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Indian forces on toes at forward bases

They are just capitalizing upon Indian fear of ISI everywhere while entering their ranks to operate them as they wish just like what they did to US on many occasions.


Your comments---looking for self preservation and not looking at the reality at hand---.

They are not capitalizing on fear---what they are doing is making a probe so that the HERD can go into the panic mode and start running and then they will catch those whom they want to---.

SOP---spies will make a run if they think that the govt is onto them---.
An unpopular opinion I post is that Kashmir is more about water and geography, Kashmiris be damned.

Is that your own opinion or you think that of the establishment/elites of Pakistan?

It is quite unpopular.
No war at all, possibility of light skirmishes on ground and air, both countries have tons of loans and funding from IMF, developed countries and multinational companies, they never want a big scale complete war.
And both countries always use this situation to divert their common people attention from poverty and other economic issues.

I know this for a fact, just after the spat of Feb.2019 a number of investors from US travelled to India and told them "what the shit are you doing"?
No war at all, possibility of light skirmishes on ground and air,
Any light skirmish will result in a heavy exchange. Even any terrorist incident will be dangerous. PM has indicated in his speech.
Next to zero

THIS is the problem exactly. Unfortunately, given the asymmetry between Pakistan and Indian forces there's hardly a chance for war being initiated from our side and if the Indians are smart their side either. Neither one of us can overwhelm the other conventionally.

Although there are many great things Imran Khan has done, his obsession with peace and "reasonableness" has cost us. The other side has to calculate the odds and with him its an easy calculation. There is a 0% chance he would order a nuclear strike on India, akin to what Musharaff alluded to with a pre-emptive 50 nukes, including on Indian launch sites to disable them. Realistically, that would be the only way we could win as then the asymmetry would be towards us. Truthfully, the chances of any sane person doing that is close to zero. I would argue we need someone in power who's perceived likelihood to do this would be greater. Not Zaid Hamid greater, but even 0.5% is enough to deter. Historically maybe Musharaf would have been at 0.5%, he certainly didn't shy away from its use and didn't repeatedly call it "madness" as Imran Khan did. Unfortunately Bajwa is in a similar mould to Imran Khan making the calculation easy.

It is such a difficult situation which Pakistan is doing the best that it can with. Modi and gov are hoping this move, lack of international outcry and demoralization will lead to Pakistan and the Kashmiris to accept this reality. The problem is with 99% opposition in the Valley and putting even their stooges in jail will not lead to acceptance. It never has historically for muslims. Maybe they are projecting themselves as the last 1000 years had them subjugated and accepting of humiliation by Muslim/Sikh/British rule. Even if Pakistan is not able to help the people of Kashmir directly, locally they will fight against the Indians joining whatever extremist organizations. Maybe that's what they want in order to brand the struggle as "terrorism."

In this situation, knowing the Indians, I feel the only hope is China. If we increase the pressure on our side and then have China move some forces (Doklam, Aksai Chin), even a few divisions close to Indian borders may cause them to poop their pants as they definitely could not sustain the pressure, especially if combined with nuclear sabre rattling by us. The issue is would they then reverse this order? Theres no guarantee of that. Although how quickly they accepted the drubbing and embarrassment in Febuary makes one somewhat more optimistic then the current scenario. This is asking alot of our ally though as no one wants war.

Unfortunately, no one has any answers.

The Air Force or people associated with it will never care to admit these operations. It is routine. We often cross borders to gauge their response times. And they do the same.

However, only they hold a press conference after doing that. We do not.
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