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Indian firing on LoC kills 10 Pakistanis

what proof was there? noting.
some pics of LOC.. any UAV can take those pics.. and that photo of chinese UAV is in the office of ASCON.. which not even an indian company..
you pakistanis are fool as your army. never think about what you are saying..

You are indeed a moron. A Paran vir chakra qualified dumbass. Not any UAV can take this kind of picture. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture. I repeat. Only Indian UAV.


Here PA released the picture of an Indian soldier standing right next to this UAV. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture.


You are humiliating your army that these pics were taken by any UAV. And that is why I fimrly believe you are a moron. A moron who humiliates the military he tries to defend.

lol... you fool...
india even manage to intercept your army cheif's call to china in 1999 kargil war.. which expose pakistan's role in that war.
if we can intercept your army chief's call 1999.. imagine what india can do in 2015.

Ran to Kargil so quickly? Anyways my Army chief also spent a night in your territory and returned safely and you couldn't do anything about that.

lol.. you forget your ranger start this by killing 3 indians in the mid night... BSF just retaliated and lost life of 10 pakistanis.. if the rangers didn't fire at indians then there won't be any casualties in your side. what your are facing now is your karma.

No I didn't forget it. There is no way to prove that rangers first fired at your civilians. It is the BS that you are told by your media. We are ready for investigation by UN observers but then you run away with your tail between your legs from that too. Looks like BS from your media is the only gospel truth for you clowns.

That was not our govt you fool, that's why debating with you is kiddish.

And where I said government was the one who made that spoof call? Trying to be smart while you only smart as$? Haan bharati?

I know it was your media which is definitely clownish but good enough to fool and brainwash you morons.
You are indeed a moron. A Paran vir chakra qualified dumbass. Not any UAV can take this kind of picture. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture. I repeat. Only Indian UAV.


Here PA released the picture of an Indian soldier standing right next to this UAV. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture.


You are humiliating your army that these pics were taken by any UAV. And that is why I fimrly believe you are a moron. A moron who humiliates the military he tries to defend.

lol.. there are many such photos in internet.. what proof your army have to prove that these pics are taken by that chinese UAV?? STFU man. any one will get 100s of such pics from internet.
those pics released by pakistan army itself is contradictory. 1st pics show an office in ASCON company and others are pics of LOC. there is no office of ascon company in kashmir.

Ran to Kargil so quickly? Anyways my Army chief also spent a night in your territory and returned safely and you couldn't do anything about that.
your army cheif was sure that no indian forces in that area because during that time indian army vacates its posts and they only came back after snow fall stops.. anyone can came to there if he is sure that there won't be any indian army soldiers to shoot at him.

No I didn't forget it. There is no way to prove that rangers first fired at your civilians. It is the BS that you are told by your media. We are ready for investigation by UN observers but then you run away with your tail between your legs from that too. Looks like BS from your media is the only gospel truth for you clowns.

the 1st report of civilian causality came in early morning.. in every news channels and news paper there is reports in civilins casualties on indian side. but the casualties on pakistani side only came at late moring in pak media. this proves Pakistan started this. and BSF was retaliating.
lol.. there are many such photos in internet..

Yes many of these pictures are present on internet and all were released by my army.

what proof your army have to prove that these pics are taken by that chinese UAV??

And what is your proof that it is not from that UAV which was made by Ascon and used by Indian army. Yeah you are doing some bakwas. But what else?

any one will get 100s of such pics from internet.

Yeah anyone since they are all released by Pak army to expose your topi drama of chinese uav.

those pics released by pakistan army itself is contradictory.

No they are not.

1st pics show an office in ASCON company and others are pics of LOC. there is no office of ascon company in kashmir.

And my army never said that Ascon office is in Kashmir. They just showed the journey of this UAV from Ascon office that is located in India and then its final destination which is kashmir. You are trying to straws now but try something better. :)

your army cheif was sure that no indian force is that area because during that time indian army vacates its posts and they only came back after snow fall stops.. anyone can came to there if he is sure that there won't be any indian army soldiers to shoot at him.

Not my army chief's problem if your army failed to detect such a big incursion. He did something and you failed to catch him. :)
the 1st report of civilian causality came in early morning.. in every news channels and news paper there is reports in civilins casualties on indian side. but the casualties on pakistani side only came at late moring in pak media. this proves Pakistan started this. and BSF was retaliating.

Lol what a proof? You are one branded idiot. Anyways the news of Pakistan civilian casualties also came late in the night at twitter and several news outlets.
And what is your proof that it is not from that UAV which was made by Ascon and used by Indian army. Yeah you are doing some bakwas. But what else?
because even that chinese company agreed that they didn't sell their product to indian army or BSF
And my army never said that Ascon office is in Kashmir. They just showed the journey of this UAV from Ascon office that is located in India and then its final destination which is kashmir. You are trying to straws now but try something better. :)
ascon office to LOC... nice story from your army.
because even that chinese company agreed that they didn't sell their product to indian army or BSF

Well they are you are not up to date. Pak army released pictures and videos to shut this moronic justification for good.

ascon office to LOC... nice story from your army.

Nice? Just nice? It was brilliant. Never saw more comprehensive proof than what PA released.
Not my army chief's problem if your army failed to detect such a big incursion. He did something and you failed to catch him. :)
because he came to india for india-pak friendship just 3 weeks ago.. so no one suspects he will do such backstabbing. mr. Musharraf show his true colour.
Lol what a proof? You are one branded idiot. Anyways the news of Pakistan civilian casualties also came late in the night at twitter and several news outlets.
none of news was late in the twitter.. the 1st man died in the morning and you are saying the news of casualties came in mid night in the twitter!!??
IT definitely is. Totally shut the cartoon characters that were calling it to be belonging to Punjab Police.
pics of panjab polcie using that UAV was from pakistani news paper "the dawn."
Well they are you are not up to date. Pak army released pictures and videos to shut this moronic justification for good.
pakistan army release that pics only to save their faces.. there is no evidence that those pics are from that UAV or indian army using that UAV...
Nice? Just nice? It was brilliant. Never saw more comprehensive proof than what PA released.

lol.. don't you know that Ascon has only five branches in in india.... they are in Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Madurai.(4 of them are in south india and 1 is in mumbai)
all the offces are 1000 of miles away from LOC. if indian army want to buy some chines UAV then it could have buy that from kashmir..
only some fools like you will believe the propaganda of your army.

and if indian army want to do surveillance on pakistan then indian army have better UAVs with them.. IA don't need any chines junk for it..
the maximum altitude that Chinese UAV can fly is 50m. with a range of 300m!!!
indian army micro uavs which can fly at an altitude of 700m with a range of 10KM... indian army don't need chinese junk.. only pakistan army and police uses these junks.
because he came to india for india-pak friendship just 3 weeks ago.. so no one suspects he will do such backstabbing. mr. Musharraf show his true colour.

It is your problem if you didn't anticipated it. Anyways he didn't come for anything 3 weeks ago. You mixing Agra trip to Lahore yatra of Vajpayee.

none of news was late in the twitter.. the 1st man died in the morning and you are saying the news of casualties came in mid night in the twitter!!??

Yes. There has been news of Pakistani casualties since last night or very early in the morning.

pics of panjab polcie using that UAV was from pakistani news paper "the dawn."

And it was a moron like you brought this pic to defend Indian army. Only to be comprehensively debunked by PA with its proofs that it released days later.

pakistan army release that pics only to save their faces..

Actually they released those pics to shut trolls like you. Look at yourself. You have nothing to say now. No proof. No picture. No video. Just bakwas and blah blah for face saving of yourself and your military.

lol.. don't you know that Ascon has only five branches in in india.... they are in Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore and Madurai.(4 of them are in south india and 1 is in mumbai)

Irrelevant. Prove nothing.

if indian army want to buy some chines UAV then it could have buy that from kashmir..

And Indian army decided to buy it from Mumbai. Big deal. Proves nothing. Absolutely nothing. Proves zero. Zilch.

only some fools like you will believe the propaganda of your army.

Yeah we do. Because they also released irrefutable proofs that are enough to force a fanboy like you to cluching at straws. Look at yourself right now. You are just trying everything including the kitchen sink to for face saving. You have nothing but bringing irrelevant bullsh!t.

and if indian army want to do surveillance on pakistan then indian army have better UAVs with them.. IA don't need any chines junk for it..

Yeah they can use something else too. But they preferred to chose this particular UAV since if get caught like in this incident, they can refuse to own it and call it a chinese UAV so that fool like you would believe them. Unfortunately for Indian army, Pak army had all the proofs to nail their lies.

the maximum altitude that Chinese UAV can fly is 50m. with a range of 300m!!!
indian army micro uavs which can fly at an altitude of 700m with a range of 10KM... indian army don't need chinese junk

Already explained above. The real reason behind choosing a so called chinese UAV

only pakistan army and police uses these junks.

Still coming up with this sh!t? Despite all humiliation and proofs? The proofs are there. Your army used it. And you have nothing in response. Come on kid. This police thing is totally bogus with the kind of proofs we have. :)
You are indeed a moron. A Paran vir chakra qualified dumbass. Not any UAV can take this kind of picture. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture. I repeat. Only Indian UAV.


Here PA released the picture of an Indian soldier standing right next to this UAV. Only Indian UAV can take such kind of picture.


And where I said government was the one who made that spoof call? Trying to be smart while you only smart as$? Haan bharati?

I know it was your media which is definitely clownish but good enough to fool and brainwash you morons.

If you knew that then what was the point you idiot? Media everywhere is like that, we know so much BS being spread by your media too.. but hey iam not brainwashed as you are to believe all the stuff put up by you media and mine.

Moron is a person who will bring in something from media and tries to pass it as a fact, you become the fool in the end.

However, our govt. claims of Dawood in your country is more believable than your govt claims of denial. We know how much Pakistan lives in Denial.. There are huge precedents set by your army and govt, so you should be pissed at your army but we all know how strong the denial runs through you guys.
And then we have pathetic "liberals" in Pakistan who are keen to kiss up to indians. I say every so called Pakistani "liberal" should be positioned on the LoC so that they can die a painful death at the hands of their bharati beloveds.

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