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Indian Elections: Who did you Vote

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BJP is the only one that can save the Dharmic soul of India. Murder those who insult Dharma.
RSS was a useless organization in protecting any Hindu cause, which is what gave rise to VHP and Bajrang Dal.
RSS is becoming more wimpy and defensive day by day.Big role of pseudo secular congress in destroying their image:pissed:

Great. All trolls, false flaggers have arrived. Bye.
Trolling is my birthright and I shall have it:p:
RSS is becoming more wimpy and defensive day by day.Big role of pseudo secular congress in destroying their image:pissed:

Actually , RSS Cadres strength have been given a big boost in last couple of months because of Modi and their image has also vastly improved as people have begun to see through the secular BS
Now they consider themselves equivalent of Missionaries of Charity. All they want to do is help people in distress. Why they need to sing National songs daily for that is beyond me.
Congress has destroyed every counterforce against enemies of the nation...so much for secularism...recently they were asking the religion of army personnel:tsk:
Actually , RSS Cadres strength have been given a big boost in last couple of months because of Modi and their image has also vastly improved as people have begun to see through the secular BS

This was the first time perhaps since their inception that they got involved politically to make a difference to the lives of people of this country. For the first time, they backed a candidate and stood firm by him. With their organization strength they could have done it before too, but no. Dodos remained singing their songs and doing their warm-ups while the country went to dogs.
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