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Indian delegation explores defense ties with Saudi Arabia

Looks like our Pak friends are burning with the growing Indian clout in Asia....Like Mech Said.....stay the course.:lol:
Since India is an emerging Asian giant, it is only a matter of time that it gets attention from many countries.
The news is about India explores defense ties with Saudi Arabia! Its not about how it will impact pakistan....We all know Saudi's have good defense relations with pak...But India is just improving its own defense relation with Saudi's! Simple!

they are only exploring. Lets see what the future holds.
Err...Australia still HAS to sign all the agreements before procuring US hardware.

Err...The nuclear deal between India and the United States was signed without India signing and ratifying the NPT treaty so yeah it can happen.

My point is nobody raises objections over Australia unlike our case.Does Israel make us sign binding contracts? No.Yet the United States steps in and vetoes such requests which is a mindset we can gradually change provided their allies and friends see no wrong with the same.
Pakistanis say Indians "can't", Indians "wouldn't", Indians "couldn't" etc, because Pakistan is there...This is what they said about India's attempts to improve relations with Afghanistan until 2010; the United States until 2005; Tajiks; Uzbeks; UAE until 2009; Vietnam until a few months ago etc etc etc.....

You over-estimate your own importance. You place yourself on a pedestal and expect others to support you. You carry an international begging bowl and expect everyone to pour in their money, believing its your right to beg....

My advice?...Don't change anything. Stay the course... Apparently, this strategy seems to be working...well, at least for us anyway...
is India going to help KSA in a war? when its safety is at risk? Like Pakistan did when sadam was firist scud missiles at KSA?
we`ll wait and see what happens. The way you guys are talking about this, claiming pakistan has no one left, it will get isolated is pure bs. You guys are getting you hopes to high.
is India going to help KSA in a war? when its safety is at risk? Like Pakistan did when sadam was firist scud missiles at KSA?
we`ll wait and see what happens. The way you guys are talking about this, claiming pakistan has no one left, it will get isolated is pure bs. You guys are getting you hopes to high.

lol india helping saudi in war ? Joke
we would be sitting back and watch saudi's destruction

we just want to use saudi's for our interest

they have oil and we have cash...
They want cash and we want oil
If they serve our interest in countering pakistan we should use them
"I summon my blue-eyed slaves anytime it pleases me. I command the Americans to send me their bravest soldiers to die for me. Anytime I clap my hands a stupid genie called the American ambassador appears to do my bidding. When the Americans die in my service their bodies are frozen in metal boxes by the US Embassy and American airplanes carry them away, as if they never existed. Truly, America is my favorite slave."

Saudi King Fahd 1993
First of all Indo-Saudi security/defence co-operation is not a zero sum game and has nothing to do with any Pakistan specfic measures.

What is clear is that in any India-Pakistan problems, Saudi Arabia will not interfere and would support the status quo. The Kargil war is an example where the Saudis came down on Nawaz Sharif to withdraw unilaterally back to the LoC in a way supporting the Indian position.

The main areas is around Naval co-operation and joint naval exercises particularly in the piracy infested region of the Gulf of Aden. This sea lane of importance to India and co-operating with Saudi Arabia in policing this region is only natural. There is also co-operation on Yemen and Somalia with the Indian army building and training COIN officers on mountain warfare.
Maybe in the future if both the Saudis and Indians end up with the Eurofighter as its backbone fleet for its air force, we might see more co-operation in this area.

Politically the Saudis understand that slowly we are moving towards a tripolar world where China and India are the two emerging poles. And hence you see the Saudis themselves wooing India with the aim of establishing positions on Iran and Afghanistan as well as wider Middle East and Arab Spring issues.

---------- Post added at 05:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:49 PM ----------

is India going to help KSA in a war? when its safety is at risk? Like Pakistan did when sadam was firist scud missiles at KSA?
we`ll wait and see what happens. The way you guys are talking about this, claiming pakistan has no one left, it will get isolated is pure bs. You guys are getting you hopes to high.

Did Pakistan help Saudis in the Iraq war, or was it the US and western led armies? If you look at the war statistics on whohad how many troops and who flew how many sorties you will get your answer and realise the truth.
Lool @ all the Pakistani members on this thread...

First we stole US as a Pakistani ally, then Afghanistan, then Iran. we have really good relations with Iran, then China, Chinese premier talking about 'enough room' for both China and India and SAUDI ARABIA too? looooool :O Aggressive Indian foreign policy is definitely a success. haha :D We're stealing all of their freinds. :D

btw @ topic
It's NOT a zero-sum game! Saudi can have good relations with both India and Pakistan. It's not 'EITHER OR' situation. What's the big deal
Lool @ all the Pakistani members on this thread...

First we stole US as a Pakistani ally, then Afghanistan, then Iran. we have really good relations with Iran, then China, Chinese premier talking about 'enough room' for both China and India and SAUDI ARABIA too? looooool :O Aggressive Indian foreign policy is definitely a success. haha :D We're stealing all of their freinds. :D

btw @ topic
It's NOT a zero-sum game! Saudi can have good relations with both India and Pakistan. It's not 'EITHER OR' situation. What's the big deal

having wet dreams? if so, i wont interrupt
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