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Indian democracy loses to Chinese efficiency - by 160 votes

The english did not kill a hundred million Indians and a lot more went on with Communism and Mao then just people accidently starving to death. A large portion of those deaths were the deliberate extermination of those that did not agree with communism and it was done thru deliberate starvation, concentration work camps and excutions.

The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass MurderPublished on February 2, 2010 by Lee Edwards, Ph.D.

The Legacy of Mao Zedong is Mass Murder | The Heritage Foundation

Mao: The Unknown Story - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China scholars agree that the famine during the Great Leap Forward caused tens of millions of deaths. Chang and Halliday argue that this period accounts for roughly half of the 70 million total. An official estimate by Hu Yaobang in 1980 put the death toll at 20 million, whereas Philip Short in his 2000 book Mao: A Life found 20 to 30 million to be the most credible number. Chang and Halliday's figure is 37.67 million, which historian Stuart Schram indicated that he believes "may well be the most accurate."[7] Yang Jisheng, a Communist party member and former reporter for Xinhua, puts the number of famine deaths at 36 million.[8]

Professor R. J. Rummel published updated figures on worldwide democide in 2005, stating that he believed Chang and Halliday's estimates to be mostly correct and that he had revised his figures for China under Mao accordingly.[9]

List of wars and disasters by death toll - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lowest Estimate Highest Estimate
20,000,000[110] 43,000,000

Reviews of the Black book of communism

Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression

As you can see the method the author used to determine death numbers was not by using documented sources but by guessing percentages and applying it to the entire population.

The english did not kill a hundred million Indians

Then what happened to the one hundred million Indians who lived in the Americas? 100 million people just disappeared?
紅燒肉 ? :woot:

That's one of my favourite too.

How about this story.

The Private Life of Chairman Mao
From Wikipedia,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician
The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician is a memoir published in 1994 by Li Zhisui, one of the physicians of Mao Zedong, who emigrated to the United States in the years after Mao's death. The book describes the time during which Li was Mao's physician, beginning with his return to China after training in Australia, through the height of Mao's power to his death in 1976 including the diverse details of Mao's personality, sexual proclivities, party politics and personal habits.

The book was well received in the United States, with numerous reviews stating that it is limited for being based solely on the recollections of one man, but still praising it for being corroborated by other sources and giving a detailed, fly on the wall perspective on Mao's personal life. The book was controversial and ultimately banned in the People's Republic of China, with other associates of Mao publishing Chinese language rebuttal The Private Life of Chairman Mao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The book “The Private Life of Chairman Mao” written by Li Zhisui was published in 1994. Li Zhisui was Mao’s personal physician. In his book, he wrote about Mao’s sex life. According to the book, he claimed that Mao Zedong had sex with young girls around the age of 10-12. He had a personal preference towards virgins. So it appears that after Sun Yat-sen spent 33 years to overthrow the Emperor’s era, China had a leader who lived like an Emperor 30 years later. Mao had in fact, also contracted several STDs, one of them being trichomonas vaginalis, according to his physician. Nevertheless, he did not attempt to treat his STD despite being advised by his doctor. The doctor claims that “young women were proud to be infected”, “the illness transmitted by Mao, was a badge of honor, testimony to their close relationship with Mao”.

There were several justifications presented by pro communists regarding Mao’s inappropriate sex life:

1) Mao was saving those young girls from the great famine, by giving them a job as his sex slaves. The great famine was no doubt caused by Mao’s policies, which put grain provisions from the peasants under the government control. It was reported that over 10million – 25million were killed during the 1st 2 years of Mao’s rule.

2) Mao cannot be considered a pedophile. Defenders of Mao claims that a pedophile prays on children who haven’t reach puberty, whereas Mao had sex with girls who just reached puberty. (In actual fact, pedophilia refers to 0-13 years old, and erhebephilia is 13-18 years old. Mao is still a pedophile)

3) During Mao’s era in peasant China, girls of the age 10-12 is considered marriageable age. And hence, there is nothing such as statutory rape for having sex with 10-12 years old. There was no morality issue regarding having sex with girls of “marriageable age”.

4) Mao had consent of the girls’ parents. They were sold the idea that a great honor was being provided for them and their daughter. Perhaps financial or material inducements were also provided at need.

Most pedophiles are condemned, while one became a National Hero. | The Liberating Truth
^^^ What does that have to do with a delicacy dish?:what:

So if Mao drinks water I should not do the same?
Just ignore Captain America, he is a 70-year old troll. :lol:

Who can't spell, or even construct a basic sentence.

Perhaps he is deliberately trying to make America look bad, in order to take vengeance for the racist genocide of his Native American ancestors.

The USA was founded on the racist genocide of the native people. What other nations can claim such a horrific beginning?
I think he thought I was approving that snippets of mao's way of life rather than complimenting on food. I am well aware of Mao's life from independent research, and I read both good and bad points about him in english, traditional chinese and simplified chinese sources.

I am aware of the general qualities that a person needs in order to succeed in politics and especially in a time of turmoil.

This is an open forum and everyone is free to post what they think is right.:cheers:
Then what happened to the one hundred million Indians who lived in the Americas? 100 million people just disappeared?

Their bones were the foundation stones of modern America.

Historian David Stannard is of the opinion that the indigenous peoples of America were the victims of a "Euro-American genocidal war." While conceding that the majority of the indigenous peoples fell victim to the ravages of European disease, he estimates that almost 100 million died in what he calls the American Holocaust.


So there are the 100 million Native Americans.

Maybe he will copy and paste this as often as he copies and pastes other stories?
Their bones were the foundation stones of modern America.

Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So there are the 100 million Native Americans.

Maybe he will copy and paste this as often as he copies and pastes other stories?

People love to make out that the death of american indians was Genocide. That a hundred million Indians were killed..

Most of that is just ignorance or lies for one reason or the other.

At the time the US was discovered Europe a farming, manfacturing culture only had a population of about about 75 million, in a hunting, gathering culture like the USA there was a about 10 million Indians perhaps as little as 5 millon. Now remember we are talking about a period of time since 1492.

Now Genocide is the deliberate and systematic destruction, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group.

To sum up, European settlers came to the New World for a variety of reasons, but the thought of infecting the Indians with deadly pathogens was not one of them. As for the charge that the U.S. government should itself be held responsible for the demographic disaster that overtook the American-Indian population, it is unsupported by evidence or legitimate argument. The United States did not wage biological warfare against the Indians; neither can the large number of deaths as a result of disease be considered the result of a genocidal design.

Were American Indians the Victims of Genocide?

Now what communism did does fit the definition of genocide, the communist goverments of China, Russia led by Mao and Stalin engaged in the deliberate and systematic destruction thru various means from starvation, labor camps, and excutions of all and any of their own peope that opposed communism.
People love to make out that the death of american indians was Genocide. That a hundred million Indians were killed..

That's because it WAS genocide.

Not just genocide, but racist genocide, based on the idea that Native Americans were "inferior savages".

Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 million and 114 million indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

Strange way to build a nation, to build it on the racist genocide of Native Americans. Then on black African slaves.
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That's because it WAS genocide.

Not just genocide, but racist genocide, based on the idea that Native Americans were "inferior savages".

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

Strange way to build a nation, to build it on the racist genocide of Native Americans. Then on black African slaves.

Well that seems to be a matter of opinion and debate, I notice you have removed Mao as your Atavar.

Now as to the subject of slaves, China did not outlaw slavery until 1910 about 60 years after the USA. But not really..slavery is still wide spread in China, just in another form..

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Well that seems to be a matter of opinion, I notice you have removed Mao as your Atavar.

Not opinion at all, it's a historical fact that the USA was founded on the mass murder and the racist genocide of the Native American people, who were considered to be "inferior savages". Then it was continued with black slavery.

I never had Mao as my avatar, I've explained it to you before but I DON'T actually like Chairman Mao. Maybe your memory is going bad from old age... but I've said to you several times that I dislike Chairman Mao because of his horrific mistakes that led to mass starvation of the Chinese people.

So to sum up... a country built on racist genocide doesn't have much authority to criticise others. In fact the racist genocide of the Native Americans even surpassed what the NAZIS did, according to the sources above.
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Not opinion at all, it's a historical fact that the USA was founded on the mass murder and the racist genocide of the Native American people, who were considered to be "inferior savages". Then it was continued with black slavery.

I never had Mao as my avatar, I've explained it to you before but I DON'T actually like Chairman Mao. Maybe your memory is going bad from old age... but I've said to you several times that I dislike Chairman Mao because of his horrific mistakes that led to mass starvation of the Chinese people.

So to sum up... a country built on racist genocide doesn't have much authority to criticise others. In fact the racist genocide of the Native Americans even surpassed what the Nazis did, according to the sources above.

Bro, you should never discuss any historical facts with any white people, because you will be soon labeled as "an angry race card player".

Anything that involved with genocide committed by white people it can't be true. Because white people are saints and the most noble race around the world.

Whereas Asian people are naturally barbaric mass murders whose under the name of Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong. Black people are just beggars who deserved to be kept in the cotton farms.
Bro, you should never discuss any historical facts with any white people, because you will be soon labeled as "an angry race card player".

Captain America is actually part Native American, but he wants to suck up to those who committed genocide against them.

Sounds kind of sad but then he is 70 years old.... so it might be a generational thing. Joining the enemies and all that. :lol:

Anyway Captain America can be proud that they beat the Nazis record on racist genocide, even before the Nazis even existed.
Bro, you should never discuss any historical facts with any white people, because you will be soon labeled as "an angry race card player".

Anything that involved with genocide committed by white people it can't be true. Because white people are saints and the most noble race around the world.

Whereas Asian people are naturally barbaric mass murders whose under the name of Genghis Khan and Mao Zedong. Black people are just beggars who deserved to be kept in the cotton farms.

Last time I looked the president of the USA was black. Guess keeping black people down on the cotton farms did not work out too well.
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How about this story.

The Private Life of Chairman Mao
From Wikipedia,
The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician
The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician is a memoir published in 1994 by Li Zhisui, one of the physicians of Mao Zedong, who emigrated to the United States in the years after Mao's death. The book describes the time during which Li was Mao's physician, beginning with his return to China after training in Australia, through the height of Mao's power to his death in 1976 including the diverse details of Mao's personality, sexual proclivities, party politics and personal habits.

The book was well received in the United States, with numerous reviews stating that it is limited for being based solely on the recollections of one man, but still praising it for being corroborated by other sources and giving a detailed, fly on the wall perspective on Mao's personal life. The book was controversial and ultimately banned in the People's Republic of China, with other associates of Mao publishing Chinese language rebuttal The Private Life of Chairman Mao - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The book “The Private Life of Chairman Mao” written by Li Zhisui was published in 1994. Li Zhisui was Mao’s personal physician. In his book, he wrote about Mao’s sex life. According to the book, he claimed that Mao Zedong had sex with young girls around the age of 10-12. He had a personal preference towards virgins. So it appears that after Sun Yat-sen spent 33 years to overthrow the Emperor’s era, China had a leader who lived like an Emperor 30 years later. Mao had in fact, also contracted several STDs, one of them being trichomonas vaginalis, according to his physician. Nevertheless, he did not attempt to treat his STD despite being advised by his doctor. The doctor claims that “young women were proud to be infected”, “the illness transmitted by Mao, was a badge of honor, testimony to their close relationship with Mao”.

There were several justifications presented by pro communists regarding Mao’s inappropriate sex life:

1) Mao was saving those young girls from the great famine, by giving them a job as his sex slaves. The great famine was no doubt caused by Mao’s policies, which put grain provisions from the peasants under the government control. It was reported that over 10million – 25million were killed during the 1st 2 years of Mao’s rule.

2) Mao cannot be considered a pedophile. Defenders of Mao claims that a pedophile prays on children who haven’t reach puberty, whereas Mao had sex with girls who just reached puberty. (In actual fact, pedophilia refers to 0-13 years old, and erhebephilia is 13-18 years old. Mao is still a pedophile)

3) During Mao’s era in peasant China, girls of the age 10-12 is considered marriageable age. And hence, there is nothing such as statutory rape for having sex with 10-12 years old. There was no morality issue regarding having sex with girls of “marriageable age”.

4) Mao had consent of the girls’ parents. They were sold the idea that a great honor was being provided for them and their daughter. Perhaps financial or material inducements were also provided at need.

Most pedophiles are condemned, while one became a National Hero. | The Liberating Truth

Hey type in the name of ANY WORLD LEADER and the WORDS PEDOPHILE OR GAY

and you will find some book stating that it is true

Just because someone wrote a book or made a web page does NOT MEAN THAT IT IS TRUE


George H. George W. Bush’s Pedophile Rapes

George H. George W. Bush’s Pedophile Rapes

We don't know anything about Mao, there is no proof that he killed anyone.

At the end we can only judge a leader based on FACTS

During his 26 year reign Mao reunified China, eliminated rampant inflation, drug addiction, and massive organized crime. He increased the life expectancy from 40 to 60 years. He increased literacy from 20% to 70%. He caused an increase in industrial production of 10-13% everywhere except 1958-60. He brought as much sexual equality as a government can bring to some of the most oppressed women in the world. Mao pulled 20% of the world's population out of the middle ages and into modernity.

This is an UNDISPUTABLE fact, I can find plenty of books stating that each and every president was a pedophile a sacrificed children.

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