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Indian Called Parasite Invader in Poland !

WoW! Not a single indian has condemned this guy just because the perp is white.Instead they are lashing out against Pakistanis and Bangalis who have nothing to do with this incident. bharti's truly are slaves or in other words "Aik number kay G*ndu hain"
Have some shame stand up for yourselves.

If I was polish I'd think the same,fact is they are everywhere ,all they think is to migrate and attach themselves in a parasitic manner to what other societies has created.
Western media like to prop up and lipservice India as a hedge against China, in real life they treat it as fat ugly women..
Another silly racist dude. More of these videos may actually have the effect of building a soft corner for Indians in the west. The woke land of reddit seems to mostly have all praise for the Indian guy. :D
Most bizarre weird part is this neo-nazi guy used to a rapper WTF? a real ghetto neo nazi from the hood?


His neo-nazi pals probably consider him to "wigger"

Seems he is confused on identity and no surprises seems to draw admiration of those from subcontinent who too are confused of their identity believing to be descendants of Arabs, Turks, Greeks etc :D

Funniest of all is this moron proudly gloats of being a Neo-nazi in Poland of all places.

Probably lacks knowledge of local history

Polish culture during World War II

Germany's policy toward the Polish nation and its culture evolved during the course of the war. Many German officials and military officers were initially not given any clear guidelines on the treatment of Polish cultural institutions, but this quickly changed.[7] Immediately following the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the Nazi German government implemented the first stages (the "small plan") of Generalplan Ost.[8] The basic policy was outlined by the Berlin Office of Racial Policy in a document titled Concerning the Treatment of the Inhabitants of the Former Polish Territories, from a Racial-Political Standpoint.[9] Slavic people living east of the pre-war German border were to be Germanized, enslaved or eradicated,[9] depending on whether they lived in the territories directly annexed into the German state or in the General Government.[7]
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What US racist did was indeed silly. Poland is not the USA or Germany, there is no place for racism in Poland.

LoL Poland is racist as f. My cousin who is half Ukrainian worked in Poland and said these poles would come and pick fights with them at their workers quarters. They also view Ukrainians like how Americans view Mexicans.. :lol:
Our national identity becoming the veil of those hated, down trodden and abused

Never thought Indian nationality would help a foreign community this much in times of need
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This has a lot of GTA vibes. The parts where you are exhausted and are randomly walking around
Also economic background

Lower and backward income groups communities tend to be this way in USA
View attachment 875721

What does that have to with the fact that you dotheads get bullied and abused all over the world.

Just like your media says, It’s Pakistan’s fault, right? :lol:
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Most of Eastern Europe is very racist, because that was the easiest way for the U.S. to find supporters against the Soviets.

Now it's the easiest way for the U.S. to find supporters against the Russians.

Tolerance is basically seen as "Communist" in eastern europe and therefore is essentially banned.

That's why Eastern Europe is where the neo-nazi americans love to go to.

It's the same way in Russia, as the U.S. was able to topple the soviets from within with the ethnic democratic populists like Yeltsin, which got most of his support from racists who saw the other federal republics are leeches.
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