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Indian Called Parasite Invader in Poland !

first the Mexican women, than the sikh guy, now this

cant catch a break...
Another silly racist dude. More of these videos may actually have the effect of building a soft corner for Indians in the west. The woke land of reddit seems to mostly have all praise for the Indian guy. :D
What US racist did was indeed silly. Poland is not the USA or Germany, there is no place for racism in Poland.
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How do Indians even reach USA? :S
Many are taking the Mexican route. Plus many in America are realizing many Indians who take the visa route are no better than refugees on boats or illegal migrants from south.

This will server as an eye opener for Indians who think they are special and welcome everywhere.
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If I was polish I'd think the same,fact is they are everywhere ,all they think is to migrate and attach themselves in a parasitic manner to what other societies has created.
Western media like to prop up and lipservice India as a hedge against China, in real life they treat it as fat ugly women..
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