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Indian Foreign Policy: Paradigm Shift


Jun 4, 2015
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I hope we can discuss Indian Foreign Policy in a comprehensive manner, how has our foreign policy evolved over the ages and changes happening under Modi - some of them seismic in nature and some of them gradual evolution of pre-existing policy.


India's economy dependence on foreign trade and imports of energy is close to 50% hence the importance of what goes on beyond our borders cannot be under-stated. British Raj had left India with a dubious legacy - primacy in subcontinent and subsequent governments have tried their best to sustain it with varying degree of successes and failures.

To paraphrase Mr. Doval our current NSA, India's performance though on the global arena has consistently been of Boxer punching below his weight. However today we see that Modi has managed to infuse new energy to global engagements and put diplomacy to work for the cause of our economy.

Historical Background

Our first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru was the architect of of pillars of Indian policy which have stood the test of time. It emphasized peace and harmonious relations with all countries and India finding its rightful place in the post-colonial world in keeping with its size and geostrategic location. Under Nehru's stewardship India was like a naive and idealistic college student. Nehru went to UN for Kashmir believing in sanctity of the newly formed multilateral forum and that blunder of his left an ever festering wound in sub-continent known as Kashmir. Our first introduction to the Adult Word was in form 1962 bringing home the concept of Real Politik

From Nehru’s time foreign policy became prime minister-centric and has continued so, though the practice of appointing separate minister to look after external affairs came in vogue in 1964. Nehru's successors were not visionary of the similar caliber but neither as naive. They were largely tied up with internal politics with Pakistan being the sole attention of their outward gaze. As a result country grew more inward looking. Though we adhered to much cherished ideals of Nehruvian Non Alignment and Panchsheel and avoided much of the Cold War contretemps, the socialist favor imparted by Nehru to India naturally bought us closer to USSR.

India under Narendra Damodardas Modi

Prime Minister Modi is perhaps the first prime minister in a long time who has spelt out his vision for India, soon after he assumed office in May 2014. He articulated it in his Independence Day on August 15, 2014.
Modi revived Indian major power aspirations and raised extraordinary expectations; a leading intellectual in Singapore wrote that we have had a glimpse of what India as a world power would look like, and this view is indeed seductive. Partition, the Cold War, Disintegration of Soviet Union, Nuclear Tests, Sanctions, Self -Inflicted economic Isolation had dealt a blow to India's efforts to pursue the building of strategic unity of South Asia, and the government needs a strategy to build on India’s “geographic advantage, economic complementarity, historic role as regional security provider and shared cultural inheritance”.

He wishes to make India’s contacts with neighbours routine and not exceptional, and recognises the various island-nations’ strategic positions in the Indian Ocean. India has to construct maritime power and close partnerships in both the Indian and Pacific Oceans.

Some Major Highlights of 15 months

Nepal: Adopting a “strategy of positive unilateralism”, in Nepal Modi has himself volunteered a review of the 1950 Treaty of Peace and Friendship to reflect the current realities.

Bangladesh: Historic accord of Land Boundary Agreement, thus indicating such disputes are not insurmountable.

China: China is a very complex problem for India, it forces us to reanalyze our long held pre-sumptions about India's role as an dominant power in region. India cannot prevent Chinese influence from increasing in our immediate neighboring countries and economic co-operation with China often seems like a one way street.

Modi has overruled the dominant public opinion, political class and security establishment by pushing forward in ties with China and liberalizing Visa- Regime unilaterally for Chinese visitors. In return he expected to leverage roaring Chinese economy to invest and initiate overland trade corridors to accelerate Indian growth but the reality is a mixed bag. On some issues close to Indian interest, China has consistently proved itself to be a hurdle.

Modi thus for now seems to have decided that both contesting and co-operating with China is the way ahead. Thus you India joining SCO with Chinese co-operation but India has also contested Chinese power projection in SCS by sending naval assets to Vietnam and overruling Chinese objection on operation Malabar.

USA: With the USA, “there will be some issues on which India will be closer to America — for example, on how to reduce tensions in the South China Sea”. As the most business-friendly Prime Minister India has ever had, Modi has set a wide agenda with the US, which includes climate change and trade facilitation. He is convinced that a strong partnership with the USA is in India’s long-term interests, and Washington appears to share that view. His engagement with diaspora has immense potential to leverage the often ignored but extremely potent instrument of extended Indian Foreign Service. The last PM to grasp this fact was Atal Bihari Vajpeyee and who levraged the Indian American community to ensure quick roll-back of sanction

Australia and Pacific Island: Modi is one of rare Indian leaders who sought engagement with Australia and the Pacific islands in defence and security matters.

Gulf and Middle East: Modi had it's work cut out in Gulf and Middle East in form of three powers with varying degree of hostility towards each other but each holding immense importance for India in form of economic,energy and defense security.

For now Modi has tried to be it's diplomatic best and extracted some pretty unexpected investment and concessions from UAE. Confirmed trips to Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia is sure to test the best of jugglers but Modi seems quite adroit in these this game.

Modi has clearly signaled that BJP and GoI will move ahead with closer and overt ties with Israel which is evidenced by his upcoming trip (first by any Indian PM) to Israel. Israel holds special importance for National Security aspects and and has come forth with unrestricted support and collaboration on technologies long denied to India. Intelligence sharing is another key avenue where you see India and Israel quietly but surely reaching new heights.

India's historic ties with Iran has cooled off recently due to many factors but one of them being India's growing closeness with Israel and main challenge for Modi to employ his charm offensive to convert Iran to Indian cause along with some major investments in energy projects, ports, highways etc to ensure Iran does not leave replace India completely with China thus denying India an important strategic toe-hold in Chabahar which is of utmost significance for Indian plans in Afganishtan and energy security.

Pakistan: There had been really no breakthrough in our relations with Pakistan, though Prime Minister Modi’s invitation to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for his inauguration and meeting thereafter kindled hopes of improvement in the relationship. But unfortunately, such hopes have been belied. In fact it has worsened with the escalation in ceasefire violations, terrorist infiltrations and attacks triggering of separatist agitations in Jammu and Kashmir, even spilling over to neighbouring Punjab.

With Pakistan, Modi is yet “some distance from crafting a coherent strategy” but by rejecting the involvement of the Hurriyat, Modi places the Kashmir question back in a strictly bilateral interface.

UFA was major debacle or ingenious diplomatic win depending on how you look at it, but the truth is India has successfully maintained the status-quo and at the same time placating China and US who were pressing India to talk to Pakistan. In addition we got SCO membership out of the whole farce so not altogether a loss.


Modi has shook up the dormant Indian Foreign Policy which has been pretty much reactionary in Manmohan Singh's era, but without yet a set of coherent over-arching principles. He has managed to get some big promises for investment from Japan, USA and China but their delivery woould be contingent to improvement of domestic conditions in form of less red-tape, passage of Bills like GST and Land Reform Agreement and improving infrastructure. Domestic hurdles thus can become a major road-block to Modi's economy driven foreign policy and this is the area where he should devote his political capital to ensure his successes abroad get a lifeline at home.

Prime Minister’s agenda reveals potentials as well as dangers; the economy looks uncertain and social harmony precarious. He confronts xenophobia on his right and anti-west tendencies on his left. There is weak domestic consensus for radical reform and over-confidence among his extremist supporters. There is a long way to travel to get over the negative legacy of the Manmohan Singh era, when too much power was leached to the media, judiciary and regulators.

Modi’s foreign policy is a breath of fresh air, but foreign policy must be constructed on a combination of aspirations and capability. The aspirations for global status are obvious, but Delhi’s “ability to turn words into deeds has been less than impressive.Small reforms have been in homoeopathic doses. Modi has to deliver quickly but ranged against him are political and bureaucratic inertia and lack of institutional capacity.


Revisiting India’s Foreign Policy Under Modi – Q&A | Eurasia Review

Modi’s foreign policy is imaginative and truly dynamic: Former diplomat - Firstpost

PM Narendra Modi's leap of vision: Is India ready for a larger role? - timesofindia-economictimes

Multiple Articles in Statesman, Hindustan Times,

@SarthakGanguly @Slav Defence @WAJsal @Oscar

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Pakistan: There had been really no breakthrough in our relations with Pakistan, though Prime Minister Modi’s invitation to Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif for his inauguration and meeting thereafter kindled hopes of improvement in the relationship. But unfortunately, such hopes have been belied. In fact it has worsened with the escalation in ceasefire violations, terrorist infiltrations and attacks triggering of separatist agitations in Jammu and Kashmir, even spilling over to neighbouring Punjab.

With Pakistan, Modi is yet “some distance from crafting a coherent strategy” but by rejecting the involvement of the Hurriyat, Modi places the Kashmir question back in a strictly bilateral interface.

So either cut this red marked sentence from otherwise interesting (albeit a bit over simplified) post or stop sending your terrorist proxies to Pakistan and other neighboring countries.

Problem solved, :-)
So either cut this red marked sentence from otherwise interesting (albeit a bit over simplified) post or stop sending your terrorist proxies to Pakistan and other neighboring countries.

Problem solved, :-)

Yes, I will keep on adding content, I agree it is a over-simplified but scope is immense for criticism/appreciation of Modi and I wish this thread would have decent discussion which would add on to bare bones and self-admittedly biased review of Modi.
Good thread

Undoubtedly modi has sought to bring in some of his personal charisma into foreign policy as most of his domestic policies have been utter failure but most of it has been hot air so far.

I belive @Spectre have been too charitable to Modi overlooking most of his pitfalls

Nepal : irking even the pro Indian Nepali lobby trying to be a showbaz even there like he does everywhere else - PM Modi's Public Meetings in Nepal May be Cancelled

Scored a self goal again with shameless PR trying to pump up his image - #GoHomeIndianMedia: Earthquake-hit Nepal vents its anger at 'insensitive' Indian journalists on Twitter - Firstpost

Bangladesh : Holding the land Accord hostage for their petty politics all this while and u turn when in Power for brownie points is hardly an achievement. I would've given it to him if he were able to get testa water sharing resolved

Oh and it was in Bangladesh that this happened : Modi draws flak for 'despite being a woman' comment about Bangladeshi PM

China : Again less said the better, none of the so called investments or IT Parks have yet taken off

Oh and while we're at it don't forget - Modi Insults India In Shanghai. Hate Pours Out As #ModiInsultsIndia Trends On Twitter

America : Other than a useless hot line between NSAs and irking our tried and time tested friend - Russia nothing much have come of cosying up with the Yankees.

Gulf : there was Lotta eye candy but am not sure if there were any tangible results. Granted he was the first PM to visit in 34 yrs but it was not as of we didn't have any relations. Our trade has grown 5 fold in the last decade or so. There were engagements even at the level of Presidential visits so no paradigm shifts here.

Pakistan : Utter failure, no consistent policy. Hurriyat which was increasingly becoming a non entity has now come to limelight thanks undue importance regarded to them and who they meets, eats with and all

Also :

Promises that he can't deliver: Have Modi's 18 foreign trips brought in the desired results? - Firstpost

And then there's always this danger of him bringing religion even into foreign policy, the Singh could've spared at least foreign policy of their agenda - Raja-Mandala: Faith and diplomacy | The Indian Express

All in all I'd give him 3/10 for his overall efforts towards building an outward looking foreign policy
Good thread

Undoubtedly modi has sought to bring in some of his personal charisma into foreign policy as most of his domestic policies have been utter failure but most of it has been hot air so far.

I belive @Spectre have been too charitable to Modi overlooking most of his pitfalls

Nepal : irking even the pro Indian Nepali lobby trying to be a showbaz even there like he does everywhere else - PM Modi's Public Meetings in Nepal May be Cancelled

Scored a self goal again with shameless PR trying to pump up his image - #GoHomeIndianMedia: Earthquake-hit Nepal vents its anger at 'insensitive' Indian journalists on Twitter - Firstpost

Bangladesh : Holding the land Accord hostage for their petty politics all this while and u turn when in Power for brownie points is hardly an achievement. I would've given it to him if he were able to get testa water sharing resolved

Oh and it was in Bangladesh that this happened : Modi draws flak for 'despite being a woman' comment about Bangladeshi PM

China : Again less said the better, none of the so called investments or IT Parks have yet taken off

Oh and while we're at it don't forget - Modi Insults India In Shanghai. Hate Pours Out As #ModiInsultsIndia Trends On Twitter

America : Other than a useless hot line between NSAs and irking our tried and time tested friend - Russia nothing much have come of cosying up with the Yankees.

Gulf : there was Lotta eye candy but am not sure if there were any tangible results. Granted he was the first PM to visit in 34 yrs but it was not as of we didn't have any relations. Our trade has grown 5 fold in the last decade or so. There were engagements even at the level of Presidential visits so no paradigm shifts here.

Pakistan : Utter failure, no consistent policy. Hurriyat which was increasingly becoming a non entity has now come to limelight thanks undue importance regarded to them and who they meets, eats with and all

Also :

Promises that he can't deliver: Have Modi's 18 foreign trips brought in the desired results? - Firstpost

And then there's always this danger of him bringing religion even into foreign policy, the Singh could've spared at least foreign policy of their agenda - Raja-Mandala: Faith and diplomacy | The Indian Express

All in all I'd give him 3/10 for his overall efforts towards building an outward looking foreign policy

Twitter is not a scale to measure foreign policy :lol:
Good thread

Undoubtedly modi has sought to bring in some of his personal charisma into foreign policy as most of his domestic policies have been utter failure but most of it has been hot air so far.

I belive @Spectre have been too charitable to Modi overlooking most of his pitfalls

Nepal : irking even the pro Indian Nepali lobby trying to be a showbaz even there like he does everywhere else - PM Modi's Public Meetings in Nepal May be Cancelled

Scored a self goal again with shameless PR trying to pump up his image - #GoHomeIndianMedia: Earthquake-hit Nepal vents its anger at 'insensitive' Indian journalists on Twitter - Firstpost

Bangladesh : Holding the land Accord hostage for their petty politics all this while and u turn when in Power for brownie points is hardly an achievement. I would've given it to him if he were able to get testa water sharing resolved

Oh and it was in Bangladesh that this happened : Modi draws flak for 'despite being a woman' comment about Bangladeshi PM

China : Again less said the better, none of the so called investments or IT Parks have yet taken off

Oh and while we're at it don't forget - Modi Insults India In Shanghai. Hate Pours Out As #ModiInsultsIndia Trends On Twitter

America : Other than a useless hot line between NSAs and irking our tried and time tested friend - Russia nothing much have come of cosying up with the Yankees.

Gulf : there was Lotta eye candy but am not sure if there were any tangible results. Granted he was the first PM to visit in 34 yrs but it was not as of we didn't have any relations. Our trade has grown 5 fold in the last decade or so. There were engagements even at the level of Presidential visits so no paradigm shifts here.

Pakistan : Utter failure, no consistent policy. Hurriyat which was increasingly becoming a non entity has now come to limelight thanks undue importance regarded to them and who they meets, eats with and all

Also :

Promises that he can't deliver: Have Modi's 18 foreign trips brought in the desired results? - Firstpost

And then there's always this danger of him bringing religion even into foreign policy, the Singh could've spared at least foreign policy of their agenda - Raja-Mandala: Faith and diplomacy | The Indian Express

All in all I'd give him 3/10 for his overall efforts towards building an outward looking foreign policy

All your criticisms are very pertinent. I agree I have mostly been charitable towards Modi but the thing is he has made an effort which has not been made since Nehru days. He gets top mark for breaking the inertia and making Indian Foreign Policy active rather than reactive.

As for failures it is too early to judge, his performance in Parlianment which has been dismal so far would greatly impact translation of the MoUs of his visits to actual investments.

Therefore I withhold complete judgement until his term is over.

Your views though not factually correct are driven by minor irritants in case of Nepal and B'Desh which are not spoilers yet. Regarding China, Modi has been good, only PM who could have done better was PV Narsimharao. Regarding Pakistan I have mixed feelings but they are not certainly making his job easier.
The foreign policy of modi seems to be focusing on economic ties with different regions of world and the beginning is good, hopefully it translates into enough FDI
The foreign policy of modi seems to be focusing on economic ties with different regions of world and the beginning is good, hopefully it translates enough FDI

Two bills Land Reform Amendment and GST would make or Break Modi, if it is not implemented by April 2016 then Modi would have too little time and political capital to get FDI and make a difference on grass root level which can be appreciated by common man.

Congress obstructionism is going to cost India big.
Two bills Land Reform Amendment and GST would make or Break Modi, if it is not implemented by April 2016 then Modi would have too little time and political capital to get FDI and make a difference on grass root level which can be appreciated by common man.

Congress obstructionism is going to cost India big.

i hope in next session congress might abstain and bill will pass, the govt too needs to give opposition its space. yesterday the stock markets fell to the point where it was the day modi became PM so its ironic to note that petty politics started by BJP in parliament is still continuing by congress.
i hope in next session congress might abstain and bill will pass, the govt too needs to give opposition its space. yesterday the stock markets fell to the point where it was the day modi became PM so its ironic to note that petty politics started by BJP in parliament is still continuing by congress.

Better chances are of me marrying Jeniffer Lawrance, Jokes aside let's see how things go in Bihar - an overwhelming victory might just make parties like AIADMK and SP insecure enough to support BJP
Better chances are of me marrying Jeniffer Lawrance, Jokes aside let's see how things go in Bihar - an overwhelming victory might just make parties like AIADMK and SP insecure enough to support BJP

i hope BJP will scrape through in bihar elections
He gets top mark for breaking the inertia and making Indian Foreign Policy active rather than reactive.
Agree with that, India all along has been passive actor in international arena. Other than crowing about NAM and developing countries issues India hardly did any thing for itself. Most of the time when pakistan and other countries were targeting india in UN fora we scrambled to provide response. Now we are building alliances pro-actively seeking out avenues to neutralize adversary's advantage.

During Manmohan singhs era, bush administration was totally put off by india's non-active ambivalent attitude towards china. Though being passive has its advantage of been seen neutral and fair in other countries view. But it ended up encouraging countries like china, pakistan to take india for granted.

Of the late we have started reaching out to gulf countries to keep pakistan in check. China has been given right response whether it is SCS or activities in po k instead of being silent. Recent hot pursuit near myanmar border is a calculated move and right one. Kill the chicken to scare the monkey.
Having said we need keep up the pressure and play the game to our advantage . That can only happen if we walk the talk on Economy.

Reminds me of indian tour of australia, even though we failed to win the tests we did give them a bloody nose. As our economy grows we can be more assertive and regain our rightful place in comity of nations. Charltans who seek parity with India should be unmasked and shown their place.
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Two bills Land Reform Amendment and GST would make or Break Modi, if it is not implemented by April 2016 then Modi would have too little time and political capital to get FDI and make a difference on grass root level which can be appreciated by common man.
Congress obstructionism is going to cost India big.

There will be a joint session of parliament soon, most probably before Bihar elections....
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