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Indian Defense Analyst Reporting 40-50 PLA Tanks in a Battle Formation supported by Infantry Nearly Crossed the LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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According to an Indian Defense Analyst, Danvir Singh( Associate Editor of Indian Defense Review) PLA Armour and infantry came dangerously close to the Indian Army positions that could have led to a major confrontation.


According to some Indians" Chinese followed the same pattern in 1962. They made several such fake moves to convince the Indian Army that they will not attack before the actual attack. Indian army should not tolerate such demonstrations and actually open fire at them every time they do such drama".Another one posted" Both Armies are testing each other’s patience & waiting who would ignite the fire 1st, that would give the opponent justification to go all out, provocations are likely to increase as winter sets in".
GOOD JOB PLA KEEP IT UP.:pakistan: :china:
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According to the Indian Defense Analyst, Danvir Singh( Associate Editor of Indian Defense Review) PLA Armour came dangerously close to the Indian Army positions that could have led to a major confrontation.

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According to some Indians" Chinese followed the same pattern in 1962. They made several such fake moves to convince the Indian Army that they will not attack before the actual attack. Indian army should not tolerate such demonstrations and actually open fire at them every time they do such drama".Another one posted" Both Armies are testing each other’s patience & waiting who would ignite the fire 1st, that would give the opponent justification to go all out, provocations are likely to increase as winter sets in".
GOOD JOB PLA KEEP IT UP.:pakistan: :china:
What if our troops opened fire?
Then all of North India, including Delhi, will be lost :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: ?

This is like asking what happens if some malnourished/stunted Indian strikes some 200 centimeter tall, 120 kg bodybuilder :D.
I understand the only place in Laddakh where tanks can be used is Despang plains. 40 to 50 PLA tanks to come within 50 meters of LAC is literally telling the Indians that their DBO airfield can be easily trampled as and when necessary.
It will definitely happen my friend, just wait and enjoy.:pop:

If you are so dependant on China to save your own country , your nation has ALREADY lost the war :yahoo: :yahoo:

Past 4 months, you have been so desperate for a CHina India war , I feel that you are insulting pakistan's army more than anything really !

Carry on, the world is watching you and laughing at the desperation of you poor fellows !
the world is watching you and laughing at the desperation of you poor fellows
The world is watching the might of Indian army the so-called superpower that cant even budge a single solder of china from Ladakh, so much for challenging US economically that 30% of india economy is contracted. LOL even Nepal is Bitch slapping india. LOL
The world is watching the might of Indian army the so-called superpower that cant even budge a single solder of china from Ladakh, so much for challenging US economically that 30% of india economy is contracted. LOL even Nepal is Bitch slapping india. LOL

I can sense the fall of confidence in the Pakistani military in the eyes of the common man in Pakistan !

You are now hoping that Nepal will save you from war with India ? Let alone China ?

Even the other day , there was such a hilarious comment made by the IAF chief about CHina using the Skardu airbase, you must google it.

Anyway , keep praying to your new saviours in Beijing ! Maybe they will have pity on you.

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