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Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

Would surely love to reply to that but I don't want to spoil your 2 days of Hindu bashing time... before some thing back at home would make you overlook the pain of Kashmiris.
Let them see those injured evil terrorists...? or the terrorists shot in their heads..?

There is no need, those whom God created blind cannot be made to see anything. They are fed hatred instead of milk from day 1, these monsters only understand the language of violence. Our chance will come one day, to avenge our dead, just keep your armory up to date :D
There is no need, those whom God created blind cannot be made to see anything. They are fed hatred instead of milk from day 1, these monsters only understand the language of violence. Our chance will come one day, to avenge our dead, just keep your armory up to date :D

I hope they suffer the same attrocities... tht our brothers n sisters in IOK are suffering.. as for armory WILCO sir.
A moment of hesitation sometimes leads to a century of depravity. Kashmiris could not make up their mind in 1947. It might be 2047 and we might still hear and read crap like this.
Oh come again! All of us know you are busy establishing an apartheid there. Lets not talk about good o'l secularism....its a farce!

Religion was never a issue from Indian side. It was always Pakistan raising that issue. And now you are blaming India for religious apartheid...

If it was any other state, Indian forces would unfortunately have had replied in the same manner. Not the first time, nor the only state in India where protesters died of security forces' hand.

They believe in Karma, it will haunt them, soon.

It does exist. We see it at work in Pakistan everyday. :D
A moment of hesitation sometimes leads to a century of depravity. Kashmiris could not make up their mind in 1947. It might be 2047 and we might still hear and read crap like this.

Don't you hear and read same Crap everyday in Pakistan? I condemn what Happened Today. However, I fail to understand why doesn't such feelings show on threads about Bomb Blasts in Pakistan? Why Pakistani abandoned those thread? There was an other incident in Kashmir wherein Militant Attacked Doctor whose life is in Danger and two Police Men Died in that Attack. That thread was closed by Moderators??? Why no Pakistani is bother about that Incident...??? Isn't the Doctor and Policemen Kashmir??? WHY NO TEARS FOR THEM?? WHY SUCH DOUBLE Standard??

A Pakistan member mentioned today's attack shows Rape mentality of India's, what Mentality does the Daily Bomb Blast In Pakistan shows???
Six protesters shot dead in Kashmir

Indian paramilitary forces have shot dead six people protesting against an alleged incident involving troops in a religious seminary in Kashmir, police say.

Troops fired on protesters who had gathered outside a Border Security Force (BSF) station on Thursday in the district of Gool, 230 kilometres south of the main city of Srinagar, two police officers said on condition of anonymity.

"It is mayhem. Six are dead and dozens injured. The death toll could rise further," said one officer.Protesters clashed with troops over an incident on Wednesday evening in the seminary attached to a mosque in Gool, witnesses said.

The head of the seminary, Qari Shabir, said four BSF troopers came into the seminary looking for militants, at the same time that a caretaker of the seminary was alone reciting prayers for Ramadan."They beat him up... That is when Abdul Lateef (the caretaker) raised an alarm and people started to assemble and the word spread," Shabir told AFP by telephone from Gool.

Other local residents said the troops had entered the mosque to complain about the loud recitation of prayers by worshippers during the holy month of Ramadan.The angry protesters clashed outside the station on Thursday with troops who started firing, witnesses said."The BSF soldiers fired indiscriminately, downing protesters left, right and centre," one witness who declined to be identified told AFP by telephone from the nearby village of Dharam.

Kashmir is India's only Muslim-majority state and a long-running separatist insurgency has been a source of perennial tensions between residents and security forces which often spill over into violence.About a dozen armed rebel groups have been fighting Indian forces in Kashmir since 1989 for independence or a merger with Pakistan.

The fighting has left tens of thousands, mostly civilians, dead.Nuclear-armed rivals India and Pakistan have each administered part of Kashmir since the partition of the subcontinent after the end of British rule in 1947.

Troops shoot dead six Kashmir protesters

Six protesters shot dead in Kashmir


INDIAN paramilitary forces have shot dead six people protesting against a raid on an Islamic school in Kashmir.Border Security Force (BSF) troops fired on demonstrators who had gathered outside their headquarters in the district of Gool, two police officers said on condition of anonymity.

"It is mayhem. Six are dead and dozens injured. The death toll could rise further," said one officer.

India's Home Minister Sushil Kumar Shinde ordered an investigation into the shooting and appealed for calm in the tense Himalayan region.

A revolt against Indian rule has simmered for decades in Kashmir, the country's only Muslim-majority state.The insurgency has been a regular source of tensions between residents and security forces, which often spill over into violence.

"I have ordered an inquiry to be conducted without any loss of time to ascertain the circumstances leading to the firing," Shinde said in a statement.

"I assure that any use of excessive force or irresponsible action shall be dealt with strictly." Protesters clashed with troops after an incident on Wednesday evening at the madrassa attached to a mosque in Gool.

The head of the madrassa, Qari Shabir, said four BSF troopers came in looking for militants, at the same time that a caretaker was alone there reciting prayers for the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

"They beat him up ... that is when Abdul Lateef (the caretaker) raised an alarm and people started to assemble and the word spread," Shabir told AFP by telephone from Gool, 230km south of Srinagar.

Other local residents said the troops had entered the mosque to complain about the loud recitation of prayers by worshippers during Ramadan.The angry protesters clashed outside the BSF base on Thursday with troops who started firing.

Right now its haunting you.

It will haunt you exactly as it did in Mumbai. You Indians have no regard for human, life...we are yet to see one Indian who may have condemned it, openly. Most of you own it which makes you a partisan in a massacre.

It does exist. We see it at work in Pakistan everyday. :D

We know it gives you goosebumps and great joy to see Pakistanis getting killed, after all it takes an Indian to enjoy death as long as the one getting killed is not a hindu.
This is very wrong- the use of deadly/lethal force should be the measure of LAST resort- not FIRST.

The crowd control training of Indian police units on the whole needs to be stepped up. Apart few a few specialist units, Indian security agencies are woefully untrained and uneauipped to perform such duties in a safe and effective way.

RIP to all.

foreign boots can't stand long on foreign soil no matter how well trained and well-equiped they are.
It is not so brazen. But there is a huge chance that the inquiry may conclude that the firing was justified as the mob turned violent...which may be partly true in any case.

pak occupied kashmir is also not a part of pakistan and never will be. inshallah.
indian troops won't fire without any reason, BSF know what are they doing there. the mob may become turned violent and may also attack BSF, otherwise they won't fire.

You use rubber bullets, tear gas and water cannons in those situations not live rounds.
And yeah, it is amply clear that the BSF knows what it's doing and they don't have a problem with it.....
What is important to know what triggered the fire. If some people were just standing shouting slogans then it is really stupid to fire. On the other hand BSF being their for so long, its hard to believe that there was no threat. The 3rd aspect if there was any violence Indian media must have reported it. So prima-facie it seems that BSF was trigger happy. Are these guys stupid?
On the other hand I also think that Kashmir's should own up some deaths. If people are throwing stones at army and in process getting killed, the people who provoked them to reach that point are responsible for his death. Hate and negativity has lead them where they are today. Similar incidents in other part of country is resolved peacefully. I feel that it is culturally some people are violent, so any simple problem they react violently. I think mentality wise they might similar to tribles in Af-Pak who cannot live in peace.

For lack of better word some portion of Kashmiri can easily qualify as retards. The way they react creates problems, if someone entered Mosque in shoes a simple letter to administration would have been the solutions. Only retards think of trying gang up at the BSF camp. Another aspect is some paid people might be using their emotions and leading them to wrong actions. After all Pakistan wants to win Kashmir and in war they will care less if some Kashmiri dies, In fact they might be celebrating that they have improved their chances.
I protest againstdescretion of holy quran and killing of 7 innocents and death toll can raise.We kashmiris know nothing will happen by inquiries . We wont get justice thats what we we have been witnessing from past 20 years. When they kill us we protest. When we protest they fire live bullets at us and kill more of us and then say these were pakistani backed terrorists. I have no complains to indian army nor indian media but i am stunned with silence of indian and world people
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