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Indian firing on LoC kills 10 Pakistanis

because even that chinese company agreed that they didn't sell their product to indian army or BSF
The Chinese company manufactures commercial drones for photography enthusiasts. You can buy one from the internet for about $1000.
The Chinese company manufactures commercial drones for photography enthusiasts. You can buy one from the internet for about $1000.
indian army have better micro UAVs, then why did they buy a chinese one that too a toy? that too from mumbai or from other south indian cites(as the pics released by pakistan army showing office of ASCOM company which only have office in south india and mumbai.) that UAV only have max. range of 250m and max. altitude it can fly is 50m. even the manufacture agrees that their product is not suitable for military use.
the mini. distance between LOC fencing and indo pakistan border is 500m. as the pics released by pakistan army shows pics of loc fencing. if that uav is flown from loc fencing, then it didn't have sufficient range to reach the border.

Despicable Indians killing civilians for sport.
chinese killing civilins for fun.
killed 3 of ours and injured 22 ?

paid back, in kind, with interest.

RIP to innocent civilians.
but they are suffering because of coward pakistani army which killed our innocent civilians. and cowardly sniped our soldier.
its sad but we had to give payback.
If you knew that then what was the point you idiot?

The reason to bring that moronic act of Indian media was to show how dumb you bharatis are. Dumb as an ***. Indian media brings all these kind of bullsh!t because you Indian public are buyer of such kind of rubbish. If you guys weren't moron and douche bag like you are right now, Indian media wouldn't have been bringing such kind of bullsh!t every other day.

However, our govt. claims of Dawood in your country is more believable than your govt claims of denial.

This statement shows you are a clown. DRDO approved made in Hindoostan clown. You are talking about same government whose dossier about Dawood is nothing but a big joke?

‘Glaring errors’ in MHA’s dossier on Dawood

It is you jokers who are in denial. The denial that starts from Kashmir and goes all the way to China.
That's why I hate India. Can't fight with army and just target innocent civilians. Shame.
Reason is that pakistan army stays in bunkers and keep firing. Whereas Indian army has to patrol to keep check on infiltration. That makes them easy target. Also pakistan army does not declare their casualties in a transparent way.
RIP.... I think 3 got killed in Indian side too... Poor souls....
Common sense says that we should have cease fire agreement that Mushy did with India which lasted for a while. We need to go back to that point. Grow-up both Pakistani and Indians who are only thinking from limited view. In other thread I was talking about challenges we have in moving forward which was misunderstood by @Oscar. Indian and Pakistan need a sense of trust established between them before any solution is achieved. First thing we have to realize is that solution can only be achieved when both sides have trust in each other, no other thing can help solve, like terrorism, firing etc. I think Pakistan realizes this too but they are confused with how to handle some of the old baggage they have, like shielding Dawood or Hafiz Saeed. I think what they are saying is we cannot do anything for past and the best we can do is for future, Now other complexity comes from the fact that most of common people are not realistic and the media does not help either. So there is no forward movement as Pakistan thinks it is doing enough when it is not supporting to the same extent and when they see India asking more they are thinking the path they took cannot help because they have already reached the max of what they can do. People have to be innovative to move forward. Going back to past tried unsuccessful method is stupidity and should be avoided.
The reason to bring that moronic act of Indian media was to show how dumb you bharatis are. Dumb as an ***. Indian media brings all these kind of bullsh!t because you Indian public are buyer of such kind of rubbish. If you guys weren't moron and douche bag like you are right now, Indian media wouldn't have been bringing such kind of bullsh!t every other day.

This statement shows you are a clown. DRDO approved made in Hindoostan clown. You are talking about same government whose dossier about Dawood is nothing but a big joke?

‘Glaring errors’ in MHA’s dossier on Dawood

It is you jokers who are in denial. The denial that starts from Kashmir and goes all the way to China.
If only you knew the readership and viewership of these media houses you would instantly know how big a fool you are.
A Pakistani calling Indians dumb is very funny. If Pakistanis were any bit more intelligent than us they would not have been in shit but yeah keep bragging.

Another story dished out by the media but I would think it to be true, we have been lacking in proper investigation and how govt runs is not something I would brag about. However, our successive govts have done much better than Pakistani Mil govt or democratic govts. The proof is in the pudding, your govt keeps harping about the proof they have of Indian involvement in Balochistan but has yet to give it to either the US or India only to rant like whiny little kids all the time. Even your army has been ranting on a regular basis like a looser.

So yeah the proof even with gaps is better than your outright denial cause that is the mentality you dumb Pakistanis have grown up with. Deny everything and anything outright and retract like a thief caught with its pants down.
If only you knew the readership and viewership of these media houses you would instantly know how big a fool you are.

No it is you who are fool since you are their viewers and not me or any other Pakistani.

A Pakistani calling Indians dumb is very funny. If Pakistanis were any bit more intelligent than us they would not have been in shit but yeah keep bragging.

Nothing funny here. Even chinese make fun of Indians on this forum because of their poor IQ level.

Another story dished out by the media but I would think it to be true

See. You are a fool and dumb.

However, our successive govts have done much better than Pakistani Mil govt or democratic govts. The proof is in the pudding, your govt keeps harping about the proof they have of Indian involvement in Balochistan but has yet to give it to either the US or India only to rant like whiny little kids all the time.

Agree here. My government failed to launch a global whine campaign like India. Not that it would have achieved much. But still they failed.

Even your army has been ranting on a regular basis like a looser.

They performing there duty. Both on Eastern and Western borders. At least they are not forcing poor youth to be photographed with an AK47 just to make them Kasab #3,4,5 etc.

J&K: Army Major forces local to pose with AK-47 as terrorist, threatens to kill him | The Indian Express

So yeah the proof even with gaps is better than your outright denial cause that is the mentality you dumb Pakistanis have grown up with. Deny everything and anything outright and retract like a thief caught with its pants down.

Funny you are talking about denial. Despite you are denying to own your UAV despite getting exposed by Pakistan with comprehensive proofs like pictures and videos. Funny indeed. :lol:
Pakistan Army keeps shelling cowardly the civilian areas

Pakistan army tries to shell Indian army but India is too populated, maybe if you didn't breed like rabbits we could actually find soldiers to hit. Looks like you guys got civilians living in your outposts too.
The other part of the story:

J & K ceasefire violation: 3 civilians dead, nearly dozen injured in Pak firing in RS Pura

Several BSF posts were targeted in RS Pura and Arnia sectors in Jammu.

  • The latest ceasefire violation by the neighbouring country came when Director Generals of Pakistan Rangers and Border Security Force are set to meet in New Delhi on September 6
Three people were killed and nearly a dozen others were injured as Pakistani Rangers resorted to unprovoked shelling on civilian areas along the international border in R S Pura sector during wee hours of Friday.

Significantly, the latest ceasefire violation by the neighbouring country came when Director Generals of Pakistan Rangers and Border Security Force are set to meet in New Delhi on September 6 to discuss the situation on the international border. To firm up logistics and the agenda for the talks between them, both sides would be initiating discussions between them on Monday.

Official sources said that the trouble started around midnight with Pakistan Rangers initially firing with small weapons on BSF border outposts (BOPs) in R S Pura sector. Later, they started mortar shelling on civilian areas as well compelling BSF to retaliate. The exchange of shelling between the two sides was continuing, sources added.

One Pakistani shell fell on a house at Bure Jaal village in R S Pura sector killing one. The deceased has been identified as Subash Chander.

A woman also died in Pakistani shelling on Abdullian. Her identity could not be immediately ascertained, sources said, adding that some people were also injured there.

Four members of a family were also injured in Pakistani shelling at Jora Farm. They have been identified as Liaqat Ali, Sakina Bi, Salima Bibi and Makhan Singh. They have been rushed to the hospital at Jammu.

Ever since Pakistan Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief met his Indian counterpart Narendra Modi at Ufa and reiterated resolve to fight terror, the neighbouring country’s troops and Rangers have stepped up unprovoked firing along the LoC and the international border. The number of ceasefire violations since July last range between 70 to 90, sources said, adding that six people have so far died and nearly two dozen others injured so far.

With today’s casualty, the death toll in Pakistan shelling has risen to eight and injuries to over three dozen. A number of cattle herds too have died and some houses damaged in Friday’s shelling from across the border in R S Pura sector.

J & K ceasefire violation: 3 civilians dead, nearly dozen injured in Pak firing in RS Pura | The Indian Express
So you expect us to be sitting with our thumbs up our asses while you kill innocents!!!
Unfortunate but unavoidable. However, response has to be in kind and more.

As was obvious, once Pak ran away from the NSA talks, Indian response was bound to pick up again at the LoC.

Pakistan army tries to shell Indian army but India is too populated, maybe if you didn't breed like rabbits we could actually find soldiers to hit. Looks like you guys got civilians living in your outposts too.

Classy. Anyway, are you aware of the population growth rates of India and Pak? Go search and post what you find.
No it is you who are fool since you are their viewers and not me or any other Pakistani.

You are making no sense, you make true the news from India when it suits you and discard it when it doesnt. :lol:
You are a stupid kid and a fool who keeps contradicting yourself, you used two links one in a prev post and one in this and say you dont follow news from India :lol:

Nothing funny here. Even chinese make fun of Indians on this forum because of their poor IQ level.

So since you cannot admit that Pakistanis are dumb you bring in your Master to defend your dumbness? Ok.

See. You are a fool and dumb.

See, you are a kid and lack comprehension.

Agree here. My government failed to launch a global whine campaign like India. Not that it would have achieved much. But still they failed.

It did not fail, no one one gave a shit, there is a difference. When a terrorist supporting state goes to the world with accusations of terrorism from another country the world knows that Pakistan and Pakistanis are high on some stuff, Afghani?

They performing there duty. Both on Eastern and Western borders. At least they are not forcing poor youth to be photographed with an AK47 just to make them Kasab #3,4,5 etc.

J&K: Army Major forces local to pose with AK-47 as terrorist, threatens to kill him | The Indian Express

Yeah like they are shelling the Afghans, like how they shamed your country in 65, 71 and 98.
See the fool you are, agreeing to Indian News now. :lol: Hypocrite.

Funny you are talking about denial. Despite you are denying to own your UAV despite getting exposed by Pakistan with comprehensive proofs like pictures and videos. Funny indeed. :lol:

Comprehensive proof my a**, joke is that you call it a UaV when it is an amateur drone. You were supporting Pakistan Army's statement even before they release these videos which proves absolutely nothing. A spy drone :lol: And your army took so many days to come up with the proof, which could have been done in a day. Then the absurd claim that it was shot down, :lol: The picture released by your army didn't show it was hit by a projectile, it looked more like a crash :D
Denial is still strong in you and the gene of Pakistanis. They have always denied anything and everything under the sun, just to be caught with hand in the jar. 47, the tribals were not sent by us. 65, we won the war. 71, we won the war with India. 71, we did not kill or rape BDs. 98, they were not our soldiers. Kasab is not a Pakistani. OBL is not in Pakistan etc
See the long list of denials? Need shades?

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