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Indian claim of largest democracy has failed to deliver : AJK President/PM


Sep 12, 2008
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Indian claim of largest democracy has failed to deliver : AJK President/PM

MUZAFFARABAD,Jan 25 (APP) : President of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Raja Zulqarnan Khan and Prime Minister Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan have said that Indian claim of largest democracy of the world has failed to deliver and its image has been by its hegemonic policies. They said this in their messages broadcasting on all three‑radio stations of Azad Kashmir on the occasion of Indian republic day on 26th January while the Kashmiri people observe this day as black day every year due to continuous Indian denial from giving Kashmiri people their birth right, right of self‑determination as it was promised by India 61 years ago.

AJK President Raja Zulqarnan said that Indian 800,000 Armed Forces could not deter Kashmiri people from their demand of right to self‑determination despite of using all kinds of brutal force.

He said India should now that it could not suppress the wishes of the Kashmiri people by force saying that Indian rulers must stop more human violations in Occupied Kashmir.

Some 90,000 Kashmiri men,women and children have een martyred by Indian Armed forces which is worst human violations of the history, he added.

He called upon the Indian leadership to give up its hegemonic policy and move forward to settle down the Kashmir issue in accordance with the UN resolutions and the wishes of the Kashmiri people so that lasting peace in the region could be made possible.

AJK Prime Minister Sardar Muhammad Yaqoob Khan said that India could not suppress the will of the Kashmiri people as it is using the brutal acts for last more than 20 years.

Kashmiri people remained firm for their birth right and the Indian ruthless massacre of Kashmiri people could not get rid over Kashmiri people, he added.

He called upon the UN and international human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Asia Watch to take stock of gross human rights violations in Indian Held Kashmir by Indian occupational troops and asked to put pressure on India to stop massacre of Kashmiri people which he said is stigma on Indian democracy.

Associated Press Of Pakistan ( Pakistan's Premier NEWS Agency )
Kashmiri people observe this day as black day every year due to continuous Indian denial from giving Kashmiri people their birth right, right of self‑determination as it was promised by India 61 years ago.

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
How naive he is to believe that Pak will let them have right of self‑determination.Pak is just using them as fiyadeen by brain washing them and making them do sucides by paying paltry sum of around 1 lakh pak ruppes.Pak wont let them live freely and happily forget about self-determination.They should understand that with each passing day taliban is pushing deep into PAK and the people of PAK-OCCUPIED-KASHMIR should start protests now if they dont wanna be ruled by taliban.
P.O.K prime ministers keep saying same lines from past decades they need to get more thought in their campaign one thing have to say tht they dropped from 7 lakh armed forces to 80,000 maybe they will little open more about the numbers of friends they send to our side of border.
Indians are such haters. People of Azad Kashmir never protest against Pakistan because Pakistanis dont harm them, they cant be compared to the way Kashmiris are treated on the other side of LOC.

As for the people of Azad Kashmir, they have every right to speak up against what's happening to their fellow Kashmiris on the other side of LOC, they are the same people.
Really now. A Pakistani saying that India only 'claims' to be a democracy and it has failed to deliver.

I hope the irony is not lost on people here!

I don't see pakistan improving. Pakistan might face worst times in next 5 years econiomically or politically if their attitude is not positive.
Really now. A Pakistani saying that India only 'claims' to be a democracy and it has failed to deliver.

I hope the irony is not lost on people here!

Yes indeed, your country has claimed to be "the biggest" democracy on the planet, which is a false claim.
It's not even near democracy, rather corrupt.
I don't see pakistan improving. Pakistan might face worst times in next 5 years econiomically or politically if their attitude is not positive.

I don't see India improving that much either.
Oh wait!! I'm sorry, I forgot, you guys are worlds Incredible India. ;)
Pakistans political attitude is passive and resilient.
India's political attitude....well, you can see where Mr. Sing has ended because of his attitude, and you can see who took over for a while. :enjoy:
Yes indeed, your country has claimed to be "the biggest" democracy on the planet, which is a false claim.
It's not even near democracy, rather corrupt.

Fake like ? Kashmir? Ask the kashmiris who voted themselved to elect their leader. No one went chasing them at home to vote. What else is fake?
I don't see India improving that much either.
Oh wait!! I'm sorry, I forgot, you guys are worlds Incredible India. ;)
Pakistans political attitude is passive and resilient.
India's political attitude....well, you can see where Mr. Sing has ended because of his attitude, and you can see who took over for a while. :enjoy:

Sure dude. Lets wait another 5 years and see where india is and where Pak is. we don't even want to talk about this nonsense but you provoke.
I really feel sorry for all Indians, they are really brain-washed, it's a pitty that they cannot have a neutral opinion. :rolleyes:
I think speeches such as this are the normal rhetorical stuff dished out by politicians from both sides on such occasions. So naturally any thread which wishes to discuss such stuff is nothing but an invitation to an Pak-India acid throwing match!

Really now. A Pakistani saying that India only 'claims' to be a democracy and it has failed to deliver.

I hope the irony is not lost on people here!

Sir, the greater irony is that Pakistanis settled in third countries are judging the efficacy of the indian democracy :rofl:. If they were so proud of their country, why did they leave their home country for studies/jobs elsewhere?! This goes for bleeding-heart patriotic bloggers from both countries.

well, you can see where Mr. Sing has ended because of his attitude,

Are you suggesting that Mr.Singh's heart condition is because of his attitude towards Pakistan?:rofl: Boy, I hope you are not a doctor.
I really feel sorry for all Indians, they are really brain-washed, it's a pitty that they cannot have a neutral opinion. :rolleyes:

Sorry buddy, but a neutral opinion really does not apply here.

Indian democracy has flaws, its not perfect, but its there, and it functions, and it has been ingrained in the minds of every citizen of this country and thats what counts.

Tomorrow even if the Army Chief wants to, or puts his whole might behind it, he cannot overthrow the govt in a coupe.

The people of this country change the govt when they are dissatisfied and retain them when they are happy with the performance. This has been proven over and over and over again for the last 60+ years now. Neither me nor others need to even justify or prove that the Indian democracy works.
Some known kashmiri friends of mine flew back to kashmir from foreign land to vote during kashmirs election. He says none of his pakistani friends even talked about voting when they had an election. He says after the election they kept blaming the leaders being elected. Why didn't they vote to elect the right one?

He says none of his pakistani friends in foreign land even dreams about going back and settling in pakistan. But most our indian friends have come back home or dreams of coming back. I am sure our home is always our dream and that cant be anymore if our democracy had failed.
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