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Indian forces shoot dead six protesters in Kashmir: police

i too have many muslim acquaintances and i even worked in a school which belongs to muslims and where majority of the students are muslims.It was fine with them.but once in a while whenever some muslim child tried to prove how islam is the superior to all religions i used to tell them all religions are man made and we shldnt divide ourselves on the name of religion.I always used to emphasise that all humans are equal.muslims in minority are diff from muslims in majority.
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someone here told me i shld concern myself only with tamil nadu as i am a dravidian.mate all punjabis have dravidian blood in them.density may be different.anyway i am not from TN.one more thing is a person from TN has as much right on kashmir as any kashmiri does and vice versa.the area from himalayas to kanyakumari has been called bharata varsha for thousands of years and we dont tolerare anyone trying to tamper with this geography.we learnt our lessons from history.
So change the names of those cities, what is stopping indians to do that. You have already changed very decent sounding names of cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras to new ugly names like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chenai. Sikandar is persian for Alexander , it is not a specifically muslim name just for your information.

secundarabad, ahmedabad etc are majority hindu cities - such moves will set into motions a lot of changes.
completely internal matter nothing related to pakistan affairs .

protest has to be peaceful and in designated areas with prior permissions if anyone is in violation with it, state institutions will act .

anyone is free to abuse army/bsf but their rules of functioning are well defined and should be known to everyone who tries create a volatile situation .
believe me i entirely oppose if Indian army suppress people of north east if majority of them fight for a separate country.from my limited knowledge NE was never part of india and i dont support the idea of india forcefully occupying it(which is not the case though).kashmir is entirely a diff case.it has a lot of significance in hinduism and moreover many hindu pandits were killed and chased away from their homes by immigrants.we have to hold on to it by hook or crook
Protesters try to torch J&K army school
SRINAGAR: Protesters on Monday tried to set an army school on fire in the Hajin area of Bandipora district in Kashmir over the killing of two youngsters in alleged army firing in a nearby village on Sunday.

"A group of miscreants tried to set a school building on fire but the blaze was put out by fire tenders in time," a police spokesman said.

indian forces doing good works for these jihadis ......
So change the names of those cities, what is stopping indians to do that. You have already changed very decent sounding names of cities like Bombay, Calcutta, Madras to new ugly names like Mumbai, Kolkata, Chenai. Sikandar is persian for Alexander , it is not a specifically muslim name just for your information.

But it sounds Muslim, anyways its not for you to say what we should do or not.
believe me i entirely oppose if Indian army suppress people of north east if majority of them fight for a separate country.from my limited knowledge NE was never part of india and i dont support the idea of india forcefully occupying it(which is not the case though).kashmir is entirely a diff case.it has a lot of significance in hinduism and moreover many hindu pandits were killed and chased away from their homes by immigrants.we have to hold on to it by hook or crook

NE not part of India?? What are u saying?? NE is as much part of India as the other states and they were always.
Anyways useless to comment on this thread as both sides are fuming rather than having a proper discussion. Carry on guyz!!
If anywhere this would have happened, they would have said that security personals were right about shooting, but since this is happened in Kashmir, every thing is Evil India.

Hypokraitism spreading fast. :lol:

Bow to your Lord.

Aa kay lay jao apni 'zameen', himat hai to. :D


You are talking to a hindutvadasi...an internet hindu....goodluck talking logic..

Its more pathetic than the killings themselves to see some of your countrymen 'defending and justifying' them.
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Aa kay lay jao apni 'zameen', himat hai to. :D


You are talking to a hindutvadasi...an internet hindu....goodluck talking logic..

Its more pathetic than the killings themselves to see some of your countrymen 'defending and justifying' them.

Yes, I have noticed these people are quite bizzare in their logic, Also some of them claim to have pre ice age cities, yes cities which predate ice age. This is how severely mentally retarded they are...
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Protesters try to torch J&K army school
SRINAGAR: Protesters on Monday tried to set an army school on fire in the Hajin area of Bandipora district in Kashmir over the killing of two youngsters in alleged army firing in a nearby village on Sunday.

"A group of miscreants tried to set a school building on fire but the blaze was put out by fire tenders in time," a police spokesman said.

indian forces doing good works for these jihadis ......

Again u accussed them of being Pakistani inflitrators right?:lol:
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