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Indian chopper forced to land in Olding, Pakistan, after violating airspace

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In fighting in the thread will not help anybody. The fact of the matter is :
1. India could not have gained anything by sending the old unarmed Cheeta helicopter in Pakistan territory.
2. Pakistan also could not have gained anything, had it attacked and destroyed the un-armed intruder.

So when you say that the gesture is stupid and worthless, I disagree. Pakistan only gained the most by showing this gesture.

I say it useless because whatever goodwill was built would soon be diminished. The hatred between the two countries is more strong and reasonable than such gestures of love and friendship. That's why I called it useless. As far as it isn't of any harm to Pakistan, it is OK for now.
welcome back Rafibhai we need you on this forum

Thank you brother, the welcome has been over whelming - glad to be back with all my Pakistani brothers and sisters. :pakistan:

---------- Post added at 11:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 PM ----------

I am speaking in English and you are replying in Spanish?

After interrogation - and examination of the aircraft by Army and Air Force experts - story of the indian crew was confirmed, (it was carrying spare parts, for another indian aircraft) - it was refueled and sent back on it's way, it was escorted out of Pakistani airspace by Air Force fighters to the LOC.

Also can confirm that PAF was scrambled - when the Heli was picked up on the Radar network, heli was instructed to land, or otherwise be shot down. AWAC's were reportedly also involved.


More information - helicopter was being tracked from deep within IOK airspace, when it reached within a few kilometers of LOC, AWACS controllers on board - scrambled F7 fighters from - airbase (will not name it on an open forum) - heli was told to land at nearest air force base, a welcoming party was on the ground, apparently the occupants were terrified - (maybe because of their own sides propaganda) - Officers on ground took them into custody, weapons were in the hands of the soldiers but were not pointed at the prisoners.

They were then thoroughly de-briefed, while Army and Air Force officials examined the Heli with a fine tooth comb. After story was verified, situation was resolved.

Posted on Pakdef.info by me :)
Its been two days now..........I think its high time to close the thread........mods????
why are we fighting over a incident that is delt with in a very professional manner by both the armed forces of India and Pakistan.
Due to bad weather and visibility our chopper entered Pakistani territory and landed in a Pakistani helipad. The neighbours(once brothers of the same mother land) showed us compasion after following normal protocols to make sure that the Indian chopper was not on a reconisence mission. Filled the tanks and escorted our pilots to our border.

So all is well and this incident should be taken as a wonder stage to increase co-operation considering the strategic interest of welfare of both the nations
A N, why don't you use the tricolor -
Crap propoganda with no source to prove me wrong. The PA captured the Helicopter not PAF. The scramble was 45 minutes after the Helo landed. A big egg on the face of the PAF if it was an actual intrusion. It obvious you have no clue but blind devotion for the PAF.

And what magical source you have that has validated the utter rubbish that you have come up with ? Making your other end confirm what comes out of your mouth does not substantiate your claim , you indians need to learn this

Your heli was forced to land , the crew was made to dis-embark , checked for ticks and fleas and was dispatched backed with a kick in the rear , the crew put up their hands and compiled with all that they were told to do so.
And what magical source you have that has validated the utter rubbish that you have come up with ? Making your other end confirm what comes out of your mouth does not substantiate your claim , you indians need to learn this

Your heli was forced to land , the crew was made to dis-embark , checked for ticks and fleas and was dispatched backed with a kick in the rear , the crew put up their hands and compiled with all that they were told to do so.

Sure in Ireland you were being beamed live stream from the Fighters cockpit on the interception? PA seized the Helo and returned it which is Kudos to them. PAF had nothing to do with this operation. Credit goes to the soldiers who did not shoot first and ask questions later. Stop trying to defend the PAF and create facts.
can't back up your story that PAF intercepted the helo? Again i pity you.

You are free to believe whatever you want indian, that is your prerogative - the people on this forum are also free to decide.
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