

My view is no, Pakistan would have been compelled due to it's identity to be in conflict with India whenever and wherever Indian Muslims were in trouble. And let me clarify there would have been plenty of cases - we would have still seen Gujarat, Bombay and many other cases of Hindus slaughtering Muslims and vice versa due to visceral hatred and apathy many Hindus have towards Muslims and vice versa.

Hindus or Muslims don't have such visceral hatred or Apathy, stop making things up. Yes in a country as big as India where there are 1.3 billion Indians there are bound to be people like that. BUt to make a generlised statement about Hindus/Muslims have visceral Hatred is entirely incorrect. Most people don't give a shit..

IMHO religion based conflicts are impossible to solve, unless one side accepts primacy of other. The other solution would have been De-Islamization of India on such a scale that Muslims become inconsequential like Buddhist, Christians and likes and this is the wet dream many Hindu Extremists have.

Hence my friend we are in this together for a long haul.

Hindu extremists ? Can you define them for me ? name, organization , people ,events ? or are you calling simple thugs with sticks as "Hindu extremists" . "Hindu Extremists" don't exist . Even the most right wing Hindus Don't have a problem with Muslims. There is a Monumental difference between Extreme right wing Hindus and extreme right wing Muslims. Don't even try to equate them with the term....
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I would defer to your statements regarding Pakistani psyche obviously. Kashmir is indeed the core issue now and I agree with many Pakistanis when they say every problem b/w India and Pakistan has a root cause in Kashmir. I am in no way denying that. Arriving at a closure which can be satisfactory to both sides however is next to impossible.

Any closure would have conversion of LOC to IB as the most likely outcome keeping in mind current ground realities, this however will not be satisfactory to anyone in Pakistan - this is my assumption.

The other issue which plays a key part is Water and rivers. I would like ask you which is more important for common populace - " Indian presence in Kashmir and it's effect on Kashmiris in form of human right violations and denial of plebicite or the Hold India has over rivers passing through Kashmir?

Applying cold hard logic - Water should be the issue, and if Pakistan can extract certain hard guarantees from India in this regard or reach an accommodation which gives Pakistan control over these waters via having a presence at the source and egress points militarily(just a wild idea) then a solution might be achieved but how palatable such a solution would be common Pakistanis is an issue.

For policy makers I think water would be the more important of the two issues...in addition to the heavily militarized nature of the LOC.

For the common populace the Kashmiris are the most important issue - No ifs...no buts about that.

But that is irrelevant in the light of the facts that India is a status quo power and now her size, international clout and economic muscle allows her to prolong the waiting period even more. Pakistan on the other hand is an anti-status quo power and our diminished strength, clout and economy doesn't allow us to continue on with this staring contest ad infinitum.

So the unfortunate truth is that India is INTERESTED in peace whereas Pakistan NEEDS peace and interest is not nearly a strong enough motivator as need is to kick start this process, to compromise and to move on.

But I think that if India wishes to realize her Superpower or Major Power potential it would need to revisit peace with Pakistan sooner or later as otherwise this festering acrimony between the two largest South Asian countries - something that cannot be wished away or brushed aside like a Bhutan or even a Bangladesh - would continue to retard her rise to power.

I think that India realizes this but for now it'll like to wait and see because as the gap between Pakistan and India continues to grow unless we - in Pakistan - get our act together and improve the economy and our international image, India would be talking to a much weaker Pakistan from a much stronger position of power in say 15 years time. Which means more Pakistani concessions and less Indian ones for a lasting peace in South Asia.

Now if it comes to pass I wonder whether that would be a Versailles like moment for Pakistan or whether we'd fall in line, cede center stage to India in South Asia and be happy to play second fiddle.
According to Bhagavada Gita, varna is conferred on the basis of the intrinsic nature of an individual, which is a combination of three gunas (qualities): sattva, rajas, and tamas. In the Mahabharata SantiParva, Yudhisthira defines a brahmin as one who is truthful, forgiving, and kind. He clearly points out that a brahmin is not a brahmin just because he is born in a brahmin family, nor is a sudra a sudra because his parents are sudras. The same concept is mentioned in Manu Smrti. Another scripture Apastamba Dharmasutra states that by birth every human being is a sudra. It is by education and upbringing that one becomes 'twice born', that is, a dvija.
Varna Vyavastha: Class System of Vedic Society

It is rarely observed that the social hierarchy is not just limited to Hinduism but it stays intact in any Indian religious society; Buddhists, Jainas, Sikhs, Christians and Muslims have their own caste hierarchies and restrictions. Even western societies have their own classes and groups. Thus, it is indeed a social phenomenon, which is not just limited to Hinduism or India. J. Muir has provided numerous passages from ancient Indian texts to demonstrate the equality of varnas.

WTF....Subhuman conditions like slaves ? That is grossly incorrect and highly sensationalized statement... Nehruvian education taught only one side of Caste system while conveniently ignoring what the real system meant and hence demonizing the Varna system..

OK, I have been remarkably restrained in many threads where systematic and organized subjugation of lower castes in India were glossed over and justified.

I just love how self righteous many of Hindus act on the caste issue. The thing is I don't give a single fcuk about what was written in Vedas or Puranas or Scriptures. It matters to me how it was interpreted and applied. What the fcuk does it matter what was written in Vedas when most of my people couldn't even read Vedas and Brahmins had the sole monopoly over what is Dharma and what is not.

SUBHUMAN CONDITIONS LIKE SLAVES. Yeah that is right. What do you call a person when:

1. He is not allowed to visit religious place for worship because of his caste
2. People bathe or clean themselves after coming in contact with him due to his caste.
3. Not allowed to access to rest housed because of his caste.
4. Not allowed in a common school because of his caste.
5. Not allowed to sit at the same table and have food with others because of his caste.
6. Not allowed to have water from the village well and have to travel for 6 kms because of his caste.
7. Not allowed a job as a supervisor in local factory because of his caste

When you take all the option away from a person which enable him to move up in life due to the circumstances of his birth, and ensure that he is utterly demoralized, his self esteem destroyed and he thinks that his destiny is clean toilets for all his life. You get sub-human animal like slave.Have guts to call him CALL HIM A SLAVE

The above 7 points are personal experience of my Grand Father. He died a broken man, addicted to alcohol because that was the only respite for him to forget that he cleaned toilets all day.

You see now why I don't give a fcuk about post-facto rationalizations.

If it was a problem with Hindus hate for Muslims for some atrocities made against them then the hate would have gone far beyond Pakistan to those in the Middle east. We would also have seen such hatred against the British but yet we see people go in droves to Britain and Middle East. The Hate does not come because of religion. The hate comes due to the Pakistani Establishments policy of "Bleeding India with a thousand cuts". People still have not forgotten the 90s and early 2000s were there were bomb blasts in Indian cities and markets. There is an inbuilt memory for the atrocities Islamic invaders committed in India but that is really not apparent in todays world except in Internet forums where Pakistanis take Pride in it.

Hindus or Muslims don't have such visceral hatred or Apathy, stop making things up. Yes in a country as big as India where there are 1.3 billion Indians there are bound to be people like that. BUt to make a generlised statement about Hindus/Muslims have visceral Hatred is entirely incorrect. Most people don't give a shit..

You are being naive here, we lash out at Muslims in India because we can. We lash out at Pakistan because that is the face we have given to our ancient tormentors and because of the deeds of Pakistan which keep sprinkling salt on our wounds. How many Indians in northern villages give a sht about UAE, Saudi and likes? Not many - they see the immediate targets which are visible in print and electronic media.

Have you had a look at kind of whatsapp messages circulating these days in villages and towns. They dehumanize Muslims to an extent not even animals would like. Do you know what is the situation of Muslims in far flung rural corners of India? Do you know during Muharram processions stones are pelted at them? These small town news don't make it to media.

Now I am not saying Pakistan is a saint, far from it - I believe they have no altruistic interests in Muslims of India, India has mostly been reactionary to Pakistan's deeds and policies with a few exceptions.

My point is many hindus are closet Muslim haters and vice versa. Oh we might come on social media and say nice things, our leaders may put on a mask of bonhomie and communal harmony but beneath the surface their is wide scale resentment. Kindly visit a few villages in UP, Bihar and Jharkhand to find out. Better yet visit a Muslim home to see how they are ghettoized. Muslims though don't lack for provocation and reaction and they are not meek innocent victims. Every thing is reciprocated.

Hindu extremists ? Can you define them for me ? name, organization , people ,events ? or are you calling simple thugs with sticks as "Hindu extremists" . "Hindu Extremists" don't exist . Even the most right wing Hindus Don't have a problem with Muslims. There is a Monumental difference between Extreme right wing Hindus and extreme right wing Muslims. Don't even try to equate them with the term....

Hindu Extremists are not RSS, BJP and other such parties in totality. Hindu Extremist is a frustrated, unemployed single hindu male and in some cases female who subscribes to ideologies of certain fringe groups of these parties.

These are the people who are used for political machinations in times of elections to communal and polarization purposes, Riots some reported and some ignored, some too minor to be of note where there is not a single casualty involve these extremists. If you want date, places etc just give a short post and I would happily post the reported events sequentially.

For every Hindu Extremist there is a Muslim extremist too, for every Hindu rabble rouser there is a muslim one too - may be Muslim ones are more. I am not sure as there has been no study or poll documenting people based on the extent of their hatred or apathy.

In some ways you are right, there is a difference between extent of radicalization of Hindus and Muslims, Muslims are more in proportion to their numbers compared to Hindus but that is obvious. If you consider the 5% Muslims to overt extremist corresponding numbers of Hindus have to 0.5% of their population for them to numerically equal (approximately).

I am talking about closet hatred not overt. We might even be friends with Muslims but only a few of them would like their daughter to marry a muslim guy.

Phenomeons like Ghar Wapsi and Love Jihad bring out only fraction of Hindus secure enough to declare their affiliations. Most of us are happy to pretend that we don't hate muslims but sometimes the mask slips as did it in Gujarat.
But I think that if India wishes to realize her Superpower or Major Power potential it would need to revisit peace with Pakistan sooner or later as otherwise this festering acrimony between the two largest South Asian countries - something that cannot be wished away or brushed aside like a Bhutan or even a Bangladesh - would continue to retard her rise to power.

Yes true, it is openly acknowledged even in India notwithstanding current rhetoric that Pakistan is keeping a check on Indian aspirations on Global Arena. It is no secret Pakistan and it's allies are primary opposition to India's presence at many elite multi lateral forums. Pakistan for good and bad is a nuclear power and hence it cannot be ignored. To those who would quote N. korea i believe N. Korea can be ignored because of it's lack of geo-strategic relevance and straight out craziness of it's leaders.

I think that India realizes this but for now it'll like to wait and see because as the gap between Pakistan and India continues to grow unless we - in Pakistan - get our act together and improve the economy and our international image, India would be talking to a much weaker Pakistan from a much stronger position of power in say 15 years time. Which means more Pakistani concessions and less Indian ones for a lasting peace in South Asia.

True, policy makers in the current govt have calculated Pakistan would be restricted to it's current level of growth with 5 - 5.5% as ceiling, with India growth hovering around 7% and already size-able gap in our economies the disparity is going to increase either at increasing rate or at stable rate. This forms the basis for current Indian posture.

Now if it comes to pass I wonder whether that would be a Versailles like moment for Pakistan or whether we'd fall in line, cede center stage to India in South Asia and be happy to play second fiddle.

For Pakistan to decide, as I earlier stated and you have concurred current status-quo costs Pakistan more.
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Don't want to interrupt this very nice flow between specter and Armstrong....but just wanted to add as an everyday person -what I appreciate most about Modi's foreign policy is that FINALLY india actually HAS a foreign policy. I think we were coasting along on 60 year old nehruvian doctrine for half a century now.it is totally out of date for modern times. What's up with this NAM for instance.

What I, again, as an everyday person hate the most is the stupid bickering that goes on vis-a-vis pakistan on an almost daily basis. One side says that they can "give a befitting reply" - whatever that cr@p means, the other side then rattles it's nuclear saber only for another press conference on "covert something or the other". Every time I see this I blush in shame, I thing all the other countries must be laughing at us. Who behaves like this- it is so ridiculous....if Pakistan wants to make ridiculous statements every week let them but Indians should keep quiet. shut up and take ACTION when required. LESS WORDS.
Don't want to interrupt this very nice flow between specter and Armstrong....but just wanted to add as an everyday person -what I appreciate most about Modi's foreign policy is that FINALLY india actually HAS a foreign policy. I think we were coasting along on 60 year old nehruvian doctrine for half a century now.it is totally out of date for modern times. What's up with this NAM for instance.

What I, again, as an everyday person hate the most is the stupid bickering that goes on vis-a-vis pakistan on an almost daily basis. One side says that they can "give a befitting reply" - whatever that cr@p means, the other side then rattles it's nuclear saber only for another press conference on "covert something or the other". Every time I see this I blush in shame, I thing all the other countries must be laughing at us. Who behaves like this- it is so ridiculous....if Pakistan wants to make ridiculous statements every week let them but Indians should keep quiet. shut up and take ACTION when required. LESS WORDS.

Yeah, Nehru is passe

Regarding the second part of your post, Infantile bickering between India and Pakistan serves quite a lot of very important functions which any politician in both the countries have to perform. Think of it as a holy ritual.

1. Let's public know that their govt is not soft on India/Pakistan.
2. Gives the other-side an indication of public opinion and a waning to not to push things any further. Media has become a communication channel. Think of it as a pressure release valve.
3. Attracts the attention of global community thus inviting them to diffuse tensions indirectly and covertly.

It is when things go deathly silent and there is a muted response after an incident that we have to worry. Govt would then be on a full preparation mode and gag order would be imposed on functionaries to avoid any leaks.

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