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Indian Defense Analyst Reporting 40-50 PLA Tanks in a Battle Formation supported by Infantry Nearly Crossed the LAC

I can sense the fall of confidence in the Pakistani military in the eyes of the common man in Pakistan !

You are now hoping that Nepal will save you from war with India ? Let alone China ?

Even the other day , there was such a hilarious comment made by the IAF chief about CHina using the Skardu airbase, you must google it.

Anyway , keep praying to your new saviours in Beijing ! Maybe they will have pity on you.

After kulbhushan, kicking Indian submarine off its waters, bombing 6 indian locations, two jets and one tea drinker, Pakistan trust Allah and after Him its soldiers twice. Don't blame your media for having stupid assumptions.
I can sense the fall of confidence in the Pakistani military in the eyes of the common man in Pakistan !

You are now hoping that Nepal will save you from war with India ? Let alone China ?

Even the other day , there was such a hilarious comment made by the IAF chief about CHina using the Skardu airbase, you must google it.

Anyway , keep praying to your new saviours in Beijing ! Maybe they will have pity on you.
fall in confidence, what shit you smoking NRI ??

seems like u have severe comprehensions issues when i clearly mentioned that you guys are not even worth a bit that countries like nepal and bhutan are bitch slapping you, this is ur aukaat. so much for super power.

hell even your ashamed to sport your indian flags thats how ashamed you are of your roots, lol
I think this war is inevitable. Both pakistan and China will fight a war against India. India needs someone right now. It's like you need someone to release your frustration. They think that they can punish pakistan. Basically they want common people to think about pakistan and not about china. Ladakh for India is now like a new loc. Presence of Chinese military in ladakh put India under extreme pressure.
Quad is a joke. Australia, Japan,they will never send military or navy to help India. Americans can only provide naval support. India is alone but India don't want to see reality. India can still save herself. They must change their mind towards abrogation decision and should reverse their decision otherwise there is no hope for India.
I can sense the fall of confidence in the Pakistani military in the eyes of the common man in Pakistan !

You are now hoping that Nepal will save you from war with India ? Let alone China ?

Even the other day , there was such a hilarious comment made by the IAF chief about CHina using the Skardu airbase, you must google it.

Anyway , keep praying to your new saviours in Beijing ! Maybe they will have pity on you.
Your entire statement is good for domestic audience but sir wake up! You are facing two enemies at the same time and both shares border with you. Be realistic! Quad will not save you. American Navy might save you but what will you do when you face Chinese army? You have no idea about ground situation. Defaming Pak army and chest thumping is common in India but all this will not solve your problems. You are in deep trouble. Americans will never send airforce or army to help India. Russia will remain neutral. Who will save you? You are already fighting covid 19 inside India and situation looks very bad. Bad infrastructure near border, lack of new weapons, technology. You should be realistic and you should care about your country.
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If you are so dependant on China to save your own country , your nation has ALREADY lost the war :yahoo: :yahoo:

Past 4 months, you have been so desperate for a CHina India war , I feel that you are insulting pakistan's army more than anything really !

Carry on, the world is watching you and laughing at the desperation of you poor fellows !
Another shameless indian hiding behind US flag while throw insult at others. Basically, u are insulting india becos u think its crapped and not capable to match others in display. That is why an all america flag is needed to boast your 56inch chest.
Is this a real event, or another myth created by Indians?
As my understanding, there is no territory at Sino-India border is suitable for tank war and we haven't seen any information that Chinese tank units are deployed there. Where did these tanks come from?
He is known to make up stories. So i seriously doubt this 1 will true also. The whole story is so ludicrous can't believe you guys are even discussing it.
If you are so dependant on China to save your own country , your nation has ALREADY lost the war :yahoo: :yahoo:

Past 4 months, you have been so desperate for a CHina India war , I feel that you are insulting pakistan's army more than anything really !

Carry on, the world is watching you and laughing at the desperation of you poor fellows !
Now an Indian telling us if we are insulting our own Army."World is watching you" 😆
Desperation is in your post poor fellow.
Are you Indians habitually that shameless?
Ladakh witnesses heavy deployment of tanks; Army modifies transporters for better high-altitude performance

Amid the ongoing stand-off with China, Ladhak has been witnessing a heavy deployment of tanks and armoured vehicles.

The Army is modifying tank transporters to improve its performance at high altitude. The Army is procuring high altitude kits to improve the engine performance of the Tatra 8x8 tractor manufactured by BHEL, that hauls the tank transporter trailer.

"While the kits would be procured commercially, these would be retrofitted by local field workshops of the Corps of Electronics and Mechanical Engineers," said sources.

"The Army has already been employing high altitude performance-enhancing kits on various types of vehicles. Since the numbers have now increased, additional numbers are required to maintain operational efficiency," said an officer.

In the summers, a substantial number of armoured vehicles, including T-90 tanks and BMP mechanized infantry combat vehicles are airlifted to eastern Ladakh to beef-up capability against the Chinese. This also requires additional support elements to be brought in.

In May, the Army had initiated a process for acquiring 36 new 8x8 tractors, that could haul loads up to 70 tonnes.

Also, a move is underway to procure light tanks in 20-25 tonnes category—similar to those being used by China—that could be deployed in high altitude areas.

These would be roughly half the weight of the 45-tonne T-90.

The Army had three regiments of T-72 in Ladakh which were deployed earlier over a period of time.

As the stand-off erupted, additional mechanized units from the western and central sectors were rushed up. Though the terrain in Ladakh is highly rugged, there are a few flatter areas like Depsang, Chushul and Demchok where armoured elements can be deployed.

China too has deployed mechanised forces in the area.

While some light vehicles are operating at heights of around 20,000 feet, tank transporters in the region are generally employed at altitudes up to 15,000 feet.

Steep inclines, low temperatures and rarified air at that height affect engine performance.

“In such environmental conditions problems such as loss of power and poor thermal efficiency in all types of vehicles crop up. Given the huge mass and large dimensions of a tractor-trailer and the limited manoeuvring area available, high engine performance becomes imperative,” an engineer said. Fuel combustion and consumption is another issue with conventional engines.

In fact, last year a paper on ‘Impact of High-Altitude on Truck’s Climbing Speed: A case study in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Area in China,’ in the Journal of Advanced Transportation, a Canada-based peer-reviewed international publication said that within the altitude range of 10,000—16,000 feet, the altitude had an obvious influence on the truck’s decelerating and accelerating performance.

The truck’s speed decreased faster on steep grades and increased slower on gentle grades with the increase of the altitude.

Pointing out, that the stable speed that the truck could maintain on a certain grade was lower at a higher altitude, the paper added that compared with the theoretical crawl speed, a negative effect of altitude change was found on the truck’s climbing performance.

PLA armor and artillery positions seen in imagery near Daulat Beg Oldie ( DBO ) in Eastern Ladakh. This buildup is on the Chinese side of the LAC.

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