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Indian diplomat's paedophile son jailed for 10 years

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I work with diplomats too, Indians are the most corrupt and perverse. They will get too close to our secretary whenever they are left alone. And when we have a social event that serves alcohol, women serving staff had to be replaced with men and men only.

You mean you work for diplomats? Making fake Nikes for them :D
He was like this.


Fighting for country and {{taking so much pain made him like that}}. He preferred not to be an agent of Britisher for few rupees and a lavish life style like so called other father of nation. He lived for the country and died for the country.
Too bad his gay partners were ruthless enough to not use any coconut oil on his chocolate starfish before doing the deed to him. He should have thought of this before going gay, though.
Don't deport him,just kill him. Nice job Australia!
You mean this stinky shoodar numa 'insaan'?


If you do not know how to respect a person the best you can do is not show your disrespect....... But then Cant expect much from people like you....
Countries don't send shitty characters to be diplomats abroad, especially in a developed country when you are from a developing one. India is the exception because every second guy there has such sick mentality.



Well, this is depressing. A survey released on Friday claims that over 50 percent of Chinese men have physically or sexually abused their partners in the past. One in four respondents of a survey of six Asia-Pacific countries also admitted to having raped a woman, and one in 25 said they had taken part in a gang rape.
The findings are part of a multi-country study being carried out by the UN and Partners for Prevention, a non-profit. Researchers interviewed more than 10,000 men and 2,000 women aged 18 to 49 from Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Sri Lanka.
Speaking at a UN symposium on Gender-based Violence and Research in Beijing, James Lang, program coordinator of Partners for Prevention, called the preliminary findings "shocking".
"Violence is a complex phenomenon. Much of the research has been focused on women, but when we try to come up with solutions to reduce violence, we have to include men. That's the whole motivation behind the study," he said.
Researches in China interviewed more than 2,000 men. Over half of respondents confessed to physically or sexually abusing their wives or girlfriends. More shockingly, 25 percent of respondents said they had raped a woman, and one in 25 admitted to taking part in a gang rape.
The findings are part of a preliminary set of data released by researchers ahead of full publication of the study in July.
Results of a gender-based violence study in China, released on Thursday, found that 52 percent of respondents have committed "an act of domestic violence" against their partners. The Chinese study interviewed around 1,000 men and 1,100 women selected at random in southern China. (Edited to clarify: this is a different study carried out by Chinese researchers, separate from the UN sponsored research quoted above.)

According to the study, women are more at risk of rape from a partner than a stranger. Among women who had been raped, 60 percent had been raped by a partner.
"The widely accepted norms about masculinity are a major driving force for the prevalence of domestic violence against women," Wang Xiangxian, an associate professor of sociology from Tianjin Normal University who participated in the research, told China Daily.
"It's pointless to talk about the abstract idea of gender equality if we don't eliminate the prejudice that is accepted by individuals, communities and even the whole society," she said.
Writing in Dissent, sociologist Leta Hong Fincher points to how China's government has dragged its heels on enacting domestic violence legislation:
China in this regard lags behind other developing countries that have serious problems with violence against women, such as India and Bangladesh, which passed an anti-domestic-violence law in 2010.
"Judges almost never define a case as ‘domestic violence’ because the current law in China is not specific or clear enough," Feng Yuan, a leading activist with the Anti-Domestic Violence Network in Beijing told Hong Fincher. "As a result, the courts routinely refer to domestic violence as ‘family conflict’ instead."
In February, Kim Lee, the wife of 'Crazy English' founder Li Yang scored a victory for victims of domestic violence, when a Beijing court found in her favour, granting her a restraining order against her ex-husband and ordering him to pay 12 million yuan. Li was not prosecuted criminally however for his documented (and admitted) abuse of his wife.
Update 23:00 CST: Our original infographic was based on a misreading of the write up of James Lang's presentation in the China Daily. The figures quoted from the UN survey refer to all countries in the survey. We have updated the infographic to reflect the statistics for China (which are 50 percent as opposed to 52 percent of men admitting to domestic violence, and 20 as opposed to 25 percent of men admitting to rape).

India: A Woman Raped Every 20 Minutes*|*Shakti Vahini

Campaigners in India are calling for tougher penalties for sex offenders after a massive rise in the number of rapes. According to the latest government figures, a woman is now raped in India every 20 minutes.
But despite the increase in sex attacks the number of convictions is falling. In the last 12 months, there have been a number of high profile cases which have caused outrage across the nation. One of the most shocking attacks happened in the state of Haryana.Unusually the victim waived her right to anonymity.Shabnam, 16, was gang raped by eight men from her village. Her attackers filmed the assault on their mobile telephones.
When her father became aware that the images were being shared around the village, he committed suicide out of shame. Haryana is a tight-knit, mainly agrarian community where family honour and the avoidance of shame are a matter of life and death for many. But the brave schoolgirl wants the world to know what happened because she says too many victims are either too afraid or too ashamed to speak out.
“I don’t want the sacrifice of my father to be wasted. I’ve decided to get them all punished so that whatever happened with me should never happen to anybody else again,” she said. The physical scars of Shabnam’s attack have now healed but her mother Rani fears she will never fully recover psychologically from her ordeal. “My daughter is scared and depressed. She barely speaks because there is so much fear in mind,” she said. The rise in sexual assaults in Haryana reflects what is happening in other states across India.
A preference for sons and the illegal practise of female infanticide and foeticide have left the state with a badly skewed sex ratio. In Haryana, there are just 830 girls per 1000 boys. Women’s rights campaigner, Rishi Kant, says the problems are deep rooted within Indian society. “Young boys are doing all these crimes which are very heinous crimes and they should be booked immediately with a fast track court so that a proper sentence can be given against them.”
Campaigners say India’s laws for the protection of women are robust but are demanding better policing and stiffer jail terms.

Victims blamed in India's rape culture
If you do not know how to respect a person the best you can do is not show your disrespect....... But then Cant expect much from people like you....

Preach the same to your fellow kaliyas who are hurling insults at our Jinnah or I'll keep making 'em shove their veggie vomit up their ar5es till the thread gets closed.
India: A Woman Raped Every 20 Minutes*|*Shakti Vahini

Campaigners in India are calling for tougher penalties for sex offenders after a massive rise in the number of rapes. According to the latest government figures, a woman is now raped in India every 20 minutes.
But despite the increase in sex attacks the number of convictions is falling. In the last 12 months, there have been a number of high profile cases which have caused outrage across the nation. One of the most shocking attacks happened in the state of Haryana.Unusually the victim waived her right to anonymity.Shabnam, 16, was gang raped by eight men from her village. Her attackers filmed the assault on their mobile telephones.
When her father became aware that the images were being shared around the village, he committed suicide out of shame. Haryana is a tight-knit, mainly agrarian community where family honour and the avoidance of shame are a matter of life and death for many. But the brave schoolgirl wants the world to know what happened because she says too many victims are either too afraid or too ashamed to speak out.
“I don’t want the sacrifice of my father to be wasted. I’ve decided to get them all punished so that whatever happened with me should never happen to anybody else again,” she said. The physical scars of Shabnam’s attack have now healed but her mother Rani fears she will never fully recover psychologically from her ordeal. “My daughter is scared and depressed. She barely speaks because there is so much fear in mind,” she said. The rise in sexual assaults in Haryana reflects what is happening in other states across India.
A preference for sons and the illegal practise of female infanticide and foeticide have left the state with a badly skewed sex ratio. In Haryana, there are just 830 girls per 1000 boys. Women’s rights campaigner, Rishi Kant, says the problems are deep rooted within Indian society. “Young boys are doing all these crimes which are very heinous crimes and they should be booked immediately with a fast track court so that a proper sentence can be given against them.”
Campaigners say India’s laws for the protection of women are robust but are demanding better policing and stiffer jail terms.

Victims blamed in India's rape culture
Opinion: Victims blamed in India's rape culture - CNN.com

Even an injured Cow was not spared from rape :

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