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Indian economy's worth expected to rise to $1.7 trn

I was not aware that lying is a necessary requirement for trolling .....

BTW with the current population growth rate of around 1.26% India will have an estimated population of around 2 Billion, now calculate how much rest room would be required ......... :lol:

Never...According to latest report of Deutsche Bank in 2013 India population peak at 1.53 billion and then starts decline ( Because India Total Fertility Rate is now very very near to replacement rate 2.1)[ According to 2011 UN report it was 1.71 billion].... Anyway it will not go beyond 1.7 billion....
Indian economy is great, indian roads are great, Indian hygiene and sanitation is great, indian education is great, indian life expectancy is great, Indian healthcare is great, life in india is great.


"Planning Commission further reduced poverty line to Rs 28.65 per capita daily consumption in cities and Rs 22.42 in rural areas. An individual above a monthly consumption of Rs 859.6 in urban and Rs 672.8 in rural areas is not considered poor, as per the controversial formula"
India's poverty line now lowered to Rs 28 per day


About 900 million Indians eat less than the government-recommended minimums. One-fifth of adults and almost half of children younger than 5 suffer from malnourishment.
India's Poor Starve as Politicians Steal Their Food - Businessweek


The municipal solid waste and sewage generation in Indian cities have significantly increased over the years from 6 million tons in 1947 to over 69 million tons in 2006. The integrated city developmental plans related to shelter, basic services, civic amenities like water, sanitation, education, health facilities are failing due to uncoordinated approaches and poor planning processes.
Urban Water and Sanitation: Who cares about Poor? - TH!NK ABOUT IT


'Dr Raju M. Mathew describes India as Land of the billionaires and the Very Poor. In India, the benefit of liberalization, globalization, privatization of public enterprises, the infrastructure development with public money and the overall economic growth have been hijacked by a dozen families and their corporate houses'
Undemocratic India, Challenges The World Values | Opinion Maker


One in three of the world's poorest people are living in India, the world's second-fastest growing economy, according to a new study by the World Bank. India now has a greater share of the world's poorest than it did thirty years ago. Then it was home to one fifth of the world's poorest people, but today it accounts for one-third - 400 million.
India has one third of world's poorest, says World Bank - Telegraph


The calculations shows that every day 5,013 children are succumbing to malnutrition. Given that a half of all children in India are under-nourished as per the National Family Health Survey III (2005-06), of which over 5,000 die every day I think every Indian needs to hang his/her head in shame.
Ground Reality: In Shining India, over 5000 children die every day from hunger and malnutrition.
@HRK ,why are you posting these things??
Butthurt that Pakistan will never catch up with India???
@jarves bro, actually what @HRK has shown us is absolute truth. . . and i hope. . no sane indian should deny this fact. . . we are indeed having the biggest population of poor ppl in the world. . but you know whats the positive side. . . we are working on the eradication of the this cancer. . . thing is we just have a long way to go :-)

the truth is as far as poverty is concerned both Pak and India are in similar condition......

bro, their condition is not our problem. . better we should focus on ours rather than this mine is better than yours attitude :agree:
@jarves bro, actually what @HRK has shown us is absolute truth. . . and i hope. . no sane indian should deny this fact. . . we are indeed having the biggest population of poor ppl in the world. . but you know whats the positive side. . . we are working on the eradication of the this cancer. . . thing is we just have a long way to go :-)

the thing is India is not poor but the resources are unevenly distributed.......the gap between rich and poor is a matter of concern........if reports are to believed then percapita income wise we all will be rich by 2050 but that doesnt reduces the poverty level............the middle class is fairing well........the poors need to grow and become a part of this development process
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