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Indian economy at slowest rate in a decade

And what will that achieve?

It will just make people dependent on government hand-outs. And what about when the Government needs to stop the hand-outs due to an uncontrollable fiscal deficit? What then, they just starve?

Instead of giving them fish just to eat for a day, why not teach them to fish for themselves. Use that money to teach them skills in order to make them productive. Free classes for whatever skills they can use in their situation, even if it is something as simple as teaching sewing in order for them to make + sell bags.

Very Good
Now tell this to the Congress party
& no not the PM the chairperson of Congress party

Good Luck
And what will that achieve?

The same thing that big business "achieves" with govt hand outs(tax rebate)..sounds so much nicer.

It will just make people dependent on government hand-outs. And what about when the Government needs to stop the hand-outs due to an uncontrollable fiscal deficit? What then, they just starve?

I dont know about india-china... but in the west the "uncontrollable fiscal deficit" was caused by the banks.....nothing to do with "tax rebates" for the poor.

Instead of giving them fish just to eat for a day, why not teach them to fish for themselves. Use that money to teach them skills in order to make them productive. Free classes for whatever skills they can use in their situation, even if it is something as simple as teaching sewing in order for them to make + sell bags.

Once you have water-shelter-food then you can think out giving the guy a rod to fish with.
PS... whats makes you think the poor after taking out the essential items they need from govt rebates they wont use the rest to train themselves or start a small business.

Govt are there to serve the peoples needs and wants.....not just the needs and wants of the rich.
I find it strange how the rich will never cheerlead anything for the poor-middle class but how the poor and middle class jump up and down get tax cuts and benefits for the corporations-rich.
Indian economy is collapsing. The rupee is now closing in on 57. Indian debt is out if control and investors are losing confidence in the currency. It will only get worse for India. All debt based Ponzi schemes come to an end, Indian economy is no different.
INR is near a collapse.

Hahaha oh man.... if you would work on your country instead of spreading your wishful thinking, your nation would not top the failed states ranking and would be a peaceful and economic successful nation :rolleyes:
Hahaha oh man.... if you would work on your country instead of spreading your wishful thinking, your nation would not top the failed states ranking and would be a peaceful and economic successful nation :rolleyes:

Never wishful thinking.

My projection of your economy has always been on the track.
Hypothetically speaking, would the world go into a recession, or a depression, if India collapsed? What is the fallout to our hypothetical demise?
Whom these "global buyers" think they are? How dare they? :azn:

Falling rupee: Global buyers ask exporters for discounts

June 10, 2013 15:21 IST

With rupee touching a of 57.77 against dollar, global buyers are putting pressure on exporters to offer discounts between 10 per cent and 15 per cent.

The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) said the continuous fall in the domestic currency would not help exporters much as international buyers are asking for discounts.

"Global buyers are putting pressure for more and more discounts. They are asking for about 10-15 per cent. They want to re-negotiate the deals,:what:" Director-General of FIEO Ajay Sahai said.

Falling rupee: Global buyers ask exporters for discounts - Rediff.com Business

Whom these "global buyers" think they are? How dare they? :azn:

Falling rupee: Global buyers ask exporters for discounts

June 10, 2013 15:21 IST

With rupee touching a of 57.77 against dollar, global buyers are putting pressure on exporters to offer discounts between 10 per cent and 15 per cent.

The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) said the continuous fall in the domestic currency would not help exporters much as international buyers are asking for discounts.

"Global buyers are putting pressure for more and more discounts. They are asking for about 10-15 per cent. They want to re-negotiate the deals,:what:" Director-General of FIEO Ajay Sahai said.

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