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Indian Carrier Delayed again, will be at least three years late.

Another thread about another IndiaN project delay!!!!!!! Maybe we should have a permanent thread on Indian project delays. We can call the thread Indian indigenous weapons programs.
ON another thread a few indians were boasting about some imaginary AC advantage over other asian navies?
as basturd children of ccp always do

you flog a several months old news again and again , when you ran out of topics to troll
and other illiterate pakichinis come and troll without even reading the date

let me just repost that thread about chinese debt being 136% of GDPand on its way to beat american debt
Another thread about another IndiaN project delay!!!!!!! Maybe we should have a permanent thread on Indian project delays. We can call the thread Indian indigenous weapons programs.

It's taking UK almost as much to build their Queen Elizabeth-class ACCs,
that, with decades of expierience in carrier building. And here you are, talking
about delay in Indian ACC, and acting as if this was unexpected.

I think you should also look at Chinese projects delays too, don't discriminate
Indian weapons whenever possible. China's WZ-10 combat helo was initiated
in 1990 and flew in 2003, and came into service in 2010, a full 20 years in
development, and still nobody knows how many are in service or to what extent
the chopper was successful.

In contrast, the Indian LCH project was initated in late 2006 and took to the
skies in mid-2010, in less than 4 years, and is gearing for induction in 2014,
thats a total 8 years.

You're farts only help to give Taiwanese a bad name in the minds of 1.21 billion
people, and that won't be good for you, neither for your puny nation.
By this logic no one should ever try anything new for fear of failure. If we stuck to this mantra we'd still be living in caves FFS!! Grow up men.*

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