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Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

If anywhere this would have happened, they would have said that security personals were right about shooting, but since this is happened in Kashmir, every thing is Evil India.

Hypokraitism spreading fast. :lol:

Bow to your Lord.

No, other countries would have condemned it,investigated it and made an example out of the soldiers. Since it happened in Kashmir, where the victims were Muslims and killers were Hindus,its justified,accepted,cheered upon and the soldiers will be awarded for their 'bravery'. Just another day in Kashmir.

"Bow to your lord"... Bhagwan will grant you swuarg for killing , malichas.

Happy Thursday :cheers:

Aa kay lay jao apni 'zameen', himat hai to. :D


You are talking to a hindutvadasi...an internet hindu....goodluck talking logic..

Its more pathetic than the killings themselves to see some of your countrymen 'defending and justifying' them.

Quitting thread!!
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mein kyu aur kaha pe aaoon?kashmir filhaal hindustan mein hai .agar tere ku himmat hai to tu aake le jaao .
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mein kyu aur kaha pe aaoon?kashmir filhaal hindustan mein hai .agar tere ku himmat hai to tu aake le jaao .

Just one foot inside wahgah, i'll personally take you to 'koh e hindukush'..where my friends @Hyperion and @Pak-one will do to you what they did to your ancestors. :D

Stop calling Hindustan? ...what is it...never heard of it... We killed it long ago... Whats left is India...secular republic of India.... We turned you into a minority in your Dharma land....tut tut tut tut :D

Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris and we will one day kick your hindutva bum out of there...
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What an excuse.. sir...

What an excuse.. sir...

Its not an excuse its the law.
mein kyu aur kaha pe aaoon?kashmir filhaal hindustan mein hai .agar tere ku himmat hai to tu aake le jaao .

I guess he says this while sitting in Tamil Nadu...lol
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We dont hate Kashmiris we hate antinationals

Same BSF is doing the same job in Rajasthan, Punjab, Bengal, North east.......why there are no protests there

If it was BSF's fault then there should be protests in all above mentioned states

Oh, so you are saying you hate those people who do not accept your forced rule over Kashmir? Which includs all of Kashmiris? So you basically hate Kashmiris. Its like a rapist claiming he hates his rape victim because it tries to resist the rape.

Is this the mentality you people have?

I guess you didnt read my post properly (pls go through the high lighted part)

Any anti national irrespective of his caste/religion/language must be crushed
Naxals and people demanding Khalistan/Eelam etc will be dealt in the same way
How come constitution for a bunch of people is forced rule and not for the other billion (including 170 million Muslims)
We are ready for constructive discussion and make amendments if justified
That was my great-grandpa who did that to his ancestors... just one generation ago... and my dad constantly nags at me that I'm as crazy as his grandfather, if not ten times more...... :D

All hail the Emperor.... :P

Just one foot inside wahgah, i'll personally take you to 'koh e hindukush'..where my friends @Hyperion and @Pak-one will do to you what they did to your ancestors. :D

Stop calling Hindustan? ...what is it...never heard of it... We killed it long ago... Whats left is India...secular republic of India.... We turned you into a minority in your Dharma land....tut tut tut tut :D

Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris and we will one day kick your hindutva bum out of there...
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the occupation forces (sissies) doing what they do best

and then they wonder why they get shot at and pelted with stones
I guess you didnt read my post properly (pls go through the high lighted part)

Any anti national irrespective of his caste/religion/language must be crushed
Naxals and people demanding Khalistan/Eelam etc will be dealt in the same way
How come constitution for a bunch of people is forced rule and not for the other billion (including 170 million Muslims)
We are ready for constructive discussion and make amendments if justified

Kashmir is like a rape victim of India. India wants to have its way with her. Please stop this rapist centric mentality towards Kashmir.
This is not good. BSF should be more careful, especially during Ramzan. And shooting civilians is not defensible.

I suspect the mob must have become violent and maybe the situation was getting out of hand. An impartial inquiry and punishment for culprits is warranted.

no, they should have been peaceful after offering prayers and seeing their comrades/friends/relatives gunned down by a bunch of trigger happy cowards

we really need to step up our support for the Kashmiri nationalists. But meanwhile this baldie shmuck of a Prime Minister we have -- the so-called "Sher of Punjab" -- is wining and dining with the leaders of the country responsible for this bloodshed.

he may be too passive; but others WILL resist
I guess you didnt read my post properly (pls go through the high lighted part)

Any anti national irrespective of his caste/religion/language must be crushed
Naxals and people demanding Khalistan/Eelam etc will be dealt in the same way
How come constitution for a bunch of people is forced rule and not for the other billion (including 170 million Muslims)
We are ready for constructive discussion and make amendments if justified

Kashmir is like a rape victim of India. India wants to have its way with her. Please stop this rapist centric mentality towards Kashmir.

Blah blah blah....could you point out "rapist centric mentality" any part of my post........I have put my point and if you disagree prove it wrong logically instead of ranting the same thing
Rules are same for Kashmir and other parts of India so no specific mentality towards Kashmiris
Yes when you become answerless then follow the cunning fox and shout the grapes are sour.

But it sounds Muslim, anyways its not for you to say what we should do or not.
It's the month of Ramzan. A hard working middle class man man works hard, stays hungry and remembers his maker... It doesn't matter which religion you belong to or which state you come from. THIS HAS TO BE CONDEMNED! It is no different that my brother losing his life for no reason...

A soldier has a responsibility and it is fair that at times mistakes happen. But, to enter a Mosque, disrespect Quran Majeed and to expect that people will not feel bad is stupid. A solider HAS to be responsible and this has to have a CONSEQUENCE. The perpetrators MUST be tried under civil law and 302 of IPC must be applied...

What a shame, what a loss... IS this why we call ourselves a democratic nation? Why shouldn't the youth take to the streets in Delhi to protest against this act of brutality???
Disgusting, vile cowards the BSF are.

What's the total count now? Hadn't they shot 2 teenagers the in the last week or so?
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