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Indian economy has great potential in the long run: Chinese economist

Its not fair to compare India with other countries. most of India's energy is use to keep this unnatural countries together that it has no time for PISA.

True. And with the way things r going, India will always be the superpower of tomorrow.

To add to what you so nicely put it, it will be a 'definite pooper of the present' (i.e. open defecation)!
The problem of India is not the poverty, corruption or the oppressive caste system. But the fact that India is not a natural country but 33 countries array along the British build rail line.

And also that we don't scrape off the wombs for the crime of being second in line.

So the gallbladder leaking badly again after centuries of humiliation and playing livestock to Manchus with the funny Q hairstyle and force fed opium?
He must wanting to get others attention from China and focus on India. While the Indians and India itself want the same thing as well. the Westerners are not fool by any of this and know that only China can challenge the western. India will always be a card play by both East and the west the way things are going.

Nobody gives a damn to your stupid little sweatshop country. It is just played by USA against China as a stupid putty.

And will be discarded as used tissues are after wiping the behind.

Its not fair to compare India with other countries. most of India's energy is use to keep this unnatural countries together that it has no time for PISA.

True. And with the way things r going, India will always be the superpower of tomorrow.

Amazing how much some primitive little distant stupid zombies from, petty insignificant unnatural small island countries (that are about to be gobbled up by China as oon as their saviour USA pulls its hands) obsess with India!
Nobody gives a damn to your stupid little sweatshop country. It is just played by USA against China as a stupid putty.

And will be discarded as used tissues are after wiping the behind.

Amazing how much some primitive little distant stupid zombies from, petty insignificant unnatural small island countries (that are about to be gobbled up by China as oon as their saviour USA pulls its hands) obsess with India!

No need for you to attack the person who speak the facts
India might pick up some crumbs left over by China when the latter is a 30000 USD per capita economy。And that's if India start planning today and don't get elbowed out by the likes of SL,BD,and Vietnam etc。:D
i see true opportunities in india in the future.

in the business of public sanitation, toilet building and human excrement cleaning.
i see true opportunities in india in the future.

in the business of public sanitation, toilet building and human excrement cleaning.

That will be you folks.

The shyt of humanity, the ones who are scraped off in the womb...

India might pick up some crumbs left over by China when the latter is a 30000 USD per capita economy。And that's if India start planning today and don't get elbowed out by the likes of SL,BD,and Vietnam etc。:D

The scum of the earth may be lower than African countries like Botswana, the zombies do have loud mouths.

Especially where they are allowed. In their own country they would be crushed under tanks for going out of the line.
i see true opportunities in india in the future.

in the business of public sanitation, toilet building and human excrement cleaning.

India is waiting for donations from other countries to solve these problem. It spend its own money on defense related area where corruption is more readily available. this remind me of a person that spend most of its own hard earn money on booze and drugs while rely on donations for food.
India is waiting for donations from other countries to solve these problem. It spend its own money on defense related area where corruption is more readily available. this remind me of a person that spend most of its own hard earn money on booze and drugs while rely on donations for food.

No one is more corrupt than you Chin folks.

And no one is more shameless.

You even begged the Japanese for aid in lieu of the WW-2 happenings from which USA and Russia saved you...

Aren't you talking about yourself.

This zombie is over obsessed with India and jumps on every Indian thread with the same garbage.

He is habituated to humiliation after all those centuries it seems. Comes to get insulted again and again and again!
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